If I change regions, do I get all the bonuses again? like ipad/android free pack, 100 gold for 100 wins. things like that. or should I just make a separate account?
Quick question for those playing Hearthstone on their mobile phones using a modified apk. How do we receive patch updates? Will I need to re-download another modified apk of the entire install?
Playing on a OnePlus one, for reference.
Quick question for those playing Hearthstone on their mobile phones using a modified apk. How do we receive patch updates? Will I need to re-download another modified apk of the entire install?
Playing on a OnePlus one, for reference.
Quick question for those playing Hearthstone on their mobile phones using a modified apk. How do we receive patch updates? Will I need to re-download another modified apk of the entire install?
Playing on a OnePlus one, for reference.
The thing is, we won't ever know the full story either way. Though the evidence was mostly circumstantial, there was enough shady stuff going on for some serious questions to be raised (that weren't fully answered). If indeed she was one singular person instead of an amalgamation of some sorts, then it's not completely unreasonable that it would be better to pull out of the scene entirely than deal with an exceptional amount of scrutiny. But I think there would have been a lot more to gain than to lose by simply streaming or attending a LAN event and refuting the doubters if everything was above board. The fact that she didn't choose that option tells me that something unscrupulous was taking place.
Ok, had to share an awesome combo I just did.
I had a Harvest Golem, Sunwalker and Black Knight on the board after my opponent Faceless Manipulator copied my Sunwalker. Turn 7 he plays a Sylvanis and gives her +2/+2 taunt to make her and 7/7. Turn 8 for me, I use Faceless Manipulator on his Sylvanis and then BGH my own copy and steal his. I wasn't even sure you could BGH your own minions but apparently you can.
He conceded.
Ok, had to share an awesome combo I just did.
I had a Harvest Golem, Sunwalker and Black Knight on the board after my opponent Faceless Manipulator copied my Sunwalker. Turn 7 he plays a Sylvanis and gives her +2/+2 taunt to make her and 7/7. Turn 8 for me, I use Faceless Manipulator on his Sylvanis and then BGH my own copy and steal his. I wasn't even sure you could BGH your own minions but apparently you can.
He conceded.
Yep. Unless it specifies on the card enemy minion like the Warrior execute card anything goes.
Warrior can also use Cruel Taskmaster + BGH on their own sylvanas in a pinch.
Yep. Unless it specifies on the card enemy minion like the Warrior execute card anything goes.
Pyromancer always worked like that and the wording of his card effect is unique.Once again, HS defies it's own rules.
Since the pyromancer was on the board when the spell was cast,its effect should have been activated.
It's "After you cast a spell, deal 1 damage to ALL minions.", not "After you cast a spell and its effect resolves, deal 1 damage to ALL minions."
Went from 15 to 13 tonight with my deck. So far the least useful cards have been, Imp Master and, strangely, Consecration.
Consecration has being used so sparsely has mostly been down to the opponent's rarely having a full board and there being generally better plays to make. I, however, hesitate to remove it because the few times it HAS seen play it has been crucial.
Imp Master... I need to find something better to put in the deck, plain and simple.
Changed region, put together a quick terrible Warlock deck. People I was playing with at first were obviously new to game, 6-7 wins later... Dr. Boom drops in front of me then Jaraxxus wtf, when I have all garbage cards. p2w is real.
So I'm doing fairly well against a Shaman that has a deck obviosly better than mine and then the late game comes and he summons legendary after legendary. I better give up on using Shaman until I get better cards, I feel like I don't know what I'm really doing and I don't have enough cards to do a specific good role. I'll limit myself to Face Hunter for now.![]()
Thats the problem with hearthstone, there's a ton of amazing late game legendaries that can turn a game easily so the only ways to fight is...get the same cards or join the face agro deck legions and win games before this cards join the game. That makes miserable playing control as legendaries make miserable the casual player experience. So yeah, a lot of poor design in hearthstone, but the game is young, MTG was balanced like garbage on his first 10 years so it has time to improve.
So I'm doing fairly well against a Shaman that has a deck obviosly better than mine and then the late game comes and he summons legendary after legendary. I better give up on using Shaman until I get better cards, I feel like I don't know what I'm really doing and I don't have enough cards to do a specific good role. I'll limit myself to Face Hunter for now.![]()
Well,midrange shaman needs 3 legendaries and the only decent replacments are other legandaries.Shaman requires no legendaries to be good, one epic in doomhammer.
Well,midrange shaman needs 3 legendaries and the only decent replacments are other legandaries.
Oil rogue is super cheap to build and the strongest deck out there.
Mech Mage is almost as cheap to build and is the second strongest deck right now.
Shaman requires no legendaries to be good, one epic in doomhammer.
If you are stuck at lower ranks, it's because you're making bad plays, or have a bad deck.
Oil Rogue the strongest deck? I need to see the receipts. Haven't been following HS too closely the past two weeks or so but from what I've played myself and seen in tournaments then the deck was very dependent on good draws, not even close to the consistency of old Miracle.
I wouldn't say you need Al'Akir, Boom to make the deck work, can't think what else there is.
Oil Rogue is strong, but almost always an uphill battle against draws. You either crush or get crushed. I'm not sure if it's really that popular though since I only faced I think two from rank 4-3 onwards. Druid and Mage (of various sorts) were the most common matchups. I didn't lose against a single Druid with Paladin - absolutely destroyed them, even with ramp. Mage I went 6-2, with Kezan Mystic pulling some huge weight, only losing to some pretty crazy Mech Mage draws. One in particular she was able to slam Dr. Boom on 7, then Antonidas/Cloaking Field on 8.
But the meta is definitely different at higher ranks, and playing Paladin for the past couple days that I did was a conscious choice to try and counter what I was seeing the most and least of.
Made it BOYS! *tear*
76%+ Winrate with Paladin from like rank 3 on. 8-0 vs. Druids.
Once again, HS defies it's own rules.
Since the pyromancer was on the board when the spell was cast,its effect should have been activated.
It's "After you cast a spell, deal 1 damage to ALL minions.", not "After you cast a spell and its effect resolves, deal 1 damage to ALL minions."
Thats the problem with hearthstone, there's a ton of amazing late game legendaries that can turn a game easily so the only ways to fight is...get the same cards or join the face agro deck legions and win games before this cards join the game. That makes miserable playing control as legendaries make miserable the casual player experience. So yeah, a lot of poor design in hearthstone, but the game is young, MTG was balanced like garbage on his first 10 years so it has time to improve.
Made it BOYS! *tear*
76%+ Winrate with Paladin from like rank 3 on. 8-0 vs. Druids.
Made it BOYS! *tear*