.....Hmmm. I'm going to uh, bookmark your post and make a deck.
Actually do you have a deck list for that?
Just know one thing, this really isn't a deck for laddering, it's a deck for pulling off big and silly plays. Even when you can pull something off, there's a good chance you'll die. The main reason I play ladder over Casual is because it's more predictable.
This is the deck I'm been using for a while;
It works pretty good but you have a pretty big chance losing to more aggressive decks. It's just really hard to catch up. Best cast against aggro is that you put a taunt down, and they silence it without removing it. Then you can trade and try two back in it's place. The main idea is just to delay to the late game, get combo cards in hand, then pull off something amazing. It's definitely something you have to learn and adapt over each game.
This is something I'm going to try experimenting with;
I switched out Thalnos and the Inventors for Farseers and The Black Knight. Just want to see if that lack of card draw really hurts me and just give up on beating aggro decks since I have a high loss rate to them anyway.
I will also add, worst match ups are going to be Paladins and Priests. They both have great removal, people are running Mind Control again to, and Thought Steal sucks when all you have is power / value cards. I also think that while Shamans can play the control game, they are better off with lower curved decks. I might try making something a bit lower curved, but then it gets hard to use things like Kel'Thuzad and etc.