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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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A 1v1 game with a certain amount of RNG will always get people angry at some point.

But the things people are mad about aren't even RNG-based, unless they're mad that someone has cards in their deck and they have a chance of having those cards in their hand.


I'm happy about the Leeroy nerf, but the Buzzard nerf seems way too extreme, at 5 mana you'll need a second turn to start drawing, and a 3/2 is way too weak if you cannot guarantee any card draw, it's pretty much one of the worst cards in the game in this form.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Lololol first time hearing people talk about Hearthstone outside of school... This time on the bus. The two guys infront of me were talking about the buzzard nerf.


this shit is HUGE


Cabal'd a Gurubashi two arena games in a row, such marvelous value


Trump's thoughts on the nerfs:

He gave a couple of brief words just before finishing his stream:

  • The starving buzzard change is unprecedented. Starving buzzard + unleash is now as bad as sprint (two cards on turn 8 for draw and damage vs. one card on turn 7 for draw).
  • Hunter as a class is now dead. Trump can't think of any deck that might save it. Good aggro decks (the staple of hunter) require some sort of card draw and hunter no longer has it.
  • The meta is now blown open as hunter used to make up 33-50% of all match-ups (according to his data).
  • Control decks via Priest and Warrior will rise in popularity.
  • Handlock might become the most popular deck post-patch and decks like Shaman might grow in popularity to take advantage of this.
  • Miracle as a deck is weaker and Leeroy will no longer be used as a finisher. Malygos might take his place.
  • Handlock is a little weaker without Leeroy but can probably find adequate replacements.

RIP Hunter.


Hunter as a class is now dead. Trump can't think of any deck that might save it. Good aggro decks (the staple of hunter) require some sort of card draw and hunter no longer has it.
Yeah... no. If by dead he means not the most popular, then yes. If by dead he means played less than other classes, absolutely not true.


needs to show more effort.
Hunter is by no means dead after this. It will just be a faster deck relying more on undertaker/deathrattle.
I don't think trump is an authority on deck building? people are already running a hunter variant that doesn't have buzzard/unleash. mid-range and control decks are viable without insane card draw. the problem with buzzard is that it let hunters split the difference without much of a downside(the downside being not drawing buzzard/unleash). traps are still relevant, highmane is still relevant, hunter's mark is still relevant and there are good turn 5 minions now.

as for miracle there's a version that runs alexstrasza and there's one that runs sludge belchers and no leeroy. i think both will do fine. even a single shadowstepped leeroy plus eviscerate or cold blood is a lot of reach.
He was probably just using the word dead because it's a popular verb when something gets nerf'd. Saw it all the time in the old WoW forums. Just one of those escalate it to make it sound more interesting.
Miracle can still be done, but it's really on life support now. It was already significantly weaker after Naxx with belchers and death lords running about. The meta had been forcing it out. Real shame since it's a ton of fun to play.

Definitely disagree with the nerf.

And that buzzard one is just what. Stupidly nerfed into the ground.


needs to show more effort.
Is there somewhere to see the current standings of the NA Qualifier tournament? I was curious to see how various people were doing but can't find anything.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
He was probably just using the word dead because it's a popular verb when something gets nerf'd. Saw it all the time in the old WoW forums. Just one of those escalate it to make it sound more interesting.

He put a video on YouTube and basically equated the change to removing hunters from the game. So, dead dead.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Heres a question, so sometimes, usually when playing animal companion, a hunter will, before the card comes out, drag it and point at my face and when he does this its always huffer, how the hell does that happen? Is it a bot?


Heres a question, so sometimes, usually when playing animal companion, a hunter will, before the card comes out, drag it and point at my face and when he does this its always huffer, how the hell does that happen? Is it a bot?
The game probably just already knows it's Huffer before It appears on your screen. Probably lag or latency, nothing so sinister as a bot.


I suppose but my connection is solid, just wondering if anyone else had experienced this.
Yes I've seen it. I think it also has something to do with AC being a spell as opposed to playing an actual minion. Think of it as someone aiming fireball at your face before you see it. Same concept.
people said that hunter was dead after the UTH nerf.

if the game was perfectly balanced you'd see every class about 11% of the time on ladder. hunter was easily over the 50% mark. something drastic had to be done. I think they probably want to remove or completely redesign buzzard but that could have way too many unintended consequences, especially right before their first big tourney.
The leeroy nerf is probably smart thinking, because with hunter dropping heavily handlock is gonna be a strong deck again and that is probably the deck where imo leeroy is the worst. Most people think of miracle, but I think of handlock. Having to worry less about burst damage from both classes is probably a good thing, although I wouldn't discount the handlock at all from being strong.

