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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Neo Member
Because I don't recall seeing you here using gendered terminology like "attention whore" for males. It is a poor choice of words to criticize a female (or any gender) streamer. You know full well the root of that term and the way many read it.

I can't recall commenting on any other streamer previously be they male or female. She's the first streamer I believe I've ever been matched up against hence she's the first streamer I've had a reason to comment on. I'm sorry if the term offends you and you feel it was directed at her gender. I will try to find more opportunities to use it to address males in the future. I do find it flattering you remember my other posts though.

You just came off really strong using, again, very gendered terminology to criticize Nadia in a way that was centered around her being a female streamer.

I appreciate the compliment as to how strong I may seem but that's neither here nor there. I'm a little confused in what way I used gendered criticism of Nadia in the block of text you quoted given that I only referred to her once and all I said was, "The difference is I just happened to get matched up with Nadia instead." Maybe you're referring to a different block of text? I'm not sure how to respond to this.

Note that I didn't actually address you at first, letting it just go.

Oh, I knew who you were talking about.

I just agreed with someone else in a general sense that criticism against cleavage is wrong.

I think we can agree here. I definitely have nothing against cleavage in general either. I'm very pro-boobs.

But I don't think skill actually matters here. Even if Nadia is terrible, her stream is no less valid and you could have lamented losing to a bad player without playing up her gender.

I never said her stream wasn't valid or said she should get off the internet. I just didn't take her seriously as a player so in that regard skill would be a factor. I never brought gender into the conversation at all save for using personal pronouns which felt more appropriate than referring to her as "it" or "its." I never said I was upset losing to a girl. If I lost to Hafu I wouldn't think anything of it because I know she's a good player. I felt embarrassed because I thought she was considered a crappy player who mainly streamed to exploit her attractiveness to get thirsty dudes to donate to her. I don't really conflate gender with appearance so I don't know why gender and sexism keeps getting dragged into this.

What relevance does her "bustyness" or cosplaying or her chat have at all to your losing of the game?

Well, when we first got matched up I did tab quickly over and check to see if it was really her. Her "bustyness" was kind of distracting and did make it hard to get my mind back on the game. I can't entirely rule out this isn't an intentional strategy on her part.

I never meant to imply you are some kind of misogynist or that you are sexist. There is a lot ingrained in society to overcome, but it does not speak of the people caught up in it. A part of my purpose was to have people reflect upon their word choices and perhaps why they're viewing someone the way they are. I sincerely apologize for making you feel that way.

Thank you for the apology. Now that I know the truth I feel ashamed of my words and deeds.

I disagree. Both are using what they have available to them to draw in viewers and subs. I don't see why one is considered higher than the other.

That is actually an interesting statement coming from you. As I recall you've made a lot of statements complaining about streamers using bad language in their streams. Maybe since they don't have breasts they're using what they've got, in this case harsh language, to draw in viewers and subs? Maybe they want to be edgy or that's just how they talk? It doesn't really have anything to do with how well they play the game. Why are Nadia's breasts considered higher than the other? It seems a little disingenuous to claim the moral high ground and saying you're non-judgmental about what streamers do to earn their subs then pass judgment on what others do in their stream.

I apologize for making you feel that way. My intention aside, it was wrong of me to be harsh. I let myself get a little too emotional because I see so much going on all the time and it really bothers me.

Thanks for the apology. I am also sorry if my strong nature, memorable posts, and equal opportunity offensiveness has bothered you at all. It was not my intention.

Just to be clear about my stance, I'm not offended she dresses provocatively. I'm not a prude. If she decided she wanted to be a model or stripper or cam girl then I would say, "you GO girl!" and I'd be behind her 100%. That seems like honest work to me. What feels sort of icky and disingenuous to me is taking up the mantle of gamer and using that as a gateway to basically get people to pay to look at you. I feel like it's a disservice to women who want to be known in this industry for their skills and accomplishments and not what they look like and that it ends up continuing to foster an association and expectation of most women in games that they would prefer not exist.

