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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Colma Mech Druid fucking sucks (which is what I've been playing) Problem is, everyone is playing a mech build wrapped around Mech Warper (seriously the most powerful card in the game). Mech shaman, mech Mage. My win rate the last two days has plummeted from like %60 to like %30. Even got frustrated and bought a 14 deck pack which had Ragnaros. Even he isn't helping. Everyone is seemingly a masterful mech deck.

I love this game, but it's an toxic stroke of marketing genius -- convince everyone your game is based on skill and not luck or pay-to-win, then proceed to watch everyone buy cards to win. Yeah. Fuck that. It's this games dirty little secret. I'm just frustrated with this game right now.

Order of most broken cards currently:
1) Dr. Value
2) Goblin Ragemage
3) Mech Thwarter

All need to get a nerf. All just happen to make Mech Mage, in particular, our latest form of cancer.
Not disagreeing. Just saying that if Azure Drake was a 4/4 draw with no spell power it probably wouldn't see much play except in arena. Kinda like gnomish inventor. There's a reason Azure Drake only finds itself in Rogue, and sometimes Shaman and Mage. And that's the +1 spellpower. +1 spellpower is less good than an extra stat point but it ain't nothing.

Gnomish inventor actually saw some play in the various versions of miracle rogue pre-Naxx, and it's still an okay substitute in F2P decks. Compare that with the Ogre Magi which never saw play in any incarnation of the deck (4/4 +1 spellpower vs 2/4 draw a card) and you see how much more value is placed on card draw versus spellpower.

Azure Drake is still a really popular Druid card even though the class generally only runs 2 spells, because the card draw lets you ramp a 4/4 without falling behind on cards.


I love this game, but it's an toxic stroke of marketing genius -- convince everyone your game is based on skill and not luck or pay-to-win, then proceed to watch everyone buy cards to win. Yeah. Fuck that. It's this games dirty little secret. I'm just frustrated with this game right now.

I get your frustration, but how is this different than any other competitive card game? Ask any serious MTG player and I guarantee you they've spent a lot of $$ on cards and decks. Further, they deal with luck along with skill, just due to the nature of card draw. Granted, Hearthstone has more RNG (based on my very basic knowledge of MTG mechanics) but even the most skilled players will draw a shit first 10 cards and get destroyed by someone w/ less skill but the perfect draw.

Blizzard is out to make money for sure, but there reaches a point where skill is what gets you over the top, not pumping money into the game. It's not like Strifecro, Trump or Reynad are playing with decks that have 10 legendaries in them on a regular basis. Many of the decks they use aren't that complex at all, they just play the game 40+ hours a week and have built up the skill to remain really strong players.

Honestly, watch a Strifecro or Kolento stream on Twitch to get an idea of how much knowledge they have of the game to anticipate moves/know what's the best decision. They constantly make plays that my gut tells me aren't right and they end up being the best call.


Order of most broken cards currently:
1) Dr. Value
2) Goblin Ragemage
3) Mech Thwarter

All need to get a nerf. All just happen to make Mech Mage, in particular, our latest form of cancer.

I'm a Boom supporter, not convinced the card needs to be changed, and certainly not significantly. You want to change it to an 8 drop or something, then that's fine I guess...

Warper and Scientist however have some issues, and I personally think that GB should probably be a 5 drop.


Order of most broken cards currently:
1) Dr. Value
2) Goblin Ragemage
3) Mech Thwarter

All need to get a nerf. All just happen to make Mech Mage, in particular, our latest form of cancer.

1) Mad Scientist - Change Deathrattle text to "Draw a Secret, it cost 1 less".
2) Dr. Boom - Reduce bomb damage to 1-3, reduce Boom's health to 5.
3) Goblin Blastmage - Not broken imho. Reduce damage to 3.
4) Mech Warper - Reduce health to 2.


If you're having issues with Mech Mage, try rolling Paladin and board clearing them while healing up the damage you're taking.

Really most control decks that can recover will do fine here. Mech Mage runs out of steam fast.

You could try to out aggro them with that all in Hunter deck that tops out at 3 if you don't have enough cards for a control deck as well.


Darkness no more
Hunter has 2 hp left and all I have is a doomguard on the board, no cards. He takes the doomguard out with Sneeds and it drops Baron Geddon :D
Played two matches just now with my oil rogue deck (that was a nice lunch break). So many misplays on my end (went 1-1 but should've been 0-2). Both games I pulled the combo way too early. First game I forgot to attack with the deckhand first before spinning so there was damage left on the table.
Played two matches just now with my oil rogue deck (that was a nice lunch break). So many misplays on my end (went 1-1 but should've been 0-2). Both games I pulled the combo way too early. First game I forgot to attack with the deckhand first before spinning so there was damage left on the table.

