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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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I really want to use my dust to craft some naxxramas golds, but stuff like undertaker, belcher, and loatheb are bound to get nerfed, and I won't be able to disenchant them to get my dust back.
People see Belcher getting nerfed?

Playing a secrets mage deck right now, feels like secrets are a bit too good. Maybe players need more time to learn how to play around them correctly though.

The problem with secrets are the fact that there is only one class with a counter against them. There needs to be more non-class-specific cards for everyone to use to counter them. Otherwise, Mad Scientist is just too powerful.
People see Belcher getting nerfed?

The problem with secrets are the fact that there is only one class with a counter against them. There needs to be more non-class-specific cards for everyone to use to counter them. Otherwise, Mad Scientist is just too powerful.

That would be like double nerfing secret classes. Cause suddenly not only is mad scientist much weaker, but all of your secrets are much weaker on their own. I don't think that is the route they should take. I think mad scientist needs a nerf.

Plus it opens up more creative options down the line. I don't know if they ever will and they may very well choose not to, but you can't have secrets costing 4+ mana when you can potentially get them out for free, not even costing a card from your hand from mad scientist. I doubt high cost secrets are being considered much though.
So I'm actually thinking of crafting alexstrasza finally... for my rogue deck. I feel like it could actually work out.

Some typical scenarios could be... 1 molten giant on field... dagger equipped... alexstrasza opponent... 8 damage from giant, toss deadly poison on, 3 damage from dagger, prep, eviscerate.

So far I've found the deck is pretty damn good for grabbing board mid-late game, but can struggle dishing out the damage while doing so. Which is where alexstrasza would really shine. And other cases where I have board, but am in danger of being burned out, alexstrasza is typically good... not including against mages.

The hardest part will be finding a spot for alex to fit into.

yeah she fits fine into a miracle deck. there are a few different builds of it out there. typically you cut an ERF or drake or something.
So I'm actually thinking of crafting alexstrasza finally... for my rogue deck. I feel like it could actually work out.

Some typical scenarios could be... 1 molten giant on field... dagger equipped... alexstrasza opponent... 8 damage from giant, toss deadly poison on, 3 damage from dagger, prep, eviscerate.

So far I've found the deck is pretty damn good for grabbing board mid-late game, but can struggle dishing out the damage while doing so. Which is where alexstrasza would really shine. And other cases where I have board, but am in danger of being burned out, alexstrasza is typically good... not including against mages.

The hardest part will be finding a spot for alex to fit into.

Alexstrasza should help. I had the same thought process when I was playing a similar deck. In the end, the deck feels like a weaker Handlock but it's more fun to play. You will probably struggle against Shaman and Mage. Surprisingly, you may do really well against Priest (in my experience).
I think the shaman matchup is really good because you have a lot of tools to kill their little dudes. deadly poison trades 1 for 1 with spirit wolves, for example. backstab and SI just wreck. thalnos or drake plus eviscerate kills fire elemental.

for me the troubled matchups have always been warrior and handlock. zoo and token druid can be trouble too if you never draw your AoE.
I think the shaman matchup is really good because you have a lot of tools to kill their little dudes. deadly poison trades 1 for 1 with spirit wolves, for example. backstab and SI just wreck. thalnos or drake plus eviscerate kills fire elemental.

for me the troubled matchups have always been warrior and handlock. zoo and token druid can be trouble too if you never draw your AoE.

My thought process with the Shaman matchup is different. They got a lot of value/deathrattle minions so they're harder to get rid of. They got removal against your stuff as well, and Hex to counter against Molten Giant.

Yeah, mulliganing for the right cards in the Zoo matchup is extremely important.. I don't play against many token Druids but I can see what you're saying.

I posted this a week ago, but I play Anub'ar in my Roguelock deck. It can bait out removals which is why I think it does well against Priest. When I play against Warrior, same story. Not saying it's an easy matchup, but I pulled out some surprising wins against Warrior. It always funny when it looks like all my plays look like Miracle Rogue and then they see a card like Anub'ar.
The deck is probably unlike many decks and pretty far from miracle as well.

It started off as an experiment to make a midrange deck that instead of backstab uses preparation. After all, many times backstab is just being used for the pure tempo purpose and not to gain card advantage, just like preparation anyway. Sometimes backstab does go a clean 1 for 1 and sometimes you take some damage in the process of getting that value. But preparation should get a bigger board impact.

