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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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While it's annoying, I've seen plenty of Zoo players who play around my cards, unlike those who only go face or try to keep as many minions alive or just want max damage every turn no matter what. When you taunt and buff not the strongest minion but a 1/1 to protect something like a dire wolf or knife jugglers. I don't don't dislike those players.


Naturalize is another one. Rarely see a druid play it. Cost me a win today in constructed Play mode while I was doing my quests because I didnt plan against it. Shocked me that he had it, took out my taunts and went face for the win. Drew cards from it, but it didn't matter since he killed me.

I've seen it in mill decks and token druid, which has absolutely fuck all for removal otherwise.


Gold Member
Hunter is almost unstoppable now, I wish I cared to play it.


You just don't get to have that kind of fun too much playing hunter though.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I wonder what's going to be nerfed if Blizzard decides Hunter is a problem. The class is just too multifaceted by now to hit any one spot, they might have another Freeze Mage situation on their hands.


I wonder what's going to be nerfed if Blizzard decides Hunter is a problem. The class is just too multifaceted by now to hit any one spot, they might have another Freeze Mage situation on their hands.

Midrange hunter is still somewhat balanced I feel. It's the addition of Mad Scientist and secrets again that tipped the scales.


Midrange hunter is still somewhat balanced I feel. It's the addition of Mad Scientist and secrets again that tipped the scales.

Honestly it is the addition of Webspinner and Haunted Creeper AND Mad Scientist that all tipped the scales for hunter. Webspinner and Haunted give them much needed leverage early game. Mad Scientist is nice but unnecessary in the deck since it has SUCH a good ramp already. Constantly I have a good turn 1-2-3-4 play.

Now there is nothing wrong with the cards themselves (except Mad Scientist, more on him later) but it does accentuate how good their base cards are like Hunter's Mark, Houndmaster, and Kill Command. With the introduction of good early game beasts not only must your opponent ignore your opening moves but they must also kill cards that have built in value like Webspinner and Haunted. Add to the fact hunter can draw a billion cards and you always have SOME headache to deal with. It is practically impossible to play smart against him.

Now about Mad Scientist. The way the card currently stands it has built in value at the risk the trap retrieved may not be ideal for your board state. That being said for mages and hunters you get a free 2/2 who will at the very least trade 1/1 most time and a free random secret. With no counter for secrets (outside hunter lol) there is, again, no good answer for the guy in the game currently. A good temporary fix until we get a neutral secret killer is to send the trap to the hand. You may still have the value but the curve isn't so darn silly.

Quick fixes which would temper hunter IMO. 1 mana Hunter's Mark. Flare no longer draws a card. Mad Scientist adds secret to your hand after death.


The RNG in this game can be absolutely retarded. An undertaker, 2 chows, 2 loot hoarders, a cleric and a cultist all before turn 5. I find it hard to take this as a serious competitive game when shit like that is possible.


Hunters are the only class that have raged afk on me so far. So sweet.

OK so I just used hero power to do 2 dmg (I dropped auchenai a few turns before) and it did zero damage, which let him completely turn the game around, have a screenshot of it but my fucking god this is shit.


He didn't silence my minion(otherwise you'd see the heal), he used the damage part to kill off a Sludge.This allowed him to kill of the auchenai which stopped me killing off the 5/5 he dropped. Completely changing the tempo of the game from an almost sure win to a loss. Good stuff.
Hunters are the only class that have raged afk on me so far. So sweet.

OK so I just used hero power to do 2 dmg (I dropped auchenai a few turns before) and it did zero damage, which let him completely turn the game around, have a screenshot of it but my fucking god this is shit.


He didn't silence my minion(otherwise you'd see the heal), he used the damage part to kill off a Sludge.This allowed him to kill of the auchenai which stopped me killing off the 5/5 he dropped. Completely changing the tempo of the game from an almost sure win to a loss. Good stuff.

Do you have the non-cropped screenshot we could see?
Face rush decks, face rush decks everywhere. It bothers me so much to be at like 20 cards left while my opponent has 10 left. Miracle, UTH/buzz, Divine Favor, Tap, blargh. That and they can usually incorporate a disgusting finisher without compromising the deck too much.


I really only despise playing miracle rogue, it's just a shitty cancer deck and anyone that plays it should be feel bad. I feel you on the finishers though.

