It's looking more and more like March 6th will be the unveiling of the next batch of content
Well, that was explicitly stated on the panel description already.
It's looking more and more like March 6th will be the unveiling of the next batch of content
glad i started saving gold up! only 500 so far but its a good start
so, i made a face hunter deck, so i could theoretically get through the lower ranks fast this month, but it hasn't worked out very well and its boring to play. and it feels dirty.
just curious, do you actually wear popped collar shirts all the time???
Oh god it finally happened. A legendary. And it's gold!
I have no choice but to break him down. But do I spend it all at once on a Dr Boom.. or build up my decks proper. decisions!
When in doubt on what to do with your 1600 Dust.... always go with Dr Balanced.
All the more reason to craft Dr Balanced.But my decks aren't all that great. I've only put 20 bucks into it and a few packs from challenges. I'm so tempted to buy him, but I feel like the smarter thing to do is buy cards to make my decks better. God damn you, Dr Boom
I couldn't play yesterday because of work, so today I started playing ranked again (since the end of the season) and god damn are the lower ranks stacked. Ran into a guy who, and I'm not kidding, had ONLY GOLDEN CARDS, including at least 5 Golden Legendaries (Boom, Ragnaros, Cairne, a few others). This is at rank 20-17, mind you. I've also fought 3 people with Legend cardbacks and probably 6 or so Gold Heroes (the 500 Ranked Win reward).
Yes. The ranks reset every season and even legend players will have to start around 12 I believe.
It's advisable to avoid Ranked early on in the month unless you're really dedicated to climbing that ladder and you have the decks for it.
Pretty sure casual is just random matchmaking based on connection, so it'll vary greatly, skill wise.ok thx pal didn't know that. How's Casual at this time then??
Pretty sure casual is just random matchmaking based on connection, so it'll vary greatly, skill wise.
Ok. Didn't know that, where did you hear it?It aims to get you to a 50% winrate, so as you win more games, you'll get harder opponents (or at least ones with a higher casual MMR) until you lose a few games.
Ok. Didn't know that, where did you hear it?
Matchmaking in Casual mode is determined by each player's Casual matchmaking rating (MMR), aiming to match the player against an opponent of comparable skill, with wins and losses affecting future opponent selection. There is currently no scheduled reset for Casual MMRs, but they are designed to change quickly in response to win and lose streaks.
Everyone has lots to learn from Kolento-senpaiSomehow after reaching legend constructed streams are a lot more boring. It's like, I know I can be as good as those guys if I put my mind to it, so there's not as much to learn.
Arenas still fun to watch because of the randomness, and I haven't been playing arena myself all that often lately.
Tournaments still fine of course.
Somehow after reaching legend constructed streams are a lot more boring. It's like, I know I can be as good as those guys if I put my mind to it, so there's not as much to learn.
Arenas still fun to watch because of the randomness, and I haven't been playing arena myself all that often lately.
Tournaments still fine of course.
Yeah, no. Just because you got to legend doesn't mean you're as good as a top streamer. There's a huge gulf between just getting to legend, and being able to finish in top 100 legend consistently.Probably wider than that between those stuck at rank 5, and those that can make it to legend. And just because you got to legend a couple of times with a specific deck or two doesn't mean you can play every deck at the top level. There's always more to learn.
Not saying I'm the best or anything, just that it's not as interesting. Maybe I'm just burnt out a bit after the grind.
Are Murlocs useless lol?
Trying to win a few games using a deck full of them and it hasn't worked out well yet
Are Murlocs useless lol?
Trying to win a few games using a deck full of them and it hasn't worked out well yet
Why don't you switch to being an Arena player??
They're pretty bad, yeah
Zoo is better at keeping board control and Face Hunter has more consistent damage. Murlocs aren't fast enough to beat good aggro and not sticky enough to beat good control.
So I'm playing ranked and I'm losing more than I'm winning and back sliding down from rank 13 to 14 and getting pretty frustrated. I start up another game and pull yet another Face Hunter. Fine, Mech Mage has a pretty good chance against that deck, let's do this. He gets way ahead on damage, but he's running out of cards and I'm starting to take control of the board. He plays a Wolfrider, hits face, hero powers, then stealths his Wolfrider with a spare part. I play Dr. Boom and then run my board into his Explosive Trap. The Boom Bots go off and one of them takes out the Wolfrider. He plays a Mad Scientist and Hunter's Mark on Dr. Boom and finishes with hero power. He's already been through both Explosive Traps, so I kill the Mad Scientist with Frostbolt and he gets nothing. I use a +1 damage spare part on Dr. Boom and hit his face and play another minion or two. He's down to 8 health, has no cards in hand, and I've got board control with an 8 attack Dr. Boom and a Fireball in hand. I've only got 7 health, but I should be able to survive a turn. This is over, right? What could he possibly draw that could pull his ass out of this fire? Golden. Leeroy. Jenkins. Fuck this game.
Some arena matches are so edge-of-your-seat. Damn. Almost too exciting, lol.
Everyone throwing curve balls at each other in a desperate and insane attempt to somehow carve out a win.
That feel when all your quests are for the same class.
Also that feel when it's warrior and gonna take an hour.
It's basically a consecration with a 7/5 body that gets removed almost immediately
Why do so many Warrior control decks have Barron Geddon? I won't say it's a trash card, but it really isn't anything great. It's basically a consecration with a 7/5 body that gets removed almost immediately since control warrior rarely has taunts or many other minions on the board. I just don't understand why people don't use Brawl instead -- it's a more reliable board clearer, cheaper, etc. I honestly regret crafting Geddon, I just don't see the value.
What is the best, most realistic fake Hunter card anyone can come up with that would both be ridiculous enough that everyone would be calling it broken before the expansion even releases, and not blatantly overpowered enough that people would believe Blizzard would create it? I'm thinking something like a minion that makes Steady Shot do one extra damage per (friendly?) minion on the board.