Should be 3 mana, same stats/text, but also procs when an opponent plays a deathrattle minion as well.
But then Questing Adventurer is better, and nobody plays that? It's the early dominance it brings that's problematic.
Should be 3 mana, same stats/text, but also procs when an opponent plays a deathrattle minion as well.
Should be 3 mana, same stats/text, but also procs when an opponent plays a deathrattle minion as well.
Nah it's fine at 1 mana cost as long as the health doesn't increase with each deathrattle. It should compared to Mana Wyrm/Lightwarden whose healths don't increase.
What rank and server are you on and are you using stat tracking software? I've seen very few Priests in my past 15 or so games on around rank 10 EU.
Until someone finds a way to make Priest as consistent and simple to play as Hunter and Zoo it won't dominate the non-legend ladder, ever.
I'm in the US at rank 14, and I don't need a tracking software, if 6 out of 10 games is a priest I can say is 50%+.
sure but that's a tiny, tiny sample size. i've played about 20 games today and it was maybe like 2-3 priests? a lot of zoo and hunter and mages, though. and one handlock. and a miracle rogue to end the session.
top decked force of nature for the win.
Been messing around with a Handlock style deck with Void Terror, Feugen and Stalagg. The Void Terror actually has good synergy in the deck, and leads to some interesting plays.
Sounds more like demon lock.
I like demonlock more than handlock. It can run voidcaller, voidterror, doomguard to great affect.
The best is having voidcaller call in a doomguard on turn 4 for free, then faceless manipulator on the doomguard. 2x5/7s on turn 5... yeouch.
Another 12 wins with Rogue.
Here's an interesting turn of events:Sounds more like demon lock.
I like demonlock more than handlock. It can run voidcaller, voidterror, doomguard to great affect.
The best is having voidcaller call in a doomguard on turn 4 for free, then faceless manipulator on the doomguard. 2x5/7s on turn 5... yeouch.
Here's an interesting turn of events:
Turn 2:
Him - Egg
Me - Recruit
Turn 3:
Him - Tap
Me - Recruit
Turn 4:
Him - Voidcaller
Me - Mountain Giant
Turn 5:
Him - Power overwhelming on Egg, hit face, Void Terror. 7/9, 4/4, 3/15. During my thinking in my turn he emote 'greetings'.
Me - After some careful thinking... Blessing of Kings on Mountain Giant, hit face and Humility on Void Terror.
Situation is now:
Warlock (12hp) - 1/9, 4/4, 3/15
Paladin (23hp) - 1/1, 1/1, 12/12
Turn 6:
Him - concede
Normally I don't use Blessing of Kings that way but it sure was funny that my board ended up being more amazing than a perfect demonlock opener
It helps that my deck pretty much mulligans the same for both Zoo and Handlock: Equality and Humility.
Using void terror on both the egg and voidcaller sounds like a huge mistake.
Seems like there should be a word in German for when you craft a card and it appears in the very next deck you open. Redundattencarden or something.
Seems like there should be a word in German for when you craft a card and it appears in the very next deck you open. Redundattencarden or something.
Or when you mulligan a card and get another one in your hand anyway!
This really burns me up.
Forsen is joining Tempostorm
It's definitely money. I thought he paid them salaries.
Yeah he does, he has mentioned it.
Probably a combination of stream donations, twitch and website subscriptions, sponsorships, tournament winnings, and ads.How does he afford that? Ad revenue from their website can't be that great right?
How does he afford that? Ad revenue from their website can't be that great right?
You ever watched when he streams? People donate TONS of money to the guy just to see him read their (usually stupid/erotic) donation messages on stream. And I do mean tons.
Guy gets more donations than any of the streamers I have seen except MAYBE some of the big LoL streamers. That plus the money they make in subs from their website etc.
Streaming? No way. No other tempo storm member gets more viewers/donations than him. Out of all streamers only Trump and Amaz get more viewers regularly. Can't really think of anybody else that gets more viewers than Reynad besides those two. Tourney winnings definitely, Tides has been doing great there, even though the chinese government stole his money.
Naw, reynad can hit 20K. Forsen and reckful both peak in the mid teens.
I'm trying to figure out what legendary to create next. I have the majority of the 'big ones'...
I'm looking at either Baron Geddon for my warrior deck or Jarraxus for handlock.
How essential is Baron for control warrior? I am also missing 1 shield slam.
"Serves you right!" is the first thought in my mind, lol. I find it hard to feel bad for Zoo players. Even though it's a reasonable deck type. It's just that it's really the deck that tells me that someone doesn't even bother try to build decks.Rather have that than a Zoo game where I draw two Doomguards and a Soulfire to start off. Such anti-value.
Seed(seat?, BEE'S!?) Story cup this weekend, what a great time to be alive.
What legendaries does Shaman run consistently though? Al'Akir, Lolthaeb (doesn't really count) and Sylvanas? Sounds more like the Druid drawing all the right answers than you lacking key cards.I'll start building my own decks just as soon as I have enough dust for at least two of Cairne, Sylvannas, The Black Knight, and Rag. So in about 6 months time! Till then it's Zoo all day err day.
Edit: Yep. Tried to play a Shaman deck and ran into a Druid with Cairne, The Black Knight, Big Game Hunter, Ancients of Lore, Cenarius, Faceless Manip. and I gradually fall behind after turn 6. Can only compete on the ladder with Zoo.
What legendaries does Shaman run consistently though? Al'Akir, Lolthaeb (doesn't really count) and Sylvanas? Sounds more like the Druid drawing all the right answers than you lacking key cards.