I need some new cards, only have decks for priest, zoo (so cheap), and hunter really, can possibly squeeze something out with shaman but it's getting a bit stale playing the same classes over and over. Absolutely no chance of making a decent warrior, paladin, rogue or druid deck at this point.
I got every priest card except for Velen so I've been kinda defaulted to that class via pack rng, and the game absolutely refuses to give me any epics for other classes. Even rares don't feel that affordable with occasional play, and epics are so expensive it's hard to justify spending dust on a single class epic when there's so many common card epics/rares I still need. And forget legendaries. The first legendaries I got were Millhouse and Mukkla. They at least got me my Drakes/Argents/Defenders, but it's crazy to think I would have needed to dust 2 more to even have enough to craft a single Rag, Cain, or Sylvanas. I'd like to save up for a BGH or a faceless, but just one would take 20 packs of dust give or take.


The best thing about the meta is that Zoo is still very good against hunter so the cycle of the hated decks is eternal. Nothing hard counters hunter of zoo and they have great matchups vs every deck.
I really only despise playing miracle rogue, it's just a shitty cancer deck and anyone that plays it should be feel bad. I feel you on the finishers though.

I need some new cards, only have decks for priest, zoo (so cheap), and hunter really, can possibly squeeze something out with shaman but it's getting a bit stale playing the same classes over and over. Absolutely no chance of making a decent warrior, paladin, rogue or druid deck at this point.

yep. miracle rogue is just masturbation for one player so it's supremely unfun to play against

wish some of the other decks were cheaper too
The best thing about the meta is that Zoo is still very good against hunter so the cycle of the hated decks is eternal. Nothing hard counters hunter of zoo and they have great matchups vs every deck.

Wait what? Unleash the Hounds and Explosive Trap wreck Zoolock. Primarily the former, since it's a controlled AoE. Hunter's Mark, Freeze Trap, etc. are also great against that deck. Hunter's got the clear advantage there.


Wait what? Unleash the Hounds and Explosive Trap wreck Zoolock. Primarily the former, since it's a controlled AoE. Hunter's Mark, Freeze Trap, etc. are also great against that deck. Hunter's got the clear advantage there.

I hear this a lot, but I don't believe it for a moment. You need UTH. Zoo doesn't rely on any one card to gain advantage in the matchup.
Wait what? Unleash the Hounds and Explosive Trap wreck Zoolock. Primarily the former, since it's a controlled AoE. Hunter's Mark, Freeze Trap, etc. are also great against that deck. Hunter's got the clear advantage there.

i play both and they are pretty even with each other depending upon the version of hunter you're running. if you've got bow, mad scientist, and 2x each trap you'll definitely have an advantage, but that's not necessarily the best midrange hunter deck for the rest of the meta.


from my experience hunter v zoo is incredibly close and often comes down to the luck of the draw (literally). I've played both classes for and against and I've absolutely destroyed someone, been destroyed and had some extremely close games. Seems pretty even. Someone will say "well the hero powers work against the warlock health" but there really isn't many times a hunter can hero power early on unless they have a really shitty hand and the same is true of the warlock hero power early on.


Hunter is almost unstoppable now, I wish I cared to play it.

You just don't get to have that kind of fun too much playing hunter though.
I love doing those kind of things with Shaman. Today I had triple Mountain Giant (one still with Ancestral Spirit) and double KT.

How is Stalagg and Feugen working for you though? I have trouble putting them in my deck because while good, they don't seem to make enough impact for 5 mana, so I end up being rushed. Taunting them won't help me because the HP isn't that impressive compared to Giants. Maybe because my Shaman deck has little early game and a lot more late-game, so I need the late-game stuff to carry me to victory.


Don't people understand how to beat hunters yet?

Where have you heard that?

People are salty because hunters are everywhere and don't really have many bad matchups if any. Add to the fact that secrets are a big component to their success and secrets as a mechanic seems a bit unbalanced at the moment.


Seems like every time a new deck/class becomes top dog people go a bit crazier.

Don't people understand how to beat hunters yet?
A Hunter's worst matchup is still nowhere close to other classes worst matchup though. It's almost a miracle when you win against a Hunter with a Shaman for example.


