Next up Slyvanas.Thanks for the advice guys.Boom has already saved my ass a few times. Deceptively powerful card, I never would've guessed!
Next up Slyvanas.Thanks for the advice guys.Boom has already saved my ass a few times. Deceptively powerful card, I never would've guessed!
I just realized that i don't know how to build decks. My most expensive deck thus far is getting shat on while I get my wins using the default starter deck. I guess I'll just try to get all heroes to 10 with default decks.
Next up Slyvanas.![]()
It'll probably take me a year to build up enough Gold Dust for another Legendary... Lol. Either that or drop a shitload of money, which I'm not gonna do.Next up Slyvanas.![]()
It'll probably take me a year to build up enough Gold Dust for another Legendary... Lol. Either that or drop a shitload of money, which I'm not gonna do.. Of course I could get lucky with earned decks, but it's pretty fucking unlikely.
Credits Button in Options sub-menu.
Edit: I found a bug while checking that. When you load the game and your quest appears, you can open the menu and click on options, credits. The credits begin to play, but the screen is blurred out from the quest pop-up. Even after you exit the credits, click on display options, menu, or enter a game mode, the game window remains blurred.
Edit: Simpler steps:
1. Open client.
2. Click on the menu cog as soon as you see it (or at least before quest pops-up).
3. Wait for quest pop-up and the blurred background to appear.
4. Now click on credits.
5. The credits will start, but the screen remains blurry.
6. You have to close the client and reopen it to fix this.
Credits Button in Options sub-menu.
Edit: I found a bug while checking that. When you load the game and your quest appears, you can open the menu and click on options, credits. The credits begin to play, but the screen is blurred out from the quest pop-up. Even after you exit the credits, click on display options, menu, or enter a game mode, the game window remains blurred.
Edit: Simpler steps:
1. Open client.
2. Click on the menu cog as soon as you see it (or at least before quest pops-up).
3. Wait for quest pop-up and the blurred background to appear.
4. Now click on credits.
5. The credits will start, but the screen remains blurry.
6. You have to close the client and reopen it to fix this.
Holy shit. That's one of the bugs I wrote up for my interview packet before I got my job there. Can't believe it popped up again! I was sure it was dead. : D
I wonder if a priest uses mind vision while a rogue has gallywix up, if he can steal the mind vision gallywix gives because I believe the card is given before the spell takes effect. Its been a while since I used gallywix so I don't remember. This way you could infinitely mind vision, coin, mind vision, coin, mind vision... hahah.
I would honestly physically hurt anyone who would stand next to me and admit to be playing as mech mage. I would start off by biting off their genitals.
I am honestly so, so tired of the current meta. People say Hearthstone is going towards slow play? Holy shit, how much money have Blizzard given you in order to spew such nonsense?
To me, Troggzor is a shitty Loatheb wannabe. It doesn't even make sense that it costs 7 mana. I got one as well from a pack and just looking at him makes me sad.Does anyone understand Troggzor and how he is supposed to be used?
To me, Troggzor is a shitty Loatheb wannabe. It doesn't even make sense that it costs 7 mana. I got one as well from a pack and just looking at him makes me sad.
It's one of those legendaries that I don't want to dust but I will never play, because in the end the card is complete garbage.
All of the trogg cards seem to be designed around preventing your opponent from casting spells entirely instead of benefitting from when your opponent does cast spells, so I'd guess Troggzor also was designed with that in mind.
This weekend is my first time using the card, so I've never read into the pros/cons of using him. I remember him having some hype before GvG release, but haven't seen much since.All this Troggzor hate is bizarre to me, since it seemed like everyone was singing the card's praises just a few weeks ago, and claiming that it'll be THE legendary to craft once the good Doctor is rebalanced.
Did the current meta change the thinking?
I always thought the card was kinda eh, but due to this thread's hype for it I was excited when I opened it in a pack two weeks back. Used it with some success since then, but yeah, it's no staple.
Torn now between having some fun with my 4k dust (making more fun legendaries like Sneed's), crafting some core cards I'm missing (a second Preparation, Druid epics, Grommash), or saving it for whatever awesome cards debut in spring/summer.
Although, if that wave of cards comes via a Naxxramas-style expansion, they may just be obtainable via unlock-play like Naxx. Dust won't be needed there.
This is another reason I think mech mage is good. It's a pretty cheap deck to craft and does well even without the Archmage Legendary. It adds some diversity to the cheap deck options and it's less aggro than zoo and face hunter for sure. Now they need some cheap control alternatives that aren't combo priest.I play hunter because I'm at rank 20-16 and people have decks with 4 legendaries and a bunch of epics and rares. So, you know, gotta end the game before all that kicks in because while playing control priest / freeze mage / druid; I found out that a bunch of cards with an orange gem on them win the game by themselves.
If you're having trouble just copy some of the decks in this thread. I would wager a guess that most players don't build their own decks anyway, they just copy the most popular decks at the time and modify them slightly.
Probably gonna do that until I familiarize myself with all the cards. Is there a good database or aggregate website for decks?
All right. 100 gold. C'mon game. Give me a good pack; you're almost losing me.
All right game. You won me for the week.
do some people set out to win by fatigue? it's fucking obnoxious
excellent contribution friend...
I love how Mechwarper is the most likely GvG common to get nerfed and I have 2 of them, while having 6+ of almost every other GvG common.
Do you think Blizz starts to limit cards in packs when they are close to a nerf? Also do you only get the full dust bonus for a maximum of 2 DEs? (that would actually make sense)
I mean, he answered your question. Some people do in fact try to win through fatigue damage.
was clearly a rhetorical question...
Amaz warning.