^ I don't expect them to talk about balance at all, that's something they usually keep to blog posts and the like
Yeah, your probably right. But please Blizzard.
edit: Is there a Q&A?
^ I don't expect them to talk about balance at all, that's something they usually keep to blog posts and the like
My wishlist:
- Mechwarper nerf
- Goblin Blastmage nerf
- Blade Flurry reworked
- Hunter... well where to start
Any mention of these would be great.
Any HS news? Are we expecting the new exp to be like Naxx and be available with gold?
edit: sry, I know this is obnoxious. I just can't watch cus I'm "working" ;P Disregard post.
That new legendary is meh :/
That new legendary is meh :/
That 5/6 for 4 is a bit insane.
Five wings, seventeen bosses
-31 new cards
-next month
New Dragon! Yes!
It largely depends on how many threatening legendaries are being run. If it works, it is a lot more threatening than BGH.That Legendary killer card seems sort of bad, since you have to target something with it. Maybe you could try to pull of a Sylvanas combo, but I'm not seeing a case in the current meta where the effect will be super useful.
The 5/6 dragon seems really good, I wonder if there is some more 1 drops Blizard will add to weaken it, since I can' think of much that would really screw you over.
Hopefully they'll keep it to card backs. Easy to ignore.Pre-ordering expansions is a really smart way to incentivize grabbing money upfront rather than gold purchases.
It definitely means in your hand. The dragon synergy is going to be so you can have like an Ysera in hand powering up the other cards in your deck until Ysera herself is ready to hit the table."Dragon" minion type finally does something? cool, does "holding" mean in your hand or on the board?
I already have about half the gold for it, dunno if I pay.
He's strictly late game removal though. The cost is fine if you're removing Yesera or something else akin to that. Biggest draw back is the requirement. Hopefully there's a really cheap dragon card now as well. You can keep it in hand for most of the game.The 7 mana cost is what kills Blackhand for me atm. Just way too expensive for the body attached and the limitations to the battlecry.
That new legendary is meh :/
That 5/6 for 4 is a bit insane.
Can I just state how OP Hungry Dragon and Blackwing Tech are? They are going to go in nearly every deck.
He's strictly late game removal though. The cost is fine if you're removing Yesera or something else akin to that. Biggest draw back is the requirement. Hopefully there's a really cheap dragon card now as well. You can keep it in hand for most of the game.
I do like the idea of Blackwing Tech since it 'counters' a bad starting hand.
Completely forgot. So you can in technically have a dragon at all times.Faerie Dragon is already in the game. They will likely add a few more cheap dragons too.
Completely forgot. So you can in technically have a dragon at all times.
Also, I wonder how often Hungry Dragon is going to be a 5/4 since there are a lot of 2/1 minions.