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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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If you drop it turn one they have 30 health anyway, so if it dies they were probably on 30 or 28 health anyway (you can't be healed above 30) and you gained a whole bunch of tempo from the favorable exchanges you get from a 2/3 one drop.

Plus it works well with the practically broken Undertaker. Ridiculous tempo from that pair.

Almost every deck is running Undertaker and Haunted Creeper now. They're both pretty broken. Sludge Belcher is up there, too, but I don't think he's as bad as the other two. Mad Scientist would be run in just about every deck if all of the classes had secrets. And Loatheb is insanely great value for the cost. I think a lot of these Naxx cards need to be reworked.


They won't rework the Naxx cards until another expansion is out, they want them to be slightly overpowered so people feel they have to buy it.
Is the arena really more effective in expending your collection than just buying packs?

You need 4 wins to earn back what you spent on the arena, and i'm under the impression you have to be extremely good(and lucky) in order to get this number of wins on a constant basis.
Almost every deck is running Undertaker and Haunted Creeper now. They're both pretty broken. Sludge Belcher is up there, too, but I don't think he's as bad as the other two. Mad Scientist would be run in just about every deck if all of the classes had secrets. And Loatheb is insanely great value for the cost. I think a lot of these Naxx cards need to be reworked.

Just because they're commonly used doesn't mean that they're necessarily broken, cards like belcher and loatheb were meant to fulfill specific purposes and I think are actually healthy for the meta, so I don't think they're problematic.

Mad Scientist is the only one that seems ill-considered, but that's not a problem with the card itself but more an issue with there being no neutral secret counters

Is the arena really more effective in expending your collection than just buying packs?

You need 4 wins to earn back what you spent on the arena, and i'm under the impression you have to be extremely good(and lucky) in order to get this number of wins on a constant basis.

You need to get 7 wins to get more than 150 gold back, and you need 5 iirc to be guaranteed 50 back, so for a new player it's not a particularly good investment if you only want to grind for packs. It's a chance to use cards you probably won't have access to for a long time, but if you're not good at card games you'd probably be better off just getting 100g packs, or paying $$ for them.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Is the arena really more effective in expending your collection than just buying packs?

You need 4 wins to earn back what you spent on the arena, and i'm under the impression you have to be extremely good(and lucky) in order to get this number of wins on a constant basis.

The average is 3 wins. You dont have to be extremely good, just above average.
The way I look at Arena is that you're risking 50g for the chance at all the rewards other than the pack (100g accounting for the cost of the guaranteed pack), plus any enjoyment you get out of the games themselves. I'd value most sets of non-pack rewards I've received from Arena runs at more than 50g, some significantly more. I've also improved a lot at the game from playing it. I've also noticed an odd effect where if you go 0-1 wins (come on, it happens now and then!) you often get 25-40 dust, which I'd value significantly more than the 25-40 gold you commonly receive for 2-3 wins.


Gold Member
Been seeing so much ridiculous stuff in Arena lately, like facing a Shaman who puts down Jungle Panther turn 3, Windspeaker turn 4 (windfury the 4/2), then Bloodlust turn 5 for 21 face damage... for whatever reason I couldn't do much against it as a warrior, no direct damage and no weapons, plus bad draw or misplays. Then when I do get pretty decent cards and weapons, I face another warrior with at least 4 of those 3/3 equip a 2/2 weapon minions, and the usual string of Mages with just the right secret to secure their board/win.

Arena can definitely be streaky, crazy how you can go from getting 11-12 win runs back to back to multiple 1-3 win runs back to back.

Still, those 7+ win runs do offset the 1-4 win runs where you take some loses on by quite a bit if you can average 5+.


Just lost to a dude where I was JUUUUST barely off from killing him with my Rogue deck for like 3-4 turns. He managed to set up a taunt that I just barely couldn't break in time, and then when I finally would've won, thinking there was nothing that would have worked to save him, of course down comes Jaraxxus. Oh well. Was going to knock me into rank 13 for the season (and of course I could still get there), but I don't feel like trying to plug at it anymore so I'll be satisfied sitting at 14 (I was like 17 the last season, which was the first time I did ranked).

On the awesome side, my pack I bought with the gold I earned contained a Malygos (in addition to a Defender of Argus), giving me my second (non-Naxx) Legendary, alongside Cairne.

Special C

Been seeing so much ridiculous stuff in Arena lately, like facing a Shaman who puts down Jungle Panther turn 3, Windspeaker turn 4 (windfury the 4/2), then Bloodlust turn 5 for 21 face damage... for whatever reason I couldn't do much against it as a warrior, no direct damage and no weapons, plus bad draw or misplays. Then when I do get pretty decent cards and weapons, I face another warrior with at least 4 of those 3/3 equip a 2/2 weapon minions, and the usual string of Mages with just the right secret to secure their board/win.

Arena can definitely be streaky, crazy how you can go from getting 11-12 win runs back to back to multiple 1-3 win runs back to back.

Still, those 7+ win runs do offset the 1-4 win runs where you take some loses on by quite a bit if you can average 5+.

