How do you reroll?
It's the "X" in the upper right corner of the quest.
How do you reroll?
I have never ever ever seen a priest daily quest in over a year playing the game, which makes me think they don't give quests for your highest level character. That's the only reason I can explain it.
Two consecutive warlocks vanquished by my semi-oil rogue. I need more cards to complete that set and other ones but I must save gold for Blackrock so that should suffice for now.
Hunter laddering still ez mode
I play midrange, not as braindead and better Handlock matchup but against that hand anyone would have struggled.I started with 2 molten, 2 drakes, 2 mountain, and my 2 heal bots and wrecked the face hunter
I play midrange, not as braindead and better Handlock matchup but against that hand anyone would have struggled.
At 1-1 in Arena I just faced the following Priest deck:
Turn 3: Raging Worgen
Turn 4: Velen's Choice on the RW
... so, I barely survived that over the next few turns.
Turn 8: Ragnaros
Turn 9: Kel'thuzad
Insane deck. Really crazy.
Thanks for the input.
I was wondering about mirror mage, and that makes sense.
Also yeah I only have one Goblin Blast Mage. Also only have 1 Unstable Portal.
Also why swap for Loatheb? Seems like a stat downgrade for one turn where they can't play spells except for high cost vs KT?
Also SWC was a personal preference. I could drop it, but I also don't have a ton of high lvl legendaries to replace them, and I figured the 1/1 could help if I have some mechs out.
That one turn inability to play spells wins games. it's a turn where odds are you'll get to keep your board when it would otherwise be flamestruck, or blizzarded or equality consecrated. It's one more turn to live and provide answers instead of getting force of nature savage roared, deckhand prep tinker tinker deadly deadly flurry, fireball fireball frostbolt, etc etc etc etc etc.
I think the most popular class for dragons is prob gonna be druid.
But I'm gonna try for it with paladin since it really supports control paladin's playstyle. That said, I need to make a ysera.
It's too early to tell until we see more dragons and dragon synergy cards out of the expansion, but it does make a good deal of sense with the current pool. I thought mech-zoo would be more of a thing because a lot of mechs were cheap, but ultimately mage won out because of blastmage/chugga and of how well antonidas works with spare parts. Onyxia might find herself in Dragon Druid decks that run combo. I'm not sure we'll see any decks that go full Kibler with Deathwing/Nozdormu.
But ultimately, it depends on if the class cards that come out have any dragon synergies with them, or if they just add more spells to the game.
I just know that as a paladin you try to hoard resources as much as possible. Even low cost resources at times. So I'm likely to have a dragon at all times of the game in hand.
It does depend on what they add, and what they add for paladins.
I'm not sure what I want to see for paladins. Maybe a mech-dragon!
and that op new 4 mana dragon.
I think the most popular class for dragons is prob gonna be druid.
But I'm gonna try for it with paladin since it really supports control paladin's playstyle. That said, I need to make a ysera.
Heh, playing oil rogue against handlock. he had taunted up a pair of molten giants, 14 health, and if he'd had a single point of damage in hand I would have died, Instead he tapped himself down to 12, drew nothing, and flooded the board with another 2 ancient watchers and a sunfury.
dagger up, tinker, flurry, eviscerate. Exactly 10 mana and all of the damage in my hand.
Thanks for the tap bro, I needed it.
Enjoy it while you can, oils gonna get nerfed.
Oil Rogue sucks. People just don't know how to play against it.
Real talk though I don't think Oil Rogue will get the nerf. Yeah it's annoying to play against but the conditions to pull off those big combos are difficult to meet.
You absolutely clear out every single minion it has no matter how small. You especially clear out the Azure Drakes and Thalnos because their magic damage amplifies the Blade Flurry.What's the way to play around Oil Rogue? I ask this as an honest question as I haven't played much Ranked and thus haven't seen it a lot.
Enjoy it while you can, oils gonna get nerfed.
t5 kezan mystic just made this hunter insta-concede.
love it.
(stole snake trap)
I think only three cards should really be in discussion for nerfing at this point, Dr. Boom, Mechwarper, and Goblin Blastmage
and mad scientist
I think only four cards should really be in discussion for nerfing at this point, Dr. Boom, Mechwarper, Mad Scientist, and Goblin Blastmage
Learned it the hard way that zombie chow and soulpriest have synergy ahahaha
also learned it the hard way to kill my minions first THEN put KT on the board, f the doomsayer.
still a n00b /facepalm these were some rough games.
My take.
Mad Scientist - 3 mana. Still fully playable but you might actually care which secret it pulls. You'd also feel a little bit better about silencing it for once.
Dr. Boom - Boom's main body should be reduced to 5 health. Optionally the Boom Bots should deal a straight 2 damage or at least do 1-3 damage.
Mechwarper - I struggle to come up with any nerf to its stats that would make it playable. At best, the text could be changed to "Your Mechs cost (1) less, but not less than (1)." I probably wouldn't be angry about that one, and it reduces the pain of the double mechwarper combo, which is primarily what most people have issues with.
Goblin Blastmage - Stats are fine, maybe just reduce the missile damage by 1.
I remember when Trump said Hunter was dead with the Undertaker nerf.