For example, I was playing against a druid where he was at an advantage in the first 5 turns due to coin and innervate. But turn 5 I could basically hit a board reset button and play a 5/5. I think I played a loatheb but I know it was followed up by a prep-sap. Not the best example since I lost anyway, and the target was an ancient of lore so not the best of targets lol.

Anyway, I'll just type out the cards real quick from the current iteration which I am testing out how worthwhile ERF is in it, instead of shade of naxx which frankly just wasn't sitting well with anubar ambusher.

2x preparation
2x deadly poison
2x eviscerate
2x sap
2x echoing ooze
2x faerie dragon
2x fan of knives
2x earthen ring farseer
2x si7 agent
2x anubar ambusher (replaced spectral knights early on and has seen great gains imo)
2x defender of argus
1x assassinate (possible candidate for alexstrasza)
2x azure drake
1x loatheb (I am hesitant to say this, but this could be changed out I think but still pretty strong choice)
1x black knight
1x sprint (I've thought about having two, not sure if I ever need 2 and I don't think I can afford a dead card - I have had matches go very close to me running out of cards which is of course instant loss for rogue since control decks become unkillable very quickly.)
2x molten giant

I've also thought about taking out echoing ooze... but damn that card can shine sometimes. Ooze's 2 bodies combined with a timely fan of knives + a dagger hit can clear a lot of small minions.


It really depends on the rest of your deck, having 2 or even 3 legendaries doesn't mean squat if the rest of your deck is weak or you have a bad mana curve, you can go many games without drawing any of your legendaries. Most arena games only draw half your deck.

Or if you run into crazy rush decks. Doesn't matter how many 8/9 drops you have if you get destroyed by turn 6.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Hearthstone alpha:



There's a ton of shit cards and very few very good cards. Probably why the game gets stale very quickly after the Naxx release.
That would be like double nerfing secret classes. Cause suddenly not only is mad scientist much weaker, but all of your secrets are much weaker on their own. I don't think that is the route they should take. I think mad scientist needs a nerf.

Plus it opens up more creative options down the line. I don't know if they ever will and they may very well choose not to, but you can't have secrets costing 4+ mana when you can potentially get them out for free, not even costing a card from your hand from mad scientist. I doubt high cost secrets are being considered much though.

Yea mad scientist really might be the problem. The [undertaker > scientist > kirin tor mage > secret] opener is just too much momentum for almost no risk.

Maybe bumping it to 3CMC and making it a 2/3 would help?


I had an All-Taunt Druid deck right after Turn 8 Mage got nerfed (in the beta, I think). It did okay, but then aggro ramped up again. I love a good gimmick deck, though. I wish mill was more viable.


I think there are actually plenty of good 5 drops. Hell, I'm having trouble fitting Loatheb into my Shaman deck because Belcher and Azure Drake are mandatory, 5 5s can often be too many. You have Spectral Knight after that which is amazing, and then more situational cards.
I think there are actually plenty of good 5 drops. Hell, I'm having trouble fitting Loatheb into my Shaman deck because Belcher and Azure Drake are mandatory, 5 5s can often be too many. You have Spectral Knight after that which is amazing, and then more situational cards.

Belcher is just too good for its cost. I think a 4 mana 3/4 with a 1/1 summon is plenty fair and would still be playable in a lot of decks. That makes it a true alternative to sen jin and also leaves it vulnerable to 4 damage removal like flamestrike, soul fire, etc.

I'm as annoyed by the possibility of a pure aggro meta as anybody else but belcher is just too common.


I think there are actually plenty of good 5 drops. Hell, I'm having trouble fitting Loatheb into my Shaman deck because Belcher and Azure Drake are mandatory, 5 5s can often be too many. You have Spectral Knight after that which is amazing, and then more situational cards.

Drakes can be dropped by most classes for a Belcher Easilyy. Shaman like them probably more than most because their class based card draw option sucks. Mana totem is to easily dealt with.


Drakes can be dropped by most classes for a Belcher Easilyy. Shaman like them probably more than most because their class based card draw option sucks. Mana totem is to easily dealt with.

Sure, but Drake is still quite good. Pretty much everyone outside of Warlock can use a card draw, spell power and a solid body.