I like arena because you see plays you never see in constructed. I was playing a Warrior who hit me with a Fiery War Axe, Coin, Upgrade. Completly wrecked me, but it was cool to see.
naxx cards are fun. and it's funny to see someone suggest they made them overpowered to get people to buy them considering how many of them are bad and never see play. the really good ones are seeing a lot of play because they fill in the weak points of a lot of decks.


I haven't played too much Arena yet myself. I've only taken a few serious goes at it and I think the highest I've managed is 5 or so wins. At least to me it feels like you have to be really good at it to make it worth the time it takes. Like, I think 5 wins only got me a net gain of maybe 30-35 gold at max, and if you do worse it's less. Obviously if you're in the mood for arena that's cool, and it can definitely be fun, but it's definitely a time investment. How good do the rewards get at higher levels, and do they just keep scaling up endlessly if you keep winning?

Also, just wondering since they're the biggest dust sink... how many legendary cards are worth playing? I mean, some of them at least don't seem that great, at least outside of maybe niche builds. Obviously Cairne, Leeroy, and Ragnaros all seem to see some play at least. But what else would one realistically be aiming to grab?

Edit: Also, it would seem I hadn't actually looked through the legendary cards before. Just kept not of them when I played them I guess. Nozdormu looks hilariously amazing!


Neo Member
Is the arena really more effective in expending your collection than just buying packs?

You need 4 wins to earn back what you spent on the arena, and i'm under the impression you have to be extremely good(and lucky) in order to get this number of wins on a constant basis.

It isn't too hard to average 4 wins in Arena and I think most people here probably could do that with enough practice or knowledge of the game. 7 wins is a little harder but is doable, and I tend to agree with Minsc in that Arena is streaky.

If constructed is what you enjoy, in the end it may just be better to spend some money on packs so you can get the cards you need (or the dust to craft them). I did well enough to turn a small profit playing Arena, but each run took a couple hours or more and was really just too taxing. For people that enjoy Arena it can be great, but I couldn't imagine grinding it for what amounts to a couple dollars or more a day.


What else are you going to spend your gold on?

Do you really feel like playing against the same 3 constructed decks over and over and over?

Play some Arena. It might be streaky but at least it's amusing. And the feeling from a really good run is quite nice.


Malygos? I just got wrecked by a Malygos Rogue earlier. All I wanted to do was get my two 60 gold Mage quests done, and this jerk starts destroying me with 9 damage Eviscerates and 8 damage Sinister Strikes from a stealthed dragon.

I have a questing adventurer deck for my miracle. I've OHKOed warriors with 42 health before lol


Drafted a mage deck with 4 fireballs and 3 flamestrike, rest of the deck is shit though so we'll see how it goes.

Edit: Not so shit after all, 7-1 so far.

Edit 2 : Well, went 8-3 in the end, guess I only faced mediocre decks for the first few games.
So here's something else you can add to the useless information pile for HearthStone stuff, but when you Farsight into a spell, it actually registers as a negative. It only displays 0. Found that out with an Earth Shock and someone played Loatheb. Instead of six, it was four, so that's pretty cool, at least to me, the only player who uses it.


Hadn't used Shaman or Warrior before. Tried Shaman out just now with some of the cards I've obtained over the past month.

Holy fuck.

Kel'thuzad + Ancestral Spirit + Reincarnate = a hilarious board.

So here's something else you can add to the useless information pile for HearthStone stuff, but when you Farsight into a spell, it actually registers as a negative. It only displays 0. Found that out with an Earth Shock and someone played Loatheb. Instead of six, it was four, so that's pretty cool, at least to me, the only player who uses it.

So, Earth Shock normally costs 1, gets +5 from Loatheb, now costs 6, then gets a -3 from Far Sight, so it ends up costing ….3, shouldn't it?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Can someone link me a good current rogue miracle deck? Does it even exist anymore?
Can someone link me a good current rogue miracle deck? Does it even exist anymore?

been testing this one. also one with southsea deckhand and TBK. this one probably needs him.



You don't enjoy playing the game itself?

It's weird to me that people can't play games for the sake of playing the game, but I'm old so what do I know.

why would anyone enjoy the slugfest that the post-nerf HS now is. Priest vs Paladin vs Warrior vs Druid. The game has never been so slow and boring in its meta.
why would anyone enjoy the slugfest that the post-nerf HS now is. Priest vs Paladin vs Warrior vs Druid. The game has never been so slow and boring in its meta.

I love fighting for board control. it's what the game was about before everyone ran massive burst.
But some sort of burst and swing is good in a game like this. People dropping "Yetis" on every turn gets stale in no time.

there's still burst and most of the competitive decks have good reach. you're just not going to die at 28 health unless a gimmick deck gets super lucky.


What does the Miracle refer to in the Miracle Rogue decks? I don't see a card by that name.

Is the Miracle that it pulls off an insane amount of unpredictably-high damage in one turn? lol


Neo Member
The current meta is without a doubt the slowest and most boring I've seen in the roughly five months I've been playing. For the love of god ramp druids and shamans are everywhere post nerf.


remember me
What does the Miracle refer to in the Miracle Rogue decks? I don't see a card by that name.

