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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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5 mana secrets, such Mad Scientist value...

I wanted to create the soulstone secret and based the cost off that. Maybe it could be tuned down to 3 and the rest could be tuned down as well.

I would rather have Mad Scientist nerfed to allow more expensive secrets to be played. Kezan is fine.


How about Mad Scientist is changed to to an EmpT type effect.

Mad Sci 2cc 2/2
At the end of your turn, reduce the cost of secrets in your deck by 1.


Emperor Balanced doing work. BGH + Drake +.Dr Balanced on turn 8.

Absolutely disgusting!

And of course the other guy has to spend Shadowflame + BGH to clear the board yet still put him in 50/50 lethal range from Ragnaros due to Balanced Bots.


How about Mad Scientist is changed to to an EmpT type effect.

Mad Sci 2cc 2/2
At the end of your turn, reduce the cost of secrets in your deck by 1.
Should just be same stats, but with "Battlecry: Add a random secret from your deck to your hand" instead of the bs deathrattle. Curves into Kirin Tor so Tempo/Secret Mages can keep doing their shenanigans and still provides the fetch for