I did that in Arena before and it cost me the game because a few turns later I wound up two short of lethal and was forced to trade my board for his. This was months ago, and it still bothers me. To be fair, that was the first time that I ever played a Deckhand since I was new at the game, but I'm still salty.


Played against a total fucking asshole who purposely took as much time as he needed, and refused to end his turn, but he never got punished for it the next turn with a shorter round fuse

So I just quit, which is probably what he wanted.

why don't you just wait
I did that in Arena before and it cost me the game because a few turns later I wound up two short of lethal and was forced to trade my board for his. This was months ago, and it still bothers me. To be fair, that was the first time that I ever played a Deckhand since I was new at the game, but I'm still salty.

I totally see the potential of this deck though. I played it terribly and I still could draw out the game super long at the very least.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
This new Hunter that Trump is running is fun. I haven't ran Hunter in MONTHS. I had forgotten how silly this class is.

Remember when people were arguing that the stupidly broken Undertaker was the only thing keeping aggro viable and that's why it shouldn't be nerfed?

Good times.


Mad Scientist is still way worse than all of these.

Mad Scientist is up there, but I wouldn't put it before those three in terms of being unfair. The only nerf I think Mad Scientist would need is to add a mana cost. That way, the card value is still kept. I'm not so sure it even needs that nerf, though. Specific to three classes at the moment, and the secret being chosen randomly is a pretty key factor. In most cases, you want to be able to pick which secrets to use and for what situation. In agro decks of course that means less.

How would you change these cards?

1) Dr. Boom - Currently a 7 cost 7/7 drop with two 1/1 MECH minions (much bigger deal than most realize) that deal 1-4 damage. What on Earth. How can anyone say this isn't broken (seeing some comments on this--not yours). At the very least, it should be 8 mana. 9 mana if it wasn't a legendary. Personally, I would keep it a 7 drop, reduce its health to 5, and have the bombs deal 1-2 damage upon death.

2) Goblin Blastmage can be nerfed in either of 2 ways: a) reduce attack to 4, change battlecry damage to 3. b) keep how it is, make it a 5 cost.

3) Mechwarper--just shave off a health.


Im liking the return of hunter just 9-1 with Paladin facing 6 hunters that felt like the easiest wins ever. Hunter is a bye for Paladin.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Mad Scientist is up there, but I wouldn't put it before those three in terms of being unfair. The only nerf I think Mad Scientist would need is to add a mana cost.

Which is a much larger nerf than any of those other cards deserve. I don't even think mechwarper needs a nerf.
Which is a much larger nerf than any of those other cards deserve. I don't even think mechwarper needs a nerf.

Mechwarper should work the same as Summoning Portal.

Your Mechs cost (1) less, but not less than (1)

No more free Clockwork Gnomes. It probably shouldn't be nerfed though, because it's a Common and the game needs good cards at every rarity.
Mechwarper should work the same as Summoning Portal.

Your Mechs cost (1) less, but not less than (1)

No more free Clockwork Gnomes. It probably shouldn't be nerfed though, because it's a Common and the game needs good cards at every rarity.

It should read: Your mechs cost up to one less. It is really the stacking effect of 2 mechwarpers that makes it broken, especially making 2 mana mechs cost 0.


Which is a much larger nerf than any of those other cards deserve. I don't even think mechwarper needs a nerf.

Way to disregard the rest of my paragraph there... Mad Scientist is fine right now in my mind. it's strong, but it's situational. Unlike Dr. Boom.

+1 mana cost isn't an unwarranted nerf on any of those cards mentioned besides Mechwarper. Dr. Boom and Blastmage being 1 more than how they currently are would hardly be an overadjustment.

Mechwarper needs a nerf. Comparing him to summoning portal and that one neutral that does 1 less per the first minion per turn... Granted he's limited to mechs but that doesn't really make much of a difference. AND he has +1 more health than that minion does... And can be stacked for free 2 drops. Dumb.



1) Mad Scientist - Change Deathrattle text to "Draw a Secret, it cost 1 less".
2) Dr. Boom - Reduce bomb damage to 1-3, reduce Boom's health to 5.
3) Goblin Blastmage - Not broken imho. Reduce damage to 3.
4) Mech Warper - Reduce health to 2.

I'm not even sure that that's a nerf to mad scientist, as you'd get more value out of the secret being able to play it when you want. I think it should just be a simple nerf to 2/1.


just got paired against...zzzz...fatigue...zzz...mage...dude they should give you a pack only for waiting a hell of time just so they can kill you. Good lord that was boring.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Way to disregard the rest of my paragraph there... Mad Scientist is fine right now in my mind. it's strong, but it's situational. Unlike Dr. Boom.

