% 100. It's a wormy way to play the game, something is wrong with you as a person if you enjoy slithering your way to a 30 minute victory. So fucking lame.Just throwing this out there, but if you're playing a fatigue deck, "eat shit."
You're most likely going to loose, and if somehow you don't then the game is going to be 30 minutes long at least because I'm roping out every turn.
Legend oil rouge at rank 19 nice.
How do you know they're legend?Legend oil rouge at rank 19 nice.
How do you know they're legend?
I like Kibler, I think his streams are great.I don't get it. Are you Brian Kibler? His streams are great.
Trump = best constructed player NA!?![]()
ez game for Kolento coming up
% 100. It's a wormy way to play the game, something is wrong with you as a person if you enjoy slithering your way to a 30 minute victory. So fucking lame.
If fatigue decks are wrong, then I don't wanna be right. I got all day and night, so rope away.
But really, I just love the card management of fatigue decks, the Mage one in particular. Planning what you want to be duplicated, when it's safest to Echo, how much damage can you sustain when you don't draw your board clears. It's a tense experience that I don't get with the mid-range decks I typically play.
I love playing control too but you cant beat the average draw of an unfair agro deck like face hunter or mech mage without tweeking your deck to beat them that makes you worse against any other deck. Yeah agro decks have rough matchups too but they can just end their game in 3 min and join another.
Blizzard needs to change ladder system from stars to a points system when the game rewards you points for winning making more plays, playing more turns or surviving at lower hp. Just like it does with xp. That way you can rank with control with the same advantage agro decks have.
Man, playing up at rank 20 is rough right now. I was trying to win 5 games with my rogue deck yesterday, at rank 20, and out of 11 games I only won 3. Normally I'd have no problems winning 5 games up around rank 20 but holy hell I faced more legendaries and epics last night than all of last season! Several times I lost before we even got to 7 crystals, and I hadn't even damaged the enemy's hero at all.
So how does unranked play work? Would I still face completely lopsided matches like that, or is it more fair and evened out?
Ugh no. I abhor this idea. A win is a win. The idea that you should get more points for barely squeeking by with 2 HP or because you went 15+ turns is ludacris.
That would be like saying say an NBA team should get extra points for winning by 2 vs winning by 20 or a NFL team should get more credit for winning in OT.
Ugh no. I abhor this idea. A win is a win. The idea that you should get more points for barely squeeking by with 2 HP or because you went 15+ turns is ludacris.
That would be like saying say an NBA team should get extra points for winning by 2 vs winning by 20 or a NFL team should get more credit for winning in OT.
I watched that paladin vs mage match. I think kibler did everything right, but I wasn't a fan of his deck. I'm not a fan of seal of light. I thought it would be pretty good as a replacement for holy light, and it is, but I decided it wasn't good enough. This was pre-UT so maybe its slightly more useful now. Taking out huffer did save him 4 hp and healed for 4.
I'm also not a big fan of the cogmaster hammer, however I still need to test that out more.
I can't say for sure without knowing his deck, but I think kibler's deck failed him in that match, not his playing of the deck. I guess I am just saying I wasn't all that impressed with his deck.
I didn't watch the match, but if he hit a Huffer with it then he didn't actually heal for 4, he came out even on HP. In that sense it's an Arcane Shot/Holy Smite that can't get passed taunts or be used separately from a weapon and costs 2 instead of 1. I don't think the combination of being early removal or late game heal makes up for the incredibly low value it gives. I'd much rather have a Worgen Infiltrator in my deck and I don't really want a Worgen Infiltrator in my deck.
Why can priest copy cards in the game?
That means matchups can potentially be 34 cards vs. 30 cards.
How is that fair?
If he hit a huffer with it then it essentially did the same thing as darkbomb, wrath, or frostbolt on a huffer. That's not a bad result that makes you think you should run worgen infiltrator instead.
How is that anymore wormy then just going straight for face while shutting your brain off?
I really wish that people would play more card games then just Hearthstone.
If fatigue decks are wrong, then I don't wanna be right. I got all day and night, so rope away.
But really, I just love the card management of fatigue decks, the Mage one in particular. Planning what you want to be duplicated, when it's safest to Echo, how much damage can you sustain when you don't draw your board clears. It's a tense experience that I don't get with the mid-range decks I typically play.
Seal of light should cost 1. It's pretty weak for the cost.
I ran into this deck on one of my first games of ladder this season (playing mech mage trying to finish a daily) and was super confused. Turns out it's an anti-meta control mage and also the most popular mage deck on hearthpwn. It's actually a blast to play, I'm enjoying it a lot.
The best is when you're playing against a mech mage and they put down mirror entity. You play your mad scientist so he gets one as well. Whether he chooses to trade it or go for face, you can use kezan mystic next turn to steal his last mirror.
I think Seal of Light is just a bad card. I didn't watch the match, but if he hit a Huffer with it then he didn't actually heal for 4, he came out even on HP. In that sense it's an Arcane Shot/Holy Smite that can't get passed taunts or be used separately from a weapon and costs 2 instead of 1. I don't think the combination of being early removal or late game heal makes up for the incredibly low value it gives. I'd much rather have a Worgen Infiltrator in my deck and I don't really want a Worgen Infiltrator in my deck.
Just throwing this out there, but if you're playing a fatigue deck, "eat shit."
You're most likely going to loose, and if somehow you don't then the game is going to be 30 minutes long at least because I'm roping out every turn.
Oil rogue requires so much thinking uuuuuuugh.