The deck is probably unlike many decks and pretty far from miracle as well.
It started off as an experiment to make a midrange deck that instead of backstab uses preparation. After all, many times backstab is just being used for the pure tempo purpose and not to gain card advantage, just like preparation anyway. Sometimes backstab does go a clean 1 for 1 and sometimes you take some damage in the process of getting that value. But preparation should get a bigger board impact.
For example, I was playing against a druid where he was at an advantage in the first 5 turns due to coin and innervate. But turn 5 I could basically hit a board reset button and play a 5/5. I think I played a loatheb but I know it was followed up by a prep-sap. Not the best example since I lost anyway, and the target was an ancient of lore so not the best of targets lol.
Anyway, I'll just type out the cards real quick from the current iteration which I am testing out how worthwhile ERF is in it, instead of shade of naxx which frankly just wasn't sitting well with anubar ambusher.
2x preparation
2x deadly poison
2x eviscerate
2x sap
2x echoing ooze
2x faerie dragon
2x fan of knives
2x earthen ring farseer
2x si7 agent
2x anubar ambusher (replaced spectral knights early on and has seen great gains imo)
2x defender of argus
1x assassinate (possible candidate for alexstrasza)
2x azure drake
1x loatheb (I am hesitant to say this, but this could be changed out I think but still pretty strong choice)
1x black knight
1x sprint (I've thought about having two, not sure if I ever need 2 and I don't think I can afford a dead card - I have had matches go very close to me running out of cards which is of course instant loss for rogue since control decks become unkillable very quickly.)
2x molten giant
I've also thought about taking out echoing ooze... but damn that card can shine sometimes. Ooze's 2 bodies combined with a timely fan of knives + a dagger hit can clear a lot of small minions.