Tourneys need to stop inviting Forsen already, he's proven to be the worst player among the currently well-known players. Let him prove himself by going through qualifiers.
I think he did have to qualify for The Pinnacle 3. Not sure though.
Tourneys need to stop inviting Forsen already, he's proven to be the worst player among the currently well-known players. Let him prove himself by going through qualifiers.
Ek0p needs to stop being invited before Forsen.
Also, Gnimsh. Fuck Gnimsh.
Tourneys need to stop inviting Forsen already, he's proven to be the worst player among the currently well-known players. Let him prove himself by going through qualifiers.
I just checked, Pinnacle did closed qualifiers so Forsen and others were invited for the tourney instead of opening it up anyone or having some requirement. It's practically the same as an invite, there are just more people.He did go through the qualifier.
Trump and some guy from that kickstarter scam.
Forsens a good player but it's obvious judging from his steam he doesn't care about the game right now which sees him playing poorly. Can't blame him, it's a mess.
Forsens a good player but it's obvious judging from his steam he doesn't care about the game right now which sees him playing poorly. Can't blame him, it's a mess.
I'm trying to decide what set of packs I should buy next. At this point I have most of the rares and epics from both Vanilla and GvG. I have a few legendaries from GvG but most notable is Dr. Boom. I'm still missing a few Vanilla legendaries like Alex, Grom, Ysera, Jaraxxus. What do you think is the best set of packs to buy? I'm kind of leaning more towards classic for the chance to get some more legendaries that can be used in a variety of decks. Thoughts?
What legendaries do you want from GvG? If the number of legendaries you want from GvG is more than half the number of legendaries you want from vanilla, then open GvG packs. If you want more than twice as many classic legendaries as GvG legendaries, than open classic packs.
You should generally approach opening packs as trying to minimize your chance of opening duplicate cards as much as possible. That's how you're going to save dust in the long run. Classic has about twice as many cards as GvG and so it's generally best to favor classic packs on a 2-to-1 ratio for this reason.
Who picks 5 polymorphs in Arena????? And then top decks all five of them in a row?
So the current version of my Small Packages deck is doing an insane amount of work. The only thing I've lost to so far is fatigue mage. Can't wait until the march season. Gonna try to take it to legend.
Also, holy shit guys, I've built a deck that may be good that Dr. Boom would actually make worse
I'm trying to do my 5 War or Rogue win quest with the Basic + Naxx decks from hearthpwn and I can't fucking win. I have no trouble winning with the other classes Basic + Naxx decks but these two man, they seem to suck so fucking much.
Honestly I have no clue how I'm supposed to play them, I'm confused by some of the card choices.
I fucking hate this game so much sometimes.
Who won??
With Iron Sensei you would think mech rogue could work but I rarely see anyone using it. Iron Sensei is a fun card overall. Maybe if it was 1/4 it could work. It's so easy to remove it.
Oh boy, oh boy. I would have lost my mind if that was me playing the priest xD
Oh boy, oh boy. I would have lost my mind if that was me playing the priest xD
Today I played 23 games,13 of them against mages and hunter.
Time to play Kezan Mystic.
My next most common match up are warrior,which are by far the best match up for shamans anyway.
if the Paladin had Equality too..
Paladin has the best spells, powerful yet cheap, does crowd control really well. I'm going to main it next. It's so good to destroy mech mage, zoo and face hunters decks with it.
I agree with this 100% and have said the same thing before.
The Problem of Big Game Hunter: Ive Got the Fun in my Sights!
Just raise the base cost of mountain giant by 2 or something.How do they change the warlock hero power though? If that's the real issue.
But the article's not saying the Giants are the problem. Raising their costs won't do anything to help bring 7+ attack minions back into the game. The problem's core is BGH systematically undercutting all future 7+ attack minions. It needs the change, whatever that change is.
Frankly I think it should cost more. 3 mana for a 4/2 body and what amounts to anywhere between (usually) 5 and 8 battlecry damage is crazy.
I agree with this 100% and have said the same thing before.
The Problem of Big Game Hunter: I’ve Got the Fun in my Sights!
The existence of Dr.Boom invalidates every argument against BGH.