To put it more clearly and simply, women have complained about being treated like sex objects in the game industry. Nadia dresses up to look like a sex object but then associates that with her gaming so in a way she's perpetuating that association. Obviously I was wrong to assume she was nothing more than that. That was my bad. I'm glad to hear she's a good player and I got a chance to play against her then.

Yes. People do criticize male streamers too. Trump most of all. But the type of criticism levied against him are very different from the type against Nadia.

I think both get criticized for sort of acting embarrassingly. Nadia chooses to do it in a way that highlights her appearance and sexuality. Trump chooses to do it in a way that highlights his social awkwardness. If Trump dressed up in sexy costumes that accentuated his man boobs then I'm pretty sure he would catch as much shit (if not more) than Nadia. It's not anything that's implicit in their gender, but in how both choose to express themselves.


Why do people bash Trump? He's so calm all the time... what does he do that's "wrong"?

Amaz, I can see making a lot of people angry - but Trump?

Trump's a nice guy and entertaining. He's the only Hearthstone streamer I'll watch. He's self deprecating, funny, usually humble, and not obnoxious or loud. It's good background chatter.


Neo Member
Probably hafu crying a few nights ago.

I thought someone said before it was because she and her boyfriend broke up or something? I never heard anything about bullying.

Why do people go on stream if they're not able to work and they're emotionally upset? It seems weird to me to go on stream and break down on the internet in front of hundreds of strangers.


I thought someone said before it was because she and her boyfriend broke up or something? I never heard anything about bullying.

Why do people go on stream if they're not able to work and they're emotionally upset? It seems weird to me to go on stream and break down on the internet in front of hundreds of strangers.

I think someone in this thread said she quit school? Some of these folks may be paying their bills with Streaming as strange as it seems. May need to stream even if they don't feel like it. I don't envy them at all. Thats just crazy.
What do you guys think about Druid decks running two spellbreakers instead of two keepers?

Seems like everybody is using their keepers for silence nowadays, and I think spellbreakers might have better stats for the cost. Plus they play around priests.

It does have a better match up vs priest but you're also giving yourself a worse match up vs zoo.


I think it's a bit unfair to complain at Nadia about that though. When I've seen her cosplay in a provocative way, it's because the character in question is dressed provocatively(Have you seen the two female Hearthstone heroes, lol...), which is another issue entirely. I mean she has also done other random cosplays which aren't taking advantage of her looks at all. Like for example I saw her cosplay as Kripp one night. I think she does them for fun, rather than a way to titillate people.

I disagree about the criticism being the same for both genders too. I think this video summaries the issue a bit better. It's about youtube and science rather than gaming and twitch, but it's still relevant.


My control paladin, anything I can fix here?


I would at least get some card draw in there. A lay on hands might work nice in place of the drake.
Well sure, but I see more priests than zoo nowadays.

Today I played... almost 0 priests. And I played like 3-4 zoolock in a row too. I totall'd at least 15 matches today on ladder.

Maybe you've a different experience. But I was a bit thrown off by the heavy zoolocks. I mean I was 1 win away from getting rank 3 to quit for the night and then I lost like 3 in a row to zoolock. I even switched to shaman and lost another match or two before switching to rogue and replacing rivendare with a backstab.

I even ran into a lock who tried to pretend to be a handlock by tapping on turn 2. Then dropping a deathlord on turn 3. Then dropping a host of murlocs on turn 4. Unfortuneately for him, I managed to take out his deathlord out on my turn 4 and got a free sludge belcher... lol.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
My control paladin, anything I can fix here?

1. You don't have Wild Pyromancers. That's a major omission. Pyromancer+Equality is where Paladin shines. It's like Twisting Nether for 4 mana, it's crazy. It's also far more reliable and cheaper than the equality + avenging wrath combo you might be doing now.

2. On the note of Avenging Wrath, two of them is easily overextending and even one is possibly too much. Avenging Wrath is better for more aggressive decks. It's far too random to be a consistent board clear so you really use it when you don't mind some of the shots hitting the face.

2. Shattered Sun Cleric, Blessing of Kings, and Twilight Drake seem out of place in the deck. Even if the Twilight Drake turns out to be a 4/6 most of the time, lots of folks are running silences right now so it's a bit weaker. It also just dies instantly to Earth Shock.