Is the Miracle that it pulls off an insane amount of unpredictably-high damage in one turn? lol

The original version came from miracle gro, a magic deck where your creatures grew as it played more cards. Mana addict, questing adventurer, and van cleef followed this formula. The modern version refers to the miracles you could accomplish by drawing tons of cards with gadgetzan.
The current meta is without a doubt the slowest and most boring I've seen in the roughly five months I've been playing. For the love of god ramp druids and shamans are everywhere post nerf.

Slowest? Probably. Most boring? I disagree. What's fun about watching your opponent draw their entire deck with very little you can do about it? What's fun about not being able to play minions because a Hunter will draw a ton of cards because of a super cheap Buzzard/Unleash combo. Miracle Rogue and Hunter meta's were far worse IMO
On tilt big time today, only won 1 of 10 games. You know it's bad when you have 2 dailies and you get the "cast 40 spells" one before the two victories one. This new meta is brutal.

Next season is going to be a real struggle. I think I might just buy some Arena tickets and try to build up some gold that way.


needs to show more effort.
Can anyone recommend a fun warrior deck? I don't have Harrison Jones and Alex.
This was a pirate themed warrior deck I used to get to legend this season:

Might not be quite as good anymore with less hunters running around though. It surprises a lot of other aggro decks because they think they can just play more low drops, ignore your creatures, and race you and then you just kill them by placing your axe in their face.

It's a kind of aggro deck that instead of flooding the board with 1 drops it drops beefy 2-4 mana creatures that your opponent has to trade into or else you kill them by around turn 6-7.

The deckhands exist to proc secrets. The owls are almost 100% dedicated to sludge belchers or the occasional mad scientist.

With less secrets around, consider swapping deckhand for leper gnome and consider fitting in a black knight if you have it.

Typically good against hunter, priest (loads of 4 attack minions). Is probably 50/50 vs handlock and loses 90% of the time to zoo. And really smashes the face in of any slow control deck if you can time your owls to match their sludge belchers.


why would anyone enjoy the slugfest that the post-nerf HS now is. Priest vs Paladin vs Warrior vs Druid. The game has never been so slow and boring in its meta.

The current meta is without a doubt the slowest and most boring I've seen in the roughly five months I've been playing. For the love of god ramp druids and shamans are everywhere post nerf.

Yall crazy. This is the best the game has been since I started playing.

Slowest? Probably. Most boring? I disagree. What's fun about watching your opponent draw their entire deck with very little you can do about it? What's fun about not being able to play minions because a Hunter will draw a ton of cards because of a super cheap Buzzard/Unleash combo. Miracle Rogue and Hunter meta's were far worse IMO

This. Im sure its all down to tastes, but I like the slower control/ramp play, even when I lose horribly I enjoy this much more.
The meta feels fresh to me right now, it's just the ladder system that needs MAJOR improvement.

1 - Aggressive decks advance faster because gaining rank is mostly a matter of time investment, so tournament lists are far removed from what's effective playing the game on a daily basis.
2 - Big control decks are completely unaffordable to new or casual players, so people with money or f2p players who have been at it for months and months gain a big edge and new players are forced to play boring zoo until they hit the control wall at rank 5ish.
3 - There are no lasting rewards for laddering. A card back is fine, but if you're going to make us grind 15 ranks a month just to have a chance at legendary you have to put out more carrots for those of us who don't have the time to get there every season.
4 - There is no tournament mode where you play a bo3 or bo5 and gain/lose more for your performance. This would eliminate some randomness and make the risk/reward gamble a better test of focus and skill. It would also better prepare players for tournament life which is imo what this game is best suited for.


2 - Big control decks are completely unaffordable to new or casual players, so people with money or f2p players who have been at it for months and months gain a big edge and new players are forced to play boring zoo until they hit the control wall at rank 5ish.

I feel I've placed a fair amount of time in Hearthstone, all the way to the closed beta. Yet I still only have a couple of 3 legendaries (not counting Naxx). It's just not enough to climb the ladder, though I do well enough to get card backs every season.

I liked someone's suggestion from awhile back: a vanilla "ladder" or "casual" mode, basic cards only, no legs, no Naxx.
I feel I've placed a fair amount of time in Hearthstone, all the way to the closed beta. Yet I still only have a couple of 3 legendaries (not counting Naxx). It's just not enough to climb the ladder, though I do well enough to get card backs every season.

I liked someone's suggestion from awhile back: a vanilla "ladder" or "casual" mode, basic cards only, no legs, no Naxx.

Well, 3 legendaries speaks to me saying you don't really put in much time at all, especially if you've been playing for 8 or so months. I think CB ended in like feburary into open beta so it has been quite a long time.

Plus there are plenty of decks that don't rely on legendary cards as much. To speak to lawloh's point, control decks do tend to require at least 3 legendary cards, at least the popular ones.

As for a vanilla ladder with all basic cards? That would be absolutely terrible. A novelty at first. But there simply aren't enough basic cards imo to have a strong ladder experience with just basics. I think in the future they could have a limited format like that, but probably after 2 or maybe even 3 expansions just to get to a decent number of basics, commons, and perhaps even throwing rares into the mix.
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