Yep, I have a decent priest deck that has a good win percentage vs hunter but I still feel like this whilst playing against them.


Whilst the hunter player is more like this...


I don't care what anyone says, you really do have to work/think much harder as a priest, shaman etc than a hunter or warlock right now.
A Hunter's worst matchup is still nowhere close to other classes worst matchup though. It's almost a miracle when you win against a Hunter with a Shaman for example.

Actually shaman can have a favorable match up with the right cards and still be viable against other decks. Primarily doomhammer/alakir combo decks can beat hunter no problem. We've even seen it in action before in a tournament setting but I can't recall which one.

Where have you heard that?

People are salty because hunters are everywhere and don't really have many bad matchups if any. Add to the fact that secrets are a big component to their success and secrets as a mechanic seems a bit unbalanced at the moment.

I made my own conclusion that people don't understand how to play against the decks well. It isn't something I heard, but I sure do read a lot of complaints about the subject here and on bnet forums.


I made my own conclusion that people don't understand how to play against the decks well. It isn't something I heard, but I sure do read a lot of complaints about the subject here and on bnet forums.

Hunter is the best class right now. People will complain until another class takes it place and the cycle will continue. Just saying "you guys don't know how to play" is arrogant.


Actually shaman can have a favorable match up with the right cards and still be viable against other decks. Primarily doomhammer/alakir combo decks can beat hunter no problem. We've even seen it in action before in a tournament setting but I can't recall which one.
You have to really mess up your deck to have a favored matchup against Hunter as a Shaman. Shaman isn't favored and it wins by drawing the right cards at the right time, way more than the Hunter has to.


Oh my god, just started running into the people who intentionally let the timer run almost to 0 each time. So ridiculous. Saying 'Sorry' or 'Threatening' all the way too.

Also, one of the reason people complain about the meta is most casual players can't afford or don't have the decks necessary to make matchups more even. So seeing the 'counter decks' with a bunch of epics/legendaries can be frustrating.

ED: First time seeing prep, evis, coin, van cleef on turn 2. I ain't even mad.


Gold Member
I love doing those kind of things with Shaman. Today I had triple Mountain Giant (one still with Ancestral Spirit) and double KT.

How is Stalagg and Feugen working for you though? I have trouble putting them in my deck because while good, they don't seem to make enough impact for 5 mana, so I end up being rushed. Taunting them won't help me because the HP isn't that impressive compared to Giants. Maybe because my Shaman deck has little early game and a lot more late-game, so I need the late-game stuff to carry me to victory.

They work ok... I have undertaker so they can feed the bonus for that. The 7/4 is pretty bad, but the 4/7 is decent vs priest which I see a bunch of (he's also pretty good vs Sludge Belcher if you DoA him to 5/8). Still waiting for the day when I can just play the 2nd half of the combo because my opponent plays the first half, and reincarnate in the same turn.

The main trouble I have as Shaman is playing Druid. Very little hope of beating a druid with 2 separately used innervates, even if I get a hex. Last one did a Sunwalker turn 3 (wild growth + coin turn 1), which I top-decked a hex to save myself, but the subsequent turn 4 Loatheb and turn 5 Rag proved too much since I didn't have a 2nd hex. I've since modified the deck to include DoA and Molten Giants, which in theory could give me a fighting chance if I can draw in to at least 1 and get a 9/9 taunt + something else. KotG also gets pretty great value against a lot of my early minions (usually can get 2:1 if not 3:1 sometimes), so it's just an uphill battle vs druid.


Are they pooling dailies now? I missed a daily yesterday due to already having 3 when the day reset. I finished all three yesterday though then got 2 new ones today instead of one?

Has it always worked like that?

Edit: And yeah, for all the reasons Arena blows chunks, (mainly the fact that theres no free way to play that mode) its redeeming quality is not having to play the repeated assholes who netdeck the flavor of the month in Casual and Ranked all day every day.

Nothing but fucking Hunters and Zoolocks.. Everywhere.. You have to give it to Arena for being the sole way to escape that shitshow. Too bad theres no casual arena mode that doesn't cost gold or aware keys but instead only the 10 gold every 3 wins like Casual Play mode. Must be to attractive to suck $ and gold out of players by keeping Arena cost. Otherwise everyone would probably escape the shitty meta to easily.

