thalnos/frostbolt/ice lance/ice lance is 14 damage for 7 mana.
make thalnos a 1/0!
make thalnos a 1/0!
I find this hilarious in a meta run by zoos and hunters that was previously run by rouges and zoos/handlock.
Leeroy is often a common denominator in most of these decks. It really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone it got nerfed.
Miracle is completely destroyed without Leeroy as the 2x Shadowstep combo is completely gone with Leeroy and replacing it with Arcane Golem drops the damage from 18 to 12 which is huge. You have to be crazy to think Miracle will be fine. Miracle is pretty bad even currently with the Loatheb and Sludge Belchers.
Fighting for board control and battles between minions make an overall game of Hearthstone more fun and compelling, but taking 20+ damage in one turn is not particularly fun or interactive. This was occurring when Leeroy was used in combination with other cards like Power Overwhelming, Faceless Manipulator, Cold Blood, Shadowstep, and Unleash the Hounds, among others.
Does the inclusion of frothing berserker and kor'kron elite to what otherwise is the typical control warrior deck change much? I thought I was facing some type of aggro deck, but then my opponent dropped a Baron Geddon and started playing shield slams and stuff. He later played Rag as well.
A 5 mana 3/2 is an actual card in the game now. That is just ridiculous.
The cost is appropriate for the draw power it has.
The cost is appropriate for the draw power it has.
It puts it on par with Auctioneer's cost, and its a much more powerful effect than Auctioneer's.Not really. Class cards should be better than universal cards, or at least offer a benefit to that class. Now it can't really be combo'd in a single turn and it's just completely a non threat at 2 health. Don't really understand anyone who is happy about this change although I do think the card needed a change this seems way too extreme.
It puts it on par with Auctioneer's cost, and its a much more powerful effect than Auctioneer's.
People are happy because UTH + Buzzard was just completely obnoxious.
A 5 mana 3/2 is an actual card in the game now. That is just ridiculous.
How is Blizzard justifying this nerf when similar cards like Cult Master is a 4 mana 4/2 and Gadgetzan is a 5 mana 4/4. This seems like an extreme overreaction.
No other class has the power to draw 5 cards with 1 play
I agree that 3/2 for 5 is excessive but i see why they did it
No other class has the power to draw 5 cards with 1 play
I agree that 3/2 for 5 is excessive but i see why they did it
Because the effect's really unsafe for the game. Hunters regularly had a billion cards in hand at once- and that makes it really hard to balance them when it comes to things like card advantage and such.You're missing the fact that it's a 3/2 here.
Not really. Class cards should be better than universal cards, or at least offer a benefit to that class. Now it can't really be combo'd in a single turn and it's just completely a non threat at 2 health. Don't really understand anyone who is happy about this change although I do think the card needed a change this seems way too extreme.
What draw power? At best I might get 2 beasts down before it dies. And that is going to be on turn 9 or later.
Erm, northshire cleric + circle of healing 1 mana draw cards equal to the amount of injured minions. Toss in a wild pyro and that number of minions equals the number of minions on the board.
Leeroy at 5 mana is fine, though. I have no problem with that one.
It's not quite the same, you actually need 4 cards to get the pyro combo going. Cleric + CoH + Pyro + another (cheap) spell. The pyro doesn't work off a CoH because a CoH triggers before the 1 damage, not after it.
Come on it's not the same at all, you are healing enemy minions by 4 while UTH gives you charging doggies.It pretty much is the same. 2 cards cycle off the more cards on the board. They just have to be injured. You're right about wild pyro, but still can get some large card draw he denied is possible.
To be honest cleric also has a little too much draw power. Priests will probably take the top spot for a while.
Come on it's not the same at all, you are healing enemy minions by 4 while UTH gives you charging doggies.
It is better than universal draw cards. It's the only card that lets you draw while strengthening your board (unlike Acolyte and Cult Master) and Gadgetzan usually requires inefficient spell use (like shivving face) to get the most out of it. And it's still possible to combo on a single turn, just later.
It's still possible to draw many cards with it. Even a 3 hound unleash on turn 8 is great catch up ability. Plus you can still draw 4 or 5 cards with creeper, timber wolf, webspinner etc.
For this to work you need to have a clear board advantage which every deck in the game is built to prevent from happening because that's what HS is about, while a Hunter solely exploits the enemy's strong board position. It's a completely different situation.Talking about the card draw... and you'd of course kill off any threatening opponent minions anyway. It is as much a tempo swing as UTH. Maybe you haven't seen a priest clear board then drop a blademaster + cleric, and healing everything back up. It is as devastating as UTH/buzzard for sure.
The problem with cult master is no instantaneous draws. No more buzzard, unleash, and drawing hunter's mark right away. Now hunters have to run their doggies into that big taunt until they draw it.