I thought someone said before it was because she and her boyfriend broke up or something? I never heard anything about bullying.

"hafu nudes!" gets spammed in every stream she's in. twitch monsters gonna monster but I wouldn't be surprised if that was what trump was talking about (can't see the video here)


To add to what frequency has been saying, please don't do this. If you really think it's their choice(and by extension, there's not really anything wrong with it), then don't precede that with a value judgement. If you really believe the latter part of what you said, then even saying the former is going to drown that out.

Well I disagree that there isn't anything really wrong with it. When you look at the twitch community, the larger gaming community etc. I would say it's not a healthy community, if you have streamers offering snapchats in exchange for money I only think it perpetuates the problems even more. Again, it's mostly the twitch communities fault for being absolute cunts most of the time, but I think I'd be wrong to say the particular streamers who offer those incentives don't hold any accountability at all. In a vacuum it's whatever but I think lately especially there's been a bigger conversation happening, with Anita Sarkeesian and the Zoe Quinn thing. I think there's definitely a correlation there, but I could be reaching?


My only problem with Brian 'Brian Kibler' Kibler is that he over analyses every single play. It can get a bit tiresome after a while. Good streamer mostly though.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Thanks everyone! Great tips regarding how to improve my control paladin.

I've opened over 1200 packs and still haven't got Lay on Hands btw :( Which sucks... did some changes however.

1/1 Shattered Sun Cleric (rarely fits into my play)
1/1 Twilight Drake (despite sometimes becoming a 4/6, even a Chillwind Yeti is better considering it can not be silenced)
1/2 Avenging Wrath, I just thought two might be a bit too much. Especially since I mostly use that for a board clear, Wild Pyro will do that job from now on

2/2 Wild Pyro. Early removal and, like everyone else said, it's insane
1/1 Stampeding Kodo. I've always loved using Kodo, fits this style I think.
1/1 Mountain Giant. Raw damage.

Any other take on my current deck?



Reddit sometimes :D

"If 2 Shaman bots play against each other, and no one's around to complain about it, do people still complain about it?"

"They complain and don't complain at the same time."

"Schrodingers bot."
mountain giant is really weird since you don't have any card draw. how many turns are you going to spend hero power passing? especially since it's a one off and will rarely come up in your opening hand. a lot of times it's a dead card when you draw it late game as handlock. if you're playing an 8/8 on turn 8 or 9 it might as well be ragnaros or alexstrasza. but i would definitely drop it for a lay on hands.

also i'd probably switch one of the guardian of kings to a holy light or humility.


Here's my Priest deck. I seem to consistently stay around Rank 17-15 with this, and am happy, but would definitely like to do better. Just seems to be so up to whatever I draw. I can get shit early hands sometimes.

Would appreciate any advice.

I have enough dust right now to craft a couple of rares if you see that I'm missing an essential.

Great plays that often work out, include:
-PWS/DS'ing a minion, and then using Inner Fire to turn them into 10/10 or 12/12 monsters very early in the game.
-Setting up tons of card draw with 1 or 2 Clerics up (+ taunts) and using COH or even one heal to trigger two draws
-COH synergy with both Soulpriest (4 health board clear) or Blademasters (cheap 4/7s)
-Thoughtsteal always seems to wind up yielding amazing cards; Legendaries, Polymorphs, Fireballs, Summon Beast Companion, etc.

I think I'm lacking some guaranteed late-game power in the form of a legendary or two, or some other big-ass minion.



The new fotm seems to be worgen one turn kill warriors. Expect that to take over ladder soon especially since it's so cheap dust wise.
The new fotm seems to be worgen one turn kill warriors. Expect that to take over ladder soon especially since it's so cheap dust wise.
How do they pull it off?

Guessing it's Worgen > Charge > Inner Ragex2 > Rampagex2

You could even run Alexstrasza to make it easier to.


Yep pretty much. Neirea is destroying everyone with it right now because the warrior cards like execute and shield slam help get the taunts out of the way, then he just wombo combos. The most surprising thing is how consistent it is. I guess rogue would work too.


How do they pull it off?

