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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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i bet hunter finds a way back somehow, that mofo always does

Oh no, they lost one of their three broken cards whatever will they do...

Hunter is far from dead and I doubt this is the last we will hear from a buzzard change. That being said Hunter got a HUGE boost from Naxx with Haunted and Webspinner and those cards are still amazing. There is still no way to deal with secrets (yet) and hunters still have Hunters Mark and Savannah who still has insane value built into it. The only change is they are going to have to find other ways to manage their hands to not fall behind.

The best news about the patch is that I can FINALLY dust off my Druid who was killed after Naxx was released since he had no chance of ever overcoming a Hunter or a Miracle Rouge.

P.S. Trump is a terrible warrior and he really should stick his foot in his mouth on the issue of nerfs.


Oh no, they lost one of their three broken cards whatever will they do...

Hunter is far from dead and I doubt this is the last we will hear from a buzzard change. That being said Hunter got a HUGE boost from Naxx with Haunted and Webspinner and those cards are still amazing. There is still no way to deal with secrets (yet) and hunters still have Hunters Mark and Savannah who still has insane value built into it. The only change is they are going to have to find other ways to manage their hands to not fall behind.

The best news about the patch is that I can FINALLY dust off my Druid who was killed after Naxx was released since he had no chance of ever overcoming a Hunter or a Miracle Rouge.

P.S. Trump is a terrible warrior and he really should stick his foot in his mouth on the issue of nerfs.



remember me
Hunter will be a dead class based on popularity and perception. Did you guys forget how everybody ditched the class last time when uth got nerfed? In reality the actual viability was little changed, but the player base ditched it droves anyway.

I seem to be stuck between ranks 13/12 and cant progress because everyone has 50 legendaries while I only have 2

Im seeing Rag/Sylvinas/Carnie every game

So add some silences and removal. What class are you playing.


So add some silences and removal. What class are you playing.

This and variations on this deck

Its basically survive till I have 10 mana then start destroying with reanimated Earth Elementals

Murlock decks and Paladins crush me though

Hunters are 50/50


Gold Member
Turn 1 Innervate > Shade of Naxxramas is umm, interesting to say the least, very hard to counter if you don't have any silence in hand. Guess that's going to be an auto-include in my Druid decks going forward.


I just got beat by a priest who stole my Grommash twice. Didn't think it was possible to steal the same card twice. To make matters worse he taunted after every turn.

Edit. Actually what was even worse was he turned them into golden Grommash. :/


remember me
This and variations on this deck

Its basically survive till I have 10 mana then start destroying with reanimated Earth Elementals

Murlock decks and Paladins crush me though

Hunters are 50/50

You're playing shaman? You already have the best removal and silences. I don't play shaman so I can't offer you good advice. But in playing against them, deathrattle shenanigans just aren't very consistent. I think you should move towards a less gimicky midrange deck. I got to legend with priest with no silences and only 1 swd, and no holy fires, so I don't think it's the legendaries really giving you problems. It's a combination of your deck and plays.
Had been playing handlock and priest for a few days and I just switched back to face hunter which just wrecks everything. The difference in my games is incredible. Went from struggling 20 minute slugfests to just outright winning before turn 8.

The nerf to buzzards is definitely necessary but even without buzzards and hounds I think there is space for aggro hunters to thrive on the ladder.

edit, with this deck you don't even really need the card draw engine, often hounds is enough by itself. mull for 1 drops, put up traps recklessly, use your bow without regard for trap synergy, and play your hand out like it's zoo.



Bots can use emotes now. A shaman bot threatened me after using bloodlust. It was also randomly hovering over cards. But it was still clearly a bot from the interval between moves and the targetting arrow going nuts (aiming at my hero power, or having blank space on his board target his hand).


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Well, its possible to overdraft duplicates in arena. I drafted 4 of them and it killed my tempo.

You should essentially think of Duplicate as card draw. Would you draft 4 arcane intellects or 4 acolyte of pains?


Thinking about turning my Leeroy into a Harrison. Any thoughts?

I personally need a Sylvanas and a Cairne, but I'm thinking it might be smarter to hold on a week or two after dusting Leeroy to see how the meta shakes out. THEN choose which leg to craft.


I almost never use Leeroy and I'm missing Harrison, but I think I will keep him. More interested in collecting the legendaries now. I think Greenskin or Tinkmaster would be more fun to craft anyway.


In my Paladin deck it actually makes no difference with 4 or 5 mana. I've only used it as a finisher at the end game, so with Blessing of Kings or Faceless, which is still viable at 10 mana. (I don't run the cheesy +3 attack)

Will definitely disenchant though because I can always remake it later with the same dust. Just preventive measures if I ever draw it from a booster again.