Take a look at 4 drops in comparison. Outside of Yeti, which isn't exactly spectacular, everything is situational. Argus needs board presence, Twilight Drake needs high card draw, Spell Breaker needs a class that doesn't have its own silence. They all suck if you don't meet the condition, and a lot of decks don't.
Yeah, I dunno where the "there are no good 5-drops" thing comes from. Spectral Knight is an extremely strong card in the right circumstances, and decent in most others. Sludge Belcher is the goddamn Sludge Belcher. Loatheb is Loatheb. Stranglethorn Tiger is a solid drop - stealth lets it wait for value and with so much HP it's very hard to kill with AoE like the weaker stealth creatures. Azure Drake is straight up one of the best cards in the game. Spiteful Smith can be strong in weapons classes. Venture Co. Mercenary can be devastating, though admittedly sometimes for the player who leads him. Kodo is strong in the right decks. Faceless and Gadgetzan are 5-drops too.
I had an All-Taunt Druid deck right after Turn 8 Mage got nerfed (in the beta, I think). It did okay, but then aggro ramped up again. I love a good gimmick deck, though. I wish mill was more viable.
I have a Druid deck that does every milling option in the game for them. It sucks, but it's hilarious and fun.

I love Priest mirror matches where the other person drops two Clerics at the same time, and then I mill the fuck out of them. Like putting down 4 minions including a Pyro, setting him off, then Circle/Nova-ing everyone.


I have a Druid deck that does every milling option in the game for them. It sucks, but it's hilarious and fun.

I love Priest mirror matches where the other person drops two Clerics at the same time, and then I mill the fuck out of them. Like putting down 4 minions including a Pyro, setting him off, then Circle/Nova-ing everyone.

That sounds awesome. I'll need to try that deck for sure.


Zoo vs Zoo for the finals in a 100k tourney.... FailFish

I bet it they never give out the prize money.

edit: this tourney is so fucking stupid
I really want to use my dust to craft some naxxramas golds, but stuff like undertaker, belcher, and loatheb are bound to get nerfed, and I won't be able to disenchant them to get my dust back.

Why not? Whenever they nerf a card, they let you disenchant it for it's full value.


Well then. Didn't know silencing got rid of freezing. Didn't trigger it myself and I had lost the game already anyway so I'm not upset or anything, but it definitely caught me off guard a little. Makes sense though.


lmao at this Paladin thinking he'd make a crazy play by facelessing my silenced Auchenai and holy lighting my 4/6. Insta-concede after I thanked him for the heal.


talking of soulpriest, I had a 3/4 soulpriest on the board and a zombie chow, with circle of healing, thinking it would be a good play and easy 5 damage to face, whoops. Quickly stuck down another card to make it look intentional but yeah, embarrassing. Still managed to win that game though. Funny how there are some games you know you played badly in and won, and some you play perfectly and get destroyed.


talking of soulpriest, I had a 3/4 soulpriest on the board and a zombie chow, with circle of healing, thinking it would be a good play and easy 5 damage to face, whoops. Quickly stuck down another card to make it look intentional but yeah, embarrassing. Still managed to win that game though. Funny how there are some games you know you played badly in and won, and some you play perfectly and get destroyed.
Not quite what was planned.
talking of soulpriest, I had a 3/4 soulpriest on the board and a zombie chow, with circle of healing, thinking it would be a good play and easy 5 damage to face, whoops. Quickly stuck down another card to make it look intentional but yeah, embarrassing. Still managed to win that game though. Funny how there are some games you know you played badly in and won, and some you play perfectly and get destroyed.

I don't understand.
Since the soulpriest and the zombie die at the same time, wouldn't the soulpriest's power still be active when the zombie's deathrattle is activated?
no idea how that "Stunner" guy got through to this stage, woeful.

did he play bad? I only saw the preist vs. freeze mage game and he played it as well as he could. the matchup is just an awful one for priest.

but they just aren't playing enough games in these matchups so the best player isn't always going to win. there are definitely people who made it through on pure luck and not skill.


did he play bad? I only saw the preist vs. freeze mage game and he played it as well as he could. the matchup is just an awful one for priest.

but they just aren't playing enough games in these matchups so the best player isn't always going to win. there are definitely people who made it through on pure luck and not skill.
He made a bunch of misplays in the Druid game before that but yeah, his Priest play was solid. Probably nerves and lack of experience with the class because those plays were pretty simple and Druid in general is pure babby mode.


I really really really hope that a Zoolock wins a whole bunch and reaches the finals or even win the whole thing. Maybe that will finally make Blizz take action with that deck. You would have thought they'd indirectly nerf it with the Naxx cards but nooooo lets give even more sticky early game and anti-AOE minions.

edit: LMAO if they remake that game it's going to be so unfair for firebat
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