Guessing it's Worgen > Charge > Inner Ragex2 > Rampagex2

You could even run Alexstrasza to make it easier to.

Can't do charge+2 rampages. And that kind of combo is so hard to pull off(I've tried lol) 4+3+2+2+3=14x2=28.

However you have to stay alive lol
Here's my Priest deck. I seem to consistently stay around Rank 17-15 with this, and am happy, but would definitely like to do better. Just seems to be so up to whatever I draw. I can get shit early hands sometimes.

Would appreciate any advice.

I have enough dust right now to craft a couple of rares if you see that I'm missing an essential.

Great plays that often work out, include:
-PWS/DS'ing a minion, and then using Inner Fire to turn them into 10/10 or 12/12 monsters very early in the game.
-Setting up tons of card draw with 1 or 2 Clerics up (+ taunts) and using COH or even one heal to trigger two draws
-COH synergy with both Soulpriest (4 health board clear) or Blademasters (cheap 4/7s)
-Thoughtsteal always seems to wind up yielding amazing cards; Legendaries, Polymorphs, Fireballs, Summon Beast Companion, etc.

I think I'm lacking some guaranteed late-game power in the form of a legendary or two, or some other big-ass minion.


divine spirit/inner fire stuff is gimmicky and easily thwarted by a simple silence. even if you get an attack in you've still burned a lot of cards and life total doesn't really matter that much. especially against a priest.

have you done the naxx stuff yet? because I feel like undertaker/zombie chow/dark cultist is a much better early game for priest.

edit: there are a few other things you can clean up. like i'd run 2 shadow word deaths, get rid of at least one shadow word pain if not both and swap the faerie dragon and acidic swamp ooze for wild pyromancers.


Ugh, my Arena performance is horrible lately.

I've used Arenavalue.com to try and gauge the usefulness of many cards, and my game is really no better. I go 7 wins sometimes, and 1 (or even 0) wins at others. Awful awful awful.

divine spirit/inner fire stuff is gimmicky and easily thwarted by a simple silence. even if you get an attack in you've still burned a lot of cards and life total doesn't really matter that much. especially against a priest.

have you done the naxx stuff yet? because I feel like undertaker/zombie chow/dark cultist is a much better early game for priest.

edit: there are a few other things you can clean up. like i'd run 2 shadow word deaths, get rid of at least one shadow word pain if not both and swap the faerie dragon and acidic swamp ooze for wild pyromancers.

I have Naxx cards, yeah.

I'm not as familiar as I'd like with how amazing Wild Pyromancers are. I mean, doesn't its own effect kill itself after two uses? I mean, if the priest's hero power somehow counted as a spell, it'd be ridiculous. I suppose the idea is that I use other spells like PWS/DS to buff up the pyro and commence board clearing?

Zombie Chow always seem like a net loss; what's the upside on it? 5 health back to your opponent is horrible.

I hadn't considered Undertaker since I haven't run many Deathrattle minions.

I'll look at all this, thanks!


And I hear what you're saying about a Silence thwarting some card synergies, but doesn't that apply to practically every good card? Silencing a legendary, or silencing an Undertaker, etc. It always reduces a minion to its vanilla stats, by and large.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?




The Wild Pyromancer



Here's my Priest deck. I seem to consistently stay around Rank 17-15 with this, and am happy, but would definitely like to do better. Just seems to be so up to whatever I draw. I can get shit early hands sometimes.

Thats the challenge with using the steal options , sometimes you get good stuff , sometimes you get rubbish and i went back and added a few more low drops into mine as i was struggling against a lot of the rush decks.

Would appreciate any advice.

I mainly play priest (although have been playing a lot of hunter recently) so a few things that work for me which you can try

-PWS/DS'ing a minion, and then using Inner Fire to turn them into 10/10 or 12/12 monsters very early in the game.

