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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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server problems. happened a lot in beta.

Guess I missed it a lot when I was in Beta.

Also, just learned something that I thought would work, but didn't. Had a Kel'Thuzad up, played Rag and Reincarnated him. Kel'Thuzad summoned another, but he didn't fire, probably because it was already after the turn.


Undertaker is going to be nerfed so hard.... Its a shame, because I like the concept of the growing cards, but perhaps that one is just a bit much. Like ever damn deck save handlock can slot that card as 1 drops without disrupting their overall deck and simultaneously make for a ridiculous return if they draw them early.
So I just made a terrible mistake. I made a Priest deck that can deal 20 damage with 10 mana, a Zombie Chow / Soulpriest combo. Had everything set up and had a guy at 20 health. I pulled off my combo, but forgot I had Thalnos out. Circle of Healing killed my Soulpriest, healing the guy for 20 health. Need to remember that next time, heh.

Good news is that the deck works in theory.
Undertaker is going to be nerfed so hard.... Its a shame, because I like the concept of the growing cards, but perhaps that one is just a bit much. Like ever damn deck save handlock can slot that card as 1 drops without disrupting their overall deck and simultaneously make for a ridiculous return if they draw them early.

Undertaker should be nerfed. And maybe mad scientist too.

I think at first i undervalued undetaker thinking that it might be a bad card if pulled late. But I've come to see that if you are even capable of buffing it once, it is worth using pretty much at all points in the game. And on on turn 7, undertaker + cairne or sylvanas is actually a solid play. Undertaker shouldn't have the hp scale the way it does I think. Maybe make the attack stay at 2... I thought about maybe 3 hp but I think that might be too good still.

And regarding mad scientist, some have suggested making it so the trap goes to hand instead of being played. I think that would be the right thing to do. Maybe they should make the cost of the trap reduced by 1 or something.
Playing a secrets mage deck right now, feels like secrets are a bit too good. Maybe players need more time to learn how to play around them correctly though.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Actually, it's more that Lightwarden and Secretkeeper are underpowered. Their flaw is that their triggering conditions are too narrow. They'd be good cards if only their ability was more accessible like Undertaker's.


Playing a secrets mage deck right now, feels like secrets are a bit too good. Maybe players need more time to learn how to play around them correctly though.

Even if you know how to played around them you still waste resources and or turns doing so. Playing against secrets is always shitty,especially mages where it's could be any of potentially 5?


Actually, it's more that Lightwarden and Secretkeeper are underpowered. Their flaw is that their triggering conditions are too narrow. They'd be good cards if only their ability was more accessible like Undertaker's.

I'd say Lightwarden would be OP too if it was changed from +2/+0 to +1/+1. Albeit for a limited set of classes, Priest and possibly Shaman.
So I just made a terrible mistake. I made a Priest deck that can deal 20 damage with 10 mana, a Zombie Chow / Soulpriest combo. Had everything set up and had a guy at 20 health. I pulled off my combo, but forgot I had Thalnos out. Circle of Healing killed my Soulpriest, healing the guy for 20 health. Need to remember that next time, heh.

Good news is that the deck works in theory.

I did the same thing with an Azure Drake the other day. I turned an easy win into an embarrassing loss. Lesson learned, I guess.


★ ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸¸ . ...somewhere ° ☾ ° ¸. ● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ° . * :. . ¸ .☾ . ● ¸ . ★ ° . • ○ ° ★ . * . ☾ ° ¸. ...in a parallel universe* ● ¸ ° ☾ °☆ . * ¸. ★ ★ ° . . . ☾ °☆ . * ● ¸ . ★°★ . * . . ¸. * ● ¸ . ...The WCA HS Tournament ° ☾ ★ °● ¸ . ★ ° :. . • ○ ° ★. ● . ° ☾ °° . * :. . ¸ . ● ¸ * ...is watchable


remember me
That some disgusting topdecking. Gaara screwed up letting that shade grow though. Should have consecrated it when he had the chance.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Just compare Undertaker to Lightwarden, and it becomes obvious that it's a bit broken.

I think there's an argument to be made that it might even be superior to a class card like mana wyrm. It's a bit crazy. The only reason mana wyrm might be superior is mirror image.

I can't remember i've been able to drop a gurubashi without it getting kodoed. Trash card is trash.

It's basically oasis snapjaw on crack. And considering most people think snapjaw is a mediocre card at best, that's not saying a whole lot.


remember me
I should have just retired this draft immediately. I'll be lucky if I get 3 wins.

Dalaran mage, elven archer, and stonetusk boar were actually not the worst options I was given.

GOT KODOED TWICE IN THE SAME DRAFT. Gonna smash my computer now. I'll be picking even wisp if my option is gurubashi again.


I think there's an argument to be made that it might even be superior to a class card like mana wyrm. It's a bit crazy. The only reason mana wyrm might be superior is mirror image.

It's basically oasis snapjaw on crack. And considering most people think snapjaw is a mediocre card at best, that's not saying a whole lot.
At least snapjaw is a beast.
Well snapjaw starts with adequate stats. The same total as yeti. Gurubashi starts below a 5 drop's stat total and then when he takes 1 hit and 1 damage he is now a proper 5 drop stat-wise as a 4/6. If he takes 2, he is a 6 drop stat-wise at 7/5. Gurubashi isn't a bad card, just takes investment to get him on point.

Meanwhile, undertaker... well, I guess I don't need to say much more... but every deathrattle you drop is like giving you free 1 mana worth of stats on undertaker.


remember me
I really want to use my dust to craft some naxxramas golds, but stuff like undertaker, belcher, and loatheb are bound to get nerfed, and I won't be able to disenchant them to get my dust back.
I really want to use my dust to craft some naxxramas golds, but stuff like undertaker, belcher, and loatheb are bound to get nerfed, and I won't be able to disenchant them to get my dust back.

