MaexxnaIt can only steal targets with up to 2 attack, which are usually worthless.
MaexxnaIt can only steal targets with up to 2 attack, which are usually worthless.
You guys and your rank-5-and-up-netdeck-only experiences. I've seen Maexxna played in the lower ranks and casual. Its biggest drawback is the high mana cost, so it's a good card... to steal.Nobody plays Maexxna, though. Only if she pops out of a webspinner.
So that's what months of several hours' play every day without disenchanting looks like. Fucking crazy.
Maybe that's all the cards he got during that account's lifetime, then.
I guess that's one way to track your drops. >_>
Maybe that's all the cards he got during that account's lifetime, then.
I guess that's one way to track your drops. >_>
Nonononono.It can only steal targets with up to 2 attack, which are usually worthless.
Everyone and their mother playing a Priest deck they found on some website.
It's the new hunter, or the new miracle rogue, or the new zoolock, or the new freeze mage.
I think they should just nerf Auchenai Soulpriest + Circle of Healing, even if you got control of the board that's like a 5 mana Flamestrike plus you still have to deal with the Auchenai Soulpriest on the board, and let's be honest they never use if they got something else on the board.
I'd say hunter is still as strong as it's ever been
I think it's fine personally. You spend 5 mana and two cards to deal 4 damage to all minions (including your own) and leave yourself with a 3/1. Flamestrike is 7 mana, 1 card, and only deals 4 damage to the opposing player's minions.
I think Equality/Consecration or Pyro/Equality is more powerful than Soulpriest/COH.
I don't think the combination is really OP but it would definitely help dealing with the now default priest, I haven't seen a priest without that combo and it would break their pace for the current deck.
Do you really want to see WoW-style kneejerk nerfs to every new playable deck variation someone comes up with?
If you're having trouble with Auchenai + CoH don't overcommit into it, as you would with any other form of AoE.
I don't have a problem with deck variation and It's not like every priest beats me, I just don't want 50%+ of the ladder to be priest with the same deck
What rank and server are you on and are you using stat tracking software? I've seen very few Priests in my past 15 or so games on around rank 10 EU.I don't have a problem with deck variation and It's not like every priest beats me, I just don't want 50%+ of the ladder to be priest with the same deck
It can only steal targets with up to 2 attack, which are usually worthless.
Liiiiies, its an incredible card.
The mad scientist shenanigans you can pull off with a Cabal can crush a players dreams. Attack into their Sylvannas, Swap its HP and Attack and steal it. Ouch.
Haven't played since lweroy/buzzard Nerf. Any changes or new info since than? Burnt out on the game and looking for a reason to jump back im
Haven't played since lweroy/buzzard Nerf. Any changes or new info since than? Burnt out on the game and looking for a reason to jump back im
no card changes. likely to be info on the new cards at blizzcon.
I really like where the meta has settled. after buzzard nerf people got super greedy with late game cards but then everyone remembered that undertaker exists and punishes slow decks.
When's blizzcon? Id love to hear about the new xpac.
no card changes. likely to be info on the new cards at blizzcon.
I really like where the meta has settled. after buzzard nerf people got super greedy with late game cards but then everyone remembered that undertaker exists and punishes slow decks.
I just played two games in a row where my opponents had double undertaker starts. I might as well not be controlling my character. Hunter, priest, shaman, mage, warlock are all using it nonstop. The card is a huge problem.
It becomes a 2/3 for 1 mana like 85% of the time it is played. That's like zombie chow without the huge drawback. The card is ridiculous. People have to burn removal on a friggin 1 mana card the moment it is played or it gets out of hand.
I would rather take a massive, huge shit over my own face than spending one more second on this website
Bros, when are we gonna have a GAF tournament.
OTOH it's a dead card if you don't draw it early.
Bros, when are we gonna have a GAF tournament.
Undertaker should be a 2 mana cost 1/3 that gains +1 attack per deathrattle card.
Undertaker should be a 2 mana cost 1/3 that gains +1 attack per deathrattle card.