Why stop there - from about turn 5 onwards if i have something with at least a 3 or 4 health on the board you should worry - because of that I love


a 1/7 with taunt - if he is still alive then 2 divine spirits and an inner fire make him a 28/28 - so what if he gets silenced next turn - he's 'won' the game

I also would say (especially with the clerics) then Lightwell is a good card


Heals for 3 points each turn , its only a 2 point drop and that 5 health also works well with an inner fire or even just a shield / inner fire to get you a 7/7 that heals stuff for you

Also if you like using divine spirit then I would have thought at least 1 lightspawn (easy to buff and then heal up again)


and for something cheap to start with a Lightwarden


I have it as an early drop - only 2 health which is a problem unless you can shield but just having it out behind other stuff can work well because the buff works when anything is healed (including heros)

Other thing that i find useful for the 'end' is having a silence there - its a zero point card but it removes a blocker so when you do buff up a card for a big finish and then remove their taunted minion to hit their face
I have Naxx cards, yeah.

I'm not as familiar as I'd like with how amazing Wild Pyromancers are. I mean, doesn't its own effect kill itself after two uses? I mean, if the priest's hero power somehow counted as a spell, it'd be ridiculous. I suppose the idea is that I use other spells like PWS/DS to buff up the pyro and commence board clearing?

yeah pw/s on him is great for clearing early threats. also you can heal him and he goes well with a holy nova for a 3 damage boar clear.

Zombie Chow always seem like a net loss; what's the upside on it? 5 health back to your opponent is horrible.

priest is about playing the board control game. the hero power means you can attrition you opponent's board down since you can get more value from your minions. a 2/3 for 1 mana gives you really good board presence on turn 1. otherwise you're playing northshire cleric and people will aggressively mulligan for ways to deal with her. and +5 healing is a non factor in the early game. and in the late game it has good synergy with aucheni.

I hadn't considered Undertaker since I haven't run many Deathrattle minions.

I'll look at all this, thanks!

yeah he's great when he gets out of control and since you're buffing him with units like zombie chow/dark cultist/loot hoarder you will still have a pretty good board if he gets killed or silenced.

And I hear what you're saying about a Silence thwarting some card synergies, but doesn't that apply to practically every good card? Silencing a legendary, or silencing an Undertaker, etc. It always reduces a minion to its vanilla stats, by and large.

if sylvanas gets silenced she's still a 5/5 that has to be dealt with. also it's only a single card. so she ate a silence and then ate either some removal or another minion. that's huge value. if you use 2-3 cards to buff a single minion when it gets silenced you've traded 2 to 1 or 3 to 1. which is good value for your opponent. it's basically a huge risk/reward play which is generally inconsistent in a card game.


I'm not as familiar as I'd like with how amazing Wild Pyromancers are. I mean, doesn't its own effect kill itself after two uses?

Hero powers dont count as a spell - I find it very good for the priest against a zoo / rush deck with lots of single health point cards - play it - play any spell (shield it for example) then heal it back up and play another spell , its a good area of effect card

Zombie Chow always seem like a net loss; what's the upside on it? 5 health back to your opponent is horrible.

Your missing out


Reverses your healing to be damage - so with this on the board that chow actually hits the enemy hero for 5 points


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
There we go! Wild Pyro HYPE!
Can't do charge+2 rampages. And that kind of combo is so hard to pull off(I've tried lol) 4+3+2+2+3=14x2=28.

However you have to stay alive lol

Why can't you do it, it's ten total mana for 32 total damage. I'll agree that it's hard to get cards for a large combo without a miracle engine, but you could build a control-ish Warrior deck that lasts for 30 turns. Of course, you'd be better off actually running Control Warrior if you have the cards.

But yeah, that's why I think you'd be better off with Alexstraza and then your combo. You'd only need a Worgen > Charge > Inner Rage to finish them off. Not to forget you have the 8/8 they have to deal with.

That reminds me of the old OTK with Gorehowl / Alexstraza / Warsong Commander. I guess it's not an actual OTK Since they have to keep Gorehowl though.


Loving all the comments and guidance here. Thanks guys! I have tons to learn.

And omg at the Chow's effect being reversed with Soulpriest. Hadn't occurred to me, lol.
so glad they changed those cards. can you imagine turn 5 loatheb with charge?
Yeah, would be pretty terrible.