I've also come to think that maybe the buzzard change is a bit less drastic than previously concluded. Now granted, perhaps it should be a 4/3, I don't think the stats completely matter that much. Trump thinks of it as bad as sprint, and I think that is a valid thought to have, but I think it is still better than sprint since sprint doesn't drop any bodies. It shall be easier to play around buz/uth but at the same time, you might not ever even do that since by turn 8 you may not be afraid of the combo.

My next thoughts turn to some of the cards introduced during naxxramas. Sludge belcher is pretty ubiquitous right now. I wonder if that may receive a nerf in the future. Maybe making the spawn a 1/1. Maybe reducing its starting attack by 1. Maybe not needed as it could just be like a fad right now to use belcher. This could change with the aforementioned nerfs.


Neo Member
I took buzzard out of my hunter deck completely. I wasn't relying on it heavily enough and I play a very aggressive deck. I honestly don't think you'll be seeing an insane drop in the number of hunters on the ladder.


needs to show more effort.
Heres a question, so sometimes, usually when playing animal companion, a hunter will, before the card comes out, drag it and point at my face and when he does this its always huffer, how the hell does that happen? Is it a bot?
Just lag between you and your opponent and the server. The message that animal companion was played gets delayed a fraction of a second such that the card played and the fact that the opponent targeted your face come into your client at the same time and so you see both.

Do Better

I took buzzard out of my hunter deck completely. I wasn't relying on it heavily enough and I play a very aggressive deck. I honestly don't think you'll be seeing an insane drop in the number of hunters on the ladder.

When they increased UTH from 2 mana to 3 they damn near disappeared. The buzzard nerf will definitely drive players toward another flavor of the month.


people said that hunter was dead after the UTH nerf.

if the game was perfectly balanced you'd see every class about 11% of the time on ladder. hunter was easily over the 50% mark. something drastic had to be done. I think they probably want to remove or completely redesign buzzard but that could have way too many unintended consequences, especially right before their first big tourney.
It'll be interesting to see if the meta will shift to control warrior/priest and handlock in response, as he predicts.

Maybe someone will find another viable Hunter variant, or Miracle stays popular with another finisher, who knows.


Bull on a Donut
I think hunter will still be viable without buzzard, and we'll see all kinds of other miracle variants crop up (alex/malygos, one or the other, neither) until some pro or streamer dominates with one type and that'll be the dominant miracle deck for awhile (dominant in the sense it's the most popular among miracle decks, not dominant as in 30-50% of the ladder).

I'm definitely excited though, it was getting extremely boring having to tool every single deck to be anti-hunter; hunter definitely stifled deck diversity, not the other way around. Same deal with leeroy, it will be interesting to see what people come up with as replacements (or if they decide he's still worth it at 5 mana).


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Sheeeeeeeit at these nerfs.

But to be honest, starving buzzard was OP.

5 Mana though... damn.


I'm pretty sure I just crafted an arena deck that most competent players could navigate to 12 wins.

As far as I can tell, it's basically almost a complete constructed face Hunter (before you ask why I play Hunter, it was my daily after re-rolling :p).

The combos are just so strong, I overwhelm them early and transition into steady damage in the midgame. I'm sure I'll lose against some stronger/control decks later on. 6 wins is already a boost for my confidence after my recent runs, though!

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Im playing this hunter 3 times in a row with a deathrattle deck

and 3 times in a row he has had 5 deathrattles with undertake in a row.


I seem to be stuck between ranks 13/12 and cant progress because everyone has 50 legendaries while I only have 2

Im seeing Rag/Sylvinas/Carnie every game



I am confused. Why is the Leeroy nerf bullshit?

Guy is still amazing. Just not borderline broken anymore. This nerf has been coming for a year.


I haven't played Hearthstone but I saw the Kripparian video on it and got to the part where it said that Buzzard is going to be a 5 mana 3/2 card....


Probably the biggest nerf bat I have ever seen in my life. I don't personally care for the Hunter but that is absolutely atrocious balancing. What happened to what they were doing before where they would add/subtract mana cost to cards until they were fine? they just added 3 mana cost to the card!
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