Yeah it was mentioned in the last tourney that it should have been posted in Gaming side. The one worry I have is that it may be too hard to manage the tourney if there are too many participants (like 3 times the number of the last one). I feel that the last tourney already went too long / had too much waiting in between matches.
I'll agree that it definitely went on longer than it should have. Part of that was my fault, a few of the later rounds took longer than the rules allowed, once the first round was over I really didn't want to punish anyone for playing late games, but in hindsight probably should have been more strict. Since there's a maximum time frame that each round should be completed I can post the dates that each bracket should be completed and then just hold people to it, it gets complicated with the looser bracket though, perhaps it might be worth loosing the double elimination format and doing a single elimination best of 5 instead of best of 3, you might only get to play one round but the tournament is over quicker and the next one can be scheduled earlier...personally I don't really care for double elimination, I was just following the format of the previous GAF tournies. We also looked at the round robin format as then you can just go ahead and play games as your opponents are ready and that's still something that might be worth trying out.