i cry evertimBest deck is still Miracle pre-nerf.
RIP in Peace
February 2014 - September 2014.
Well, this one and Viagame's are both held in Europe, and there are so many matches in the group stage that they start around noon in EU time anyway. At least the finals are usually on the weekend.super annoyed that these tourneys tend to be during work hours on weekdays
Eh, I've always had a favorable winrate vs Priests.Control Warrior still sucks against priest. Well, "old" priest, dunno about undertaker priest.
Ohhh, he double unleashed and got through my Sludge Belcher! Hey wait... what did I draw?
Dun dun dunnnnn.
Unleash the Dog OP
One day I'll have to post some games here and hopefully get some pointers on why I'm so terrible xD I'm having fun most of the time, but just bouncing back and forth between rank 19-16
That's because of the resource system. Because resources aren't cards, it makes it so you want to consistently be applying pressure and doing things every turn. In MTG, playing around the wrath would be correct- but in Hearthstone, that same pressure doesn't exist. "Wrath, then end with a finisher" doesn't really exist- every deck is, by necessity, a tempo deck. Since the wraths are mostly one-side, playing a threat, then playing a bonfire is a much better gameplan. Raw card advantage doesn't really come into play in a lot of matchups. Card access is often more important.Biggest problem with this game's playerbase is how often people overextend their hand onto the board... and how often it then works in their favor even though it should pretty much instantly kill them.
I very rarely play someone who I feel is actually understands why they're making the plays that they are in a given game. When I do play against them it's nice but it's just not that often. The game holds your hand way too much.
Maybe that dynamic changes in high legend? It's certainly the case from ranks 1-25.
Welcome to the enlightened.i played Control Warrior for the first time today.
My god, it's beautiful.
Still need Grommash. Subbing in Kel'Thuzad for the time being.
Is it a bug that I can't change quests more than once now? I used to be able to do it all the time.
At a certain time each day I used to be able to cycle on an endless loop.You can only cycle 1 quest per day.
At a certain time each day I used to be able to cycle on an endless loop.
Why was Trump invited, but not Tides? Trump sucks.
Biggest problem with this game's playerbase is how often people overextend their hand onto the board... and how often it then works in their favor even though it should pretty much instantly kill them.
I very rarely play someone who I feel is actually understands why they're making the plays that they are in a given game. When I do play against them it's nice but it's just not that often. The game holds your hand way too much.
Maybe that dynamic changes in high legend? It's certainly the case from ranks 1-25.
This is amazing. This is the kind of deck I've been wanting ever since I started playing.Firebat's new mill deck is pretty hilarious. Watching him play it right now. He says he's bringing it to blizzcon, that'd be pretty amazing if he actually did.
Twisting Nether + Ooze coming up.Hi casual botter.
L2concede pl0x
Firebat's new mill deck is pretty hilarious. Watching him play it right now. He says he's bringing it to blizzcon, that'd be pretty amazing if he actually did.
Firebat's new mill deck is pretty hilarious. Watching him play it right now. He says he's bringing it to blizzcon, that'd be pretty amazing if he actually did.
Then you face Zoo 5 times in a row and nothing is fun anymore.
Alright, this is too funny not to show
Guy was forced to trade his Shade because of my taunted up minions.
Couldn't score a lethal with Force of Nature, Innervate double Roar.
The turn after I taunted up again and his single card in his hand to score a lethal which he topdecked, Druid of the Claw, couldn't get through.
Added me and this is the 'conversation':
Then you face Zoo 5 times in a row and nothing is fun anymore.
Depends on the draws really, 3/5 of the zoos i've faced I beat (just barely though), if you get backstab, prep, flurry evis and trade with your stuff. Also if they already have a full hand and then you vanish all their stuff just dies, lol.
It really is hard to win with the deck though.
Depends on the draws really, 3/5 of the zoos i've faced I beat (just barely though), if you get backstab, prep, flurry evis and trade with your stuff. Also if they already have a full hand and then you vanish all their stuff just dies, lol.
It really is hard to win with the deck though.
When does zoo ever have a full hand? The whole point of zoo is to dump your hand as fast as you can so that you can play Doomguard without discarding anything. The best you can hope for is shoving Doomguard back into his hand and him either holding it until his hand is empty again or putting it back out and discarding two cards.
I did win against a Zoo by Sap-ing his Flame Imp twice.
Just the luck... this priest managed to get rockbiter... hex... doomhammer... and blackknight off thoughtsteal. Not sure what better cards you could possibly ask for.