That probably only applies to soulbound basics because you can't DE any of the cards. But I would imagine it would apply to gold naxx cards since you can DE them, or so I assume you can.
Playing double sap rogue... haven't in a while, and I keep starting with both saps... =/


Lol, this deck is funny. I tried out molten giants in a rogue deck before. Now that I know a lot more about the game, it is just funny.

Handlock goes full face, bringing me down to 8 on like turn 6 after he defenders his giant and silence/defenders his ancient watcher. I was expecting him to use the giant to remove the drake then I'd follow up with eviscerate. Instead, I black knighted his mountain giant, eviscerated his ancient watcher, used my board to clear his left overs, played a top decked molten giant... what a huge swing. He conceded as I had lethal on board and I guess he didn't have much in terms of removal, which would be weird but if he did have removal I think I could have still carried the game to victory, unless he had something like leeroy + soulfire and I failed to get a defender of argus to stick some taunts on the board.

I made this deck a couple days ago before being sucked into shadow of mordor pretty hard, so I am just getting a handle on it. The end game is mostly molten giants + sprint. Sprint to Molten giants while low hp is pretty damn good.


I had molten giant + ooze + argus combo set up for turn 6 but for some reason he found a 3/3 to need removing so I was at 13 hp instead of 10. I mean, this guy soulfired face on like turn 4 but was too afraid to go all in a turn or two later? Who does that... lol. And then the turn after that, he almost didn't attack face with the doomguard... 30hp vs 13 hp... I mean come on, that is like... psychic third sense shit if he is playing around molten giants against a rogue.
Undertaker is going to be nerfed so hard.... Its a shame, because I like the concept of the growing cards, but perhaps that one is just a bit much. Like ever damn deck save handlock can slot that card as 1 drops without disrupting their overall deck and simultaneously make for a ridiculous return if they draw them early.

i really don't think that. it's a good card don't get me wrong, but only has a low chance too actually make a impact. if you don't have it in your starting hand AND also something with deathrattle that you can play along/after you wont get much value out of the card.


You can get great value from undertaker even at 10 mana. The cards that buff it at that range can be sylvanas, cairne, two Belcher's and any other low mana deathrattle cards that come in late. It can and often is a game changer even in the late game.


You can get great value from undertaker even at 10 mana. The cards that buff it at that range can be sylvanas, cairne, two Belcher's and any other low mana deathrattle cards that come in late. It can and often is a game changer even in the late game.

Exactly, and thats what makes it so valuable. There are so many 1 drops that are near worthless at late game, not that one though.
i really don't think that. it's a good card don't get me wrong, but only has a low chance too actually make a impact. if you don't have it in your starting hand AND also something with deathrattle that you can play along/after you wont get much value out of the card.

How is undertaker not good later on in the game? Don't get me wrong, I don't think you're crazy because I initially thought that as well. But undertaker is actually still good late game, for a 1 drop. Keep in mind, argent squire is always just a 1/1 divine shield minion later on in the game. Same for every other 1 drop pretty much. But undertaker can use up that odd mana you sometimes float on an odd mana turn like 7 where you're playing a deathrattle anyway. But you're getting a 2 mana minion out of it, so how is that bad?

And chances are, you're gonna have something like sludge belcher, sylvanas, cairne, highmane, or a set of deathrattle minions.

He is also just really good at baiting out removal. Because even on turn 7 your opponent has to deal with a 2/3 because it can easily become a huge threat at that point. People might have to use something they need to use on your bigger impact minions you're about to drop in a few turns, moving you really that much quicker to a win condition they cannot overcome.
Great thing about Undertaker is the implied threat. If I'm Zoolock, and I drop Undertaker T1, and you have a way to kill it T1/T2, you have to kill it (or risk the game by letting me jump it up with Leper Gnomes, Zombie Chows, Haunted Creepers, Harvest Golems, Nerubian Eggs). Then you have to use 2 or 3-mana spells on a 1-mana minion where you might not want to, and likely give up ground, even if I had no deathrattles in hand.


Huh, how did amaz and kripp both think Garra had lethal then?

Because he did? Houndmaster on Webspinner, kill Ghoul with Kodo, 3 from Webspinner + 2 from Hero Power + 5 from Kill Command for exact lethal

Smh at Gaara immediately sacking the Webspinners without thinking


Oh boy, just drafted Ysera AND Rag in Arena. If I don't get to 7 wins with this deck, I should just quit playing Arena.


Oh boy, just drafted Ysera AND Rag in Arena. If I don't get to 7 wins with this deck, I should just quit playing Arena.

It really depends on the rest of your deck, having 2 or even 3 legendaries doesn't mean squat if the rest of your deck is weak or you have a bad mana curve, you can go many games without drawing any of your legendaries. Most arena games only draw half your deck.
So I'm actually thinking of crafting alexstrasza finally... for my rogue deck. I feel like it could actually work out.

Some typical scenarios could be... 1 molten giant on field... dagger equipped... alexstrasza opponent... 8 damage from giant, toss deadly poison on, 3 damage from dagger, prep, eviscerate.

So far I've found the deck is pretty damn good for grabbing board mid-late game, but can struggle dishing out the damage while doing so. Which is where alexstrasza would really shine. And other cases where I have board, but am in danger of being burned out, alexstrasza is typically good... not including against mages.

The hardest part will be finding a spot for alex to fit into.
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