Special C

Forgot about opponents Stallag and Fuegen contributing to your own combo. Had a Baron in my hand and didn't play it before trading my Fuegen after my opponents Stallag died a few turns earlier. Lost me the game because he SW:D my one thaddius. If I had two I would have won.
sorry for the obvious question as i'm sure it's been talked about before and I haven't played since the closed beta

I tried "casual mode" today and what the fuck I got ass raped by a bunch of cards that i've never seen before. In ranked mode I see the occasional new card here and there but in casual holy shit man. Anyway my question- is casual normally like this or did I just get a couple of bad luck match ups?
sorry for the obvious question as i'm sure it's been talked about before and I haven't played since the closed beta

I tried "casual mode" today and what the fuck I got ass raped by a bunch of cards that i've never seen before. In ranked mode I see the occasional new card here and there but in casual holy shit man. Anyway my question- is casual normally like this or did I just get a couple of bad luck match ups?

Casual mode does not mean beginner mode. At this point of the game you are more likely to run into beginners at the bottom of the ladder in Ranked than playing Casual Mode. That said, if you keep losing you'll get matched up with others that keep losing too eventually. :)
Casual mode does not mean beginner mode. At this point of the game you are more likely to run into beginners at the bottom of the ladder in Ranked than playing Casual Mode. That said, if you keep losing you'll get matched up with others that keep losing too eventually. :)

ah I see

I'll probably just log in to the the quests every ~3 days or so then

i'm sure there's people who lose on purposefully just so they can farm the lower end players for easy wins


sorry for the obvious question as i'm sure it's been talked about before and I haven't played since the closed beta

I tried "casual mode" today and what the fuck I got ass raped by a bunch of cards that i've never seen before. In ranked mode I see the occasional new card here and there but in casual holy shit man. Anyway my question- is casual normally like this or did I just get a couple of bad luck match ups?

Its always like that. They should find a new name for it. New players are seemingly pulled in by the 'Casual' tag, and think its a good place to maybe start some PvP. Then you Queue up and get wrecked by legendaries you didn't know existed.

The game does well for new players right up until the end of the little introduction. At that point you are thrown to the wolves with nowhere near enough good cards accumulated to be competitive. Even Naxxramas on easy can be uninviting for a day 1 player.

I'll probably just log in to the the quests every ~3 days or so then

Yep, its either this or buy a bunch of packs with real $ (thats where they get ya). Others have mentioned losing alot in casual will down rank you to players that are as new as you are, but that never worked for me. I kept trying and trying with my horrible cards and losing and losing and it never got better until weeks passed and I did quests to buy card packs and got some good stuff.
Its always like that. They should find a new name for it. New players are seemingly pulled in by the 'Casual' tag, and think its a good place to maybe start some PvP. Then you Queue up and get wrecked by legendaries you didn't know existed.

The game does well for new players right up until the end of the little introduction. At that point you are thrown to the wolves with nowhere near enough good cards accumulated to be competitive. Even Naxxramas on easy can be uninviting for a day 1 player.

Yep, its either this or buy a bunch of packs with real $ (thats where they get ya). Others have mentioned losing alot in casual will down rank you to players that are as new as you are, but that never worked for me. I kept trying and trying with my horrible cards and losing and losing and it never got better until weeks passed and I did quests to buy card packs and got some good stuff.

yeah the worst i've seen so far is leroy jenkins or whatever it's called + a card that puts it back into your hand only for them to summon it again -_-
You have to really mess up your deck to have a favored matchup against Hunter as a Shaman. Shaman isn't favored and it wins by drawing the right cards at the right time, way more than the Hunter has to.

Not really. Shaman have the best answer to highmane and hunters really need that buzz+uth combo to win the game. Since shaman have doomhammer and alakir they can really end a hunter's chance to win.

Even in the last call tournament today shaman was beating hunters. In that collegiate tournament, shaman was beating hunters as well and the guy who won it won it with shaman vs hunter iirc and afterwards they interviewed him and he said his shaman deck is favored. I been saying this since I tried out shaman post naxx and its been confirmed in multiple settings that certain shaman decks have a strong match up vs midrange hunter.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I bet on Brawl with a 25% chance to keep the game alive while I was in a losing situation. The result got me the pop up that my opponent had left the game.
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