i bet hunter finds a way back somehow, that mofo always does
They got a little help from Naxx, but they came back once after the release the hound nerf.
i bet hunter finds a way back somehow, that mofo always does
i bet hunter finds a way back somehow, that mofo always does
Oh no, they lost one of their three broken cards whatever will they do...
Hunter is far from dead and I doubt this is the last we will hear from a buzzard change. That being said Hunter got a HUGE boost from Naxx with Haunted and Webspinner and those cards are still amazing. There is still no way to deal with secrets (yet) and hunters still have Hunters Mark and Savannah who still has insane value built into it. The only change is they are going to have to find other ways to manage their hands to not fall behind.
The best news about the patch is that I can FINALLY dust off my Druid who was killed after Naxx was released since he had no chance of ever overcoming a Hunter or a Miracle Rouge.
P.S. Trump is a terrible warrior and he really should stick his foot in his mouth on the issue of nerfs.
So, because of Flare, less Hunters will paradoxically mean it's a better meta for... Hunter.
So add some silences and removal. What class are you playing.I seem to be stuck between ranks 13/12 and cant progress because everyone has 50 legendaries while I only have 2
Im seeing Rag/Sylvinas/Carnie every game
I, for one, welcome our new Hunter overlords.So, because of Flare, less Hunters will paradoxically mean it's a better meta for... Hunter.
good.Miracle Rogue am cry.
So add some silences and removal. What class are you playing.
This and variations on this deck
Its basically survive till I have 10 mana then start destroying with reanimated Earth Elementals
Murlock decks and Paladins crush me though
Hunters are 50/50
let's petition blizzard for a 'hurry up' emote?
Well, its possible to overdraft duplicates in arena. I drafted 4 of them and it killed my tempo.
You should essentially think of Duplicate as card draw. Would you draft 4 arcane intellects or 4 acolyte of pains?
Thinking about turning my Leeroy into a Harrison. Any thoughts?
Thinking about turning my Leeroy into a Harrison. Any thoughts?
It's not that simple. Duplicate can be played around and you cannot use two in one turn or at the same time.
There's nothing about what you just said that contradicts the notion that duplicate should be seen as card draw. It gives you 2 cards, does no damage to your opponent, and does not help you establish board control.
Who do you guys think is the best HS player? By that I guess I mean not only playing others but also in terms of deck building.
Reynad. He's the reason why Zoolock and Hunter even exist. /Kappa
Just reached legend this month using Greenskin. I approve of pirate warrior. Plus its just satisfying going from rank 1 to legend by hitting a hunter in the face with a 6 attack arcanite reaper.I almost never use Leeroy and I'm missing Harrison, but I think I will keep him. More interested in collecting the legendaries now. I think Greenskin or Tinkmaster would be more fun to craft anyway.
lol at the shaman mana addict OTK
Probably the fastest OTK in the game?
I don't think it's possible to win on turn 2. I can't think of anything that could happen.