Got a Bolvar (paladin's my first complete class now, go figure lol) and two Recombobulators out of a couple packs today. They're pretty useful for dealing with nearly dead or silenced minions, yeah?
Rounding out the collection. Got some dust to blow now.
Decided to use this - thanks for the spreadsheet tool!
I think this has helped me decide to focus on GVG packs.
Got a Bolvar (paladin's my first complete class now, go figure lol) and two Recombobulators out of a couple packs today. They're pretty useful for dealing with nearly dead or silenced minions, yeah?
Rounding out the collection. Got some dust to blow now.
Recombobulator is used in some priest decks, mostly because of shadow madness and Cabal Shadow Priest.
Recom is gaining popularity in ramp druid as well. When you're 5 5 is almost dead, creating a full health 7 drop can be very strong against aggro.
I've seen Handlocks use them since Giants are the only cards that have their cost, so it's guaranteed. They could also be used if you like to use Bomblobbers or Healbots since they're 3/3 and close to any five cost card is going to be better than them. At least twice now I've Recombobulated into Leeroy and that's always good for a laugh.
When it comes to the big neutral 'must-have' legendaries, these are my remaining ones to craft. Which do you guys think should be prioritized?
Harrison Jones
The Black Knight
Sneed's Old Shredder (kind of want to bite here anyway since it's fun)
Fuck mill druid. Annoying as shit to play against, even if you win.
When it comes to the big neutral 'must-have' legendaries, these are my remaining ones to craft. Which do you guys think should be prioritized?
Harrison Jones
The Black Knight
Sneed's Old Shredder (kind of want to bite here anyway since it's fun)
Already have Dr. Boom, Sylvanas, Rag, Troggdor, and Cairne.
I run one in my Handlock deck and it always gets value as healing or upgrading.That's brilliant
First match in arena going against paladin. Double shielded mini bot open into kings. Face rushing and taunts.
That minion is so fucking annoying.
I would go with Black Knight. Harrison is a dead card in a lot of match ups, but the enemy almost always has some taunt, so he is a very safe inclusion in a deck.
I run one in my Handlock deck and it always gets value as healing or upgrading.
Molten => Molten
Mountain => Mountain or Clockwork
In a recent match I used it on a Heal Bot and got the 6/6 Stealthed Rogue ogre who ended up doing some good work.
He's also great in arena, especially with Force Tank since it and Ironbark are the only non-legendary 8 drops.
It maintains the same rarity? Or could a 7 common be recombob'd into Dr. Balance for example?
It maintains the same rarity? Or could a 7 common be recombob'd into Dr. Balance for example?
It maintains the same rarity? Or could a 7 common be recombob'd into Dr. Balance for example?
It becomes any card of the same mana value, which is why it's so useful for priests who can steal things with shadow madness or cabal. Recombobulating a stolen healbot into a sludge belcher or earth elemental is pretty fun. I wouldn't recommend it outside of priest or handlock, though, since it's not much use if you're behind so it ends up being a win-more card. I don't think even a lot of priests run it nowadays even though it has the potential for extreme value
I just started playing and don't even have a legendary yet.
The feeling right now is that playing priest is the only way to level the field. :X
I just started playing and don't even have a legendary yet.
The feeling right now is that playing priest is the only way to level the field. :X
I just started playing and don't even have a legendary yet.
The feeling right now is that playing priest is the only way to level the field. :X
Thanks for the tips. Priest feels kind of boring to play and I usually favor playing control on TCGs.
I love playing control the problem is control decks are the most expensive...maybe you could take a look at freeze mage lists. They dont use almost legendaries (bloodmage thalnos is easily replaceable and alexstrasza is not even mandatory), and only a few epics (ice block and pyroblast).
Also I recommend you picking naxxramas. Its good value lots of good cards and even when you can buy it for gold, I recommend you using money and expending that gold on packs, you will get more cards that way.
I buy naxxramas with money and then I get gold by doing it? Sounds good, yeah.
I would go with Black Knight. Harrison is a dead card in a lot of match ups, but the enemy almost always has some taunt, so he is a very safe inclusion in a deck.
I don't know how viable 5x Argent Protector is, and I'm not sure I care.
I have been running aggro mech priest. Works really well. Velens chosen is great for buffing micro machine or annoy-o tron. Adding 2 health and drawing a card for one mana can put your mechwarper out of harms way. Also upgraded repair bot is great too.
All of that along with the standard priest goodies makes this deck great.
I've been wanting to try this. There are so many good priest cards that aren't mechs, which do you drop to fit in your mechs?I have been running aggro mech priest. Works really well. Velens chosen is great for buffing micro machine or annoy-o tron. Adding 2 health and drawing a card for one mana can put your mechwarper out of harms way. Also upgraded repair bot is great too.
All of that along with the standard priest goodies makes this deck great.
I would go with Black Knight. Harrison is a dead card in a lot of match ups, but the enemy almost always has some taunt, so he is a very safe inclusion in a deck.
haha yeah it's bugged right now.Holy fucking shit!
Do not attack with a succubus while you have a soulpriest up... inifinite -1 to the death.