Each patch requires a new modified .apk, unfortunately.
Next adventure info datamined.
Once again, HS defies it's own rules.
Since the pyromancer was on the board when the spell was cast,its effect should have been activated.
It's "After you cast a spell, deal 1 damage to ALL minions.", not "After you cast a spell and its effect resolves, deal 1 damage to ALL minions."
That's nice, lots of cool people/things there. Should be fun to see them turn into cards.
Okay, which streamer ran Bomb Lobber in Shaman yesterday?
Edit: Simplexity mech-Shaman apparently.
Okay, which streamer ran Bomb Lobber in Shaman yesterday?
Edit: Simplexity mech-Shaman apparently.
I'm more excited about the raid mechanics though.
That's exactly what Hearthstone needs! Five minute buff rotations and Magic Dispelling. Buy I should stop, anyone who knows what were talking about is going to know what's up.Yeah, them mechanics. Decurse spam and don't stand in the rain of fire
Is the store broke for anyone else?
Blackrock has five dungeons and can also contain Warcraft 1/2 or Draenor stuff if they want given the history.Weird expansion (if true). Tons of Molten Core cards are already in the game.
I'm more excited about the raid mechanics though. I didn't do MC that much in ol' days, but they had some kind of interesting stuff in there. I just really liked how Naxx turned out. It'll just be interesting to see how they want to add cards to the game and such.
Is there a consensus in the Hearthstone as to which classes are strongest/weakest right now? I'm not a Hearthstone master, but from my experience right now, Mage, Warlock, and Paladin are tops while Priest and Warrior are near the bottomm. Game isn't so imbalanced that any class is invalid, but that's my view. What about you guys?
Is there a consensus in the Hearthstone as to which classes are strongest/weakest right now? I'm not a Hearthstone master, but from my experience right now, Mage, Warlock, and Paladin are tops while Priest and Warrior are near the bottomm. Game isn't so imbalanced that any class is invalid, but that's my view. What about you guys?
TL's power ranking for this month was just published today: www.liquidhearth.com/forum/hearthstone/478662-power-rank-february-2015Is there a consensus in the Hearthstone as to which classes are strongest/weakest right now? I'm not a Hearthstone master, but from my experience right now, Mage, Warlock, and Paladin are tops while Priest and Warrior are near the bottomm. Game isn't so imbalanced that any class is invalid, but that's my view. What about you guys?
Depends on the meta of the week, really. Game is in a good spot generally speaking.
Blackrock has five dungeons and can also contain Warcraft 1/2 or Draenor stuff if they want given the history.
Cool that sounds more like it. It has been so long since I played WoW I only remember three dungeons at Blackrock and one was a raid that deviated from a dungeon 0.o.
Cool that sounds more like it. It has been so long since I played WoW I only remember three dungeons at Blackrock and one was a raid that deviated from a dungeon 0.o.
Depending upon how you deem them you have BRD, UBRS/LBRS, MC, and BWL. Then Cata added BLC and BLD.
Thanks for that. Pretty cool to see. So is that list determined by how many of each class are I'm the legend category?TL's power ranking for this month was just published today: www.liquidhearth.com/forum/hearthstone/478662-power-rank-february-2015
Game is in need of some more cards.
I'm ready for some new stuff.
I can't make anything of that chart tbh, they used to have pro players rate the classes so maybe it's that and they forgot the explanation this time around. I don't think Blizzard has ever published data on legend outside of that fun facts thing they did a couple of months ago.Thanks for that. Pretty cool to see. So is that list determined by how many of each class are I'm the legend category?
Yeah, I'll use even my best removals to get rid of those clerics early. Priests will just ruin you.Played the same priest twice in a row. It's already a hard matchup for paladin, but this guy had stupidly good draws. Got both clerics out within 5 turns both games which really just shuts you down. He drew a shit load of cards with not much I could do about it.
Second game he thoughtstole Muster + Quartermaster combo. That's my "Why do bad things happen to good people?!" of the day.