I think the interesting part about fel reaver is that it really does make card draw valuable since you're gonna run out of cards faster than you can fill your hand anyway. At the same time it means your aggression is lowered because you're drawing cards. But with the right deck I can see this working out despite being kinda counter intuitive and a bit wonky at times.
I saw a druid running fel reaver play kibler though, and he had set it up so his wailing soul silenced the reaver and his ogre the same turn. Pretty neat.
I'd love to be able to show games of it, it's pretty interesting how people (don't) deal with it and just try to burn you by making un-optimal plays. Haven't run into someone freezing it yet though, that could be the hard counter, no silence in the deck.
If anyone's on my friendlist on EU, I can ping you when I continue with it tomorrow. worakl#2366 for you others.