If the return of the OTK Warrior comes back, I wonder what they'll do with Charge. It's really the only problem card I see in the whole combo. Everything else requires something on or to stay on the board.

i love stealing holy light when playing against paladin. 2 mana fireball.
Another dream of mine is to use Lay on Hands for damage and draw.


Thats the challenge with using the steal options , sometimes you get good stuff , sometimes you get rubbish and i went back and added a few more low drops into mine as i was struggling against a lot of the rush decks.

I mainly play priest (although have been playing a lot of hunter recently) so a few things that work for me which you can try

Why stop there - from about turn 5 onwards if i have something with at least a 3 or 4 health on the board you should worry - because of that I love


a 1/7 with taunt - if he is still alive then 2 divine spirits and an inner fire make him a 28/28 - so what if he gets silenced next turn - he's 'won' the game

I also would say (especially with the clerics) then Lightwell is a good card


Heals for 3 points each turn , its only a 2 point drop and that 5 health also works well with an inner fire or even just a shield / inner fire to get you a 7/7 that heals stuff for you

Also if you like using divine spirit then I would have thought at least 1 lightspawn (easy to buff and then heal up again)


and for something cheap to start with a Lightwarden


I have it as an early drop - only 2 health which is a problem unless you can shield but just having it out behind other stuff can work well because the buff works when anything is healed (including heros)

Other thing that i find useful for the 'end' is having a silence there - its a zero point card but it removes a blocker so when you do buff up a card for a big finish and then remove their taunted minion to hit their face

I used to run with Lightwell, and am contemplating putting it back in. Interesting. I definitely loved the synergy it had with the Clerics, but hadn't considered putting it back in since discovering Inner Fire. That makes it a hell of a lot more useful.



I used to run with Lightwell, and am contemplating putting it back in. Interesting. I definitely loved the synergy it had with the Clerics, but hadn't considered putting it back in since discovering Inner Fire. That makes it a hell of a lot more useful.


For a long time I was just playing around with different things and inner fire for the priest , the main things you need to be aware of is that yes the other player will silence / curse / polymorph your big character so you normally only do get one turn out of them so make it worthwhile

Often what you want is something with a reasonable 'base' health and then you can start dropping stuff on it to power it up and then use inner fire at the end - the 2xdivine spirit + inner fire is a 5 point spell that turns something weedy into a killer so look at what you have in your deck and see what cards you can use to buff health for them (and remember that the Lightspawn do not require the final 'inner fire if they have not been silenced)

So Shield for +2 heath / Temple Enforcer (+3) and Dark Cultist (+3) are all good cards to keep the health high on what you have on the board.

Oasis Snapjaw is another 'mid' range card that starts with a high health

http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Oasis_Snapjaw that can often be a good starting card to buff if it survives for a round


I've been playing that OTK warrior a bit but there's so many hunters on ladder now for some reason...

edit: 5 games in a row with hunter

edit: fuck it bringing out priest, I bet I meet handlock now
that happens to me all the damn time. last night i wasn't facing much zoo with my shaman so i took out a lightning storm and then i played against zoo 4 games in a row. put the lighting storm back in and immediately queue into ramp druid.
I've been playing that OTK warrior a bit but there's so many hunters on ladder now for some reason...

edit: 5 games in a row with hunter

edit: fuck it bringing out priest, I bet I meet handlock now

I just made a Priest deck yesterday and already managed to beat Handlock with it twice. Both were a little flukish, so I'm not saying Priest>Handlock, but it was pretty funny. In the first match, the other guy had a Sylvanas with 3 health on the board when he started dropping Molten Giants. I had two Circles of Healing in my hand and topdecked Soulpriest. To get around having my Soulpriest stolen by Sylvanas, I played Powerword: Shield on her, then cleared his board with the two CoHs. The second match I got lucky with my starting hand: double Undertaker and double Leper Gnome with coin. He silenced one of the Undertakers with an Ironbeak Owl, but the other became a 3/4 that stuck around for a while. I rushed his health down so fast that he didn't get a chance to draw both Molten Giants yet. By the time he did get a Molten Giant down and taunted, he had 6 health left. I still had a Leper Gnome in play and a Holy Fire in hand, so I just killed off the Gnome and finished him with the spell.
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