And wow, I'm suddenly getting comments on my Paladin deck (http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/96004-true-gold-giants), awesome. I wanted to repost it because it has been wrecking a lot of faces, card for card unchanged after the initial conception. Really love Molten Giants. It's like getting damage has an upside.
I think I'll be making alakir after the leeroy nerf. It only sucks that shaman decks are prob gonna be fotm I expect. Not only because the perception that shaman sucks vs hunters in the current form (they don't) but because shaman is favored against handlock and I think warrior. Weak vs priest though.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I think it's funny Blizzard let Miracle rogues dominate the game with broken mechanics like being able to draw close to half their deck in 2-3 turns and then blow up with a 20+ damage combo the next for months while the only thing they had to say about it was "uh, we're monitoring the game, we'd rather change the game than nerf cards". Not to mention Zoo which got even stronger post Naxx, but Blizzard is of course still "monitoring things" when it comes to Zoo. As it's been for the past months while the deck has become a dominating monster.

Buzzard and UTH were balanced pre-Naxx, it was Naxx's cards that fubared shit up but they're too proud and mighty to fix Naxx cards a month after release. Infuratingly one of the key cards of the hunter monster is mad scientist, a card created ONLY to pidgeonhole mages into a secret deck because Blizzard won't allow freeze mages to be viable. Removing the beast tag from the spiders would weaken the hunter's early game by not allowing them to be houndmastere'd, but hey small fixes and nudges are for other classes, Mages and Hunters get the emergency nerfbat.

I guess the writing was on the wall when Blizzard's employee Realz's kept blabbering on his stream that his beloved Mage secrets deck was defunct because Hunters and Flare existed.

They could have at least tossed a much needed King Krush fix, but that'd be too much, that'd mean there would still be some hunter presence in the ladder.


Who do you guys think is the best HS player? By that I guess I mean not only playing others but also in terms of deck building.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It's not that simple. Duplicate can be played around and you cannot use two in one turn or at the same time.

There's nothing about what you just said that contradicts the notion that duplicate should be seen as card draw. It gives you 2 cards, does no damage to your opponent, and does not help you establish board control. I didn't say it was exactly the same as arcane intellect.


Gold Member
There's nothing about what you just said that contradicts the notion that duplicate should be seen as card draw. It gives you 2 cards, does no damage to your opponent, and does not help you establish board control.

My most recent arena loss:

- Their turn 3: Kirin Tor Mage (played duplicate, it's a mage so I can't leave a 4/3 on board to hit for face damage)
- Kill the mage, they get two more.
- Turn 4 free Kirin Tor Mage + mirror entity

May not be board control, but it sure is good tempo if you have a bunch of secrets.

Another is Duplicate > Shieldmasta... good luck not giving them 2 more 3/5 taunts.

And you really can't just not trade their creatures, mage will just bring you to 15 then pyroblast + fireball, or pyro + pyro, etc. Every turn you leave them anything on the board is that much quicker to losing.
I think of Duplicate as card draw which is super-strong when ahead and weak when behind. On my last arena run I got superb use out of Duplicate because I had board control and could force my opponent into killing a high value card by trading off weak minions and leaving him no other option (one two occasions Water Elemental, another Azure Drake and another Earthen Ring Farseer). On the other hand, when behind the opponent can afford to play around the Duplicate and turn a 3-mana card into two poor minions. So I think Duplicate is a strong pick if you expect to have early board control and lots of high value minions. I don't think I'd ever take 4 of them though!
I disagree that buzzard/UTH was balanced before naxx. UTH is supposed to be an AoE card not a massive card draw engine that punishes you for playing the board control game in the early turns. but nerfing buzzard pre-naxx would have neutered the class. no one played hunter when UTH was 4 mana because turn 6 was too late and also your highmane turn. but that's not the case anymore. naxx gave hunters really good ways to fight for board control in the early game while maintaining card advantage. which is why hunter is so dominant on ladder and why buzzard needs to die. it was always the problem.
kolento and strifecro are definitely way up there.

the scene is old enough for anyone to solidify any sort of dominance. it's just a lot of really good players.

like, it's pretty crazy that savjz isn't going to blizzcon.


needs to show more effort.
I almost never use Leeroy and I'm missing Harrison, but I think I will keep him. More interested in collecting the legendaries now. I think Greenskin or Tinkmaster would be more fun to craft anyway.
Just reached legend this month using Greenskin. I approve of pirate warrior. Plus its just satisfying going from rank 1 to legend by hitting a hunter in the face with a 6 attack arcanite reaper.

edit: speaking of which, captain's parrot is so close to being usable. If it cost 1 mana or was a 2/1 I would so be using that card right now. But as is it just can't be justified over loot hoarder. Even if it were 1 mana 1/1 and the effect was changed to a deathrattle like webspinner I would use it.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Miracle rogue, so balanced. No need to adjust anything.

After all, he only drew all the cards he wanted while clearing the shaman's board every turn and dealing damage to face at the same time. I mean drawing cards while affecting the board and dealing damage to your opponent and paying no price? Pffft fair and balanced. We'll monitor the situation. Gadgetzan only combos with half that deck, it's like, low chances of happening. But buzzard and UTH, a two card combo? Man that's dangerous, nerf it.
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