I mean, it's possible that I'm just too stuck in my Zoo ways and playing badly. I can easily get to high ranks as Zoo but I get dumped on with every other deck playing at that level (except pre-nerf Hunter, the other deck I invested dust in crafting). I own one Legendary (Al'Akir) and a few epics/rares. I think the problem is my other decks suck - there's no point in me playing control warrior, Druid or Handlock without the cards for them.
People say Shaman is great against decks that use big guys (like Handlock and some Druids), but I'm not too sure that's the case, and I've seen commentators in tournaments agree with me. Sure, you have two Hexes, two Earth Shocks, an Owl, your Lightning Bolts and Storms. But if you're going against two Druid of the Claws, at least one Ancient of War, a Faceless, and three legendaries your removal can be outlasted. Druid has better card draw engines than Shaman too so simply trading card for card hurts you.
I don't think I'm too bad at the game though - I get to rank 5 with ease spamming Zoo and made rank 2 last month. I can go deep in Arena frequently as a number of classes (by far best record is with Mage though). In the fullness of time I'll complete the deck lists for other classes and see how I do with them on the ladder, but till then I'm sticking with Zoo.