If by "situational" you mean strong in all situations, then I guess Mad Scientist is situational. The fact that the secret is random is hardly a drawback. Mad Scientist is a 2 mana 2/2 that draws a card and then plays it for FREE. Even if all it did was just draw the secret it would still be arguably stronger than loot hoarder, but then it gives you a 2/3 mana discount on TOP of that. It's insane. And once you start thinking about the card as a 2/2 that deathrattles into whatever the secret does, you realize it almost never, ever backfires and how much insane value you get..The card is legit broke.

The Adder


So much fun. Just frustrated the hell out of a control Warrior with this. Added Bolvar last night. Probably going to take him out.
1) Mad Scientist - Change Deathrattle text to "Draw a Secret, it cost 1 less".
2) Dr. Boom - Reduce bomb damage to 1-3, reduce Boom's health to 5.
3) Goblin Blastmage - Not broken imho. Reduce damage to 3.
4) Mech Warper - Reduce health to 2.

I agree with the last 3.

Mad scientist? What deck is he a problem in again since the undertaker nerf? If anything it isn't in the standard handlock/control warrior/ramp druid,mech mage set, so I'm not sure nerfing it is a good idea at all. Sure it might be hard to handle when you come up against it, but that is only because people build decks to take on like three others.

If anything make it a 1/2 so it can't take out 3/2 drops or an undertaker itself.

The Adder

That's a cool way to get value out of Bolvar if you draw him later. Do you get pretty boned if you don't get to combo anything with Hobgoblin?

Depends on the deck I'm playing against, but generally Coghammer and Sword of Justice keep it in the game. Didn't see either Hobgoblin that entire control Warrior match, but I kept putting so many cheap cards with divine shield, or that were slightly boosted, or that had taunt out that all of his trades were bad value. For example, he blew a Cruel Task Master/Execution combo on an unbuffed Demolisher just because of the pressure it added. Finally he had 11 life all my minions and I had attacked that turn, I'd have lethal next turn if he didn't get a good amount of armor/health, but I only had one card in hand to his seven, so it was a real possibility he could make a come back, even with my 25 health.

My last card was Divine Favor. He conceded.
Tried out Trump hunter. It has zero card draw and that matters in the mid teens. Basically mostly control and I went about 0-5 getting out drawn each time.
Trying out a warlock deck with Fel cannon and Anima golem. Fel cannon seems really great, but it restricts warlock to playing mostly mechs, along with some tech cards. Anima golem seems to be a dud. It probably needs its own deck with a bunch of stealth or sticky minions so that it isn't getting killed by the opponent playing board clear on the more fragile minions.

The Adder

Trying out a warlock deck with Fel cannon and Anima golem. Fel cannon seems really great, but it restricts warlock to playing mostly mechs, along with some tech cards. Anima golem seems to be a dud. It probably needs its own deck with a bunch of stealth or sticky minions so that it isn't getting killed by the opponent playing board clear on the more fragile minions.

Or just silence it.
Or just silence it.

Yeah I thought about making a gimmicky warlock deck with ancient watcher, anima golem, fel reaver and other silenceable stuff, but that stuff always feels really inconsistent. Especially since you probably have to run all 4 silences besides the wailing souls.


I got a second Troggzor and dusted the gold one I posted about the other day. I have enough dust for three legendaries (and a spare Dr. Boom that would get me to a fourth, but I'm holding onto that in case he's nerfed).

I need:

Foe Reaper

Flame Leviathan

I'm leaning Mal'Ganis and maybe Neptulon (the latter just because a murloc deck sounds fun to waste time with).

Malorne is interesting, but I haven't seen anyone wrecking shop with him. Hmm.
Malorne isn't very good seeing as a druid has lots of big creatures anyway. The best way to play him is through a webspinner where it is amazing.

Get Malygos. It always seems to keep popping up and there are a few fun decks like ancestors call shaman.


remember me
Just got gold druid. That's my 4th. Warlock, Hunter, Priest, and Druid.

Not sure what I want to do next. Rogue is at 174 wins, that's my next highest, so I should probably do that, especially now that a decent list has been found.


Speaking on the earlier topic of nerfing cards, I do feel they should bump Sludge Belcher up to 6 Mana. Not only because it's (slightly) overpowered, but there's a lot of interesting 5 Drops tha are difficult to justify running because of hoe good Belcher/Healbot are. Healbot's balanced pretty well, but I really think bumping Belcher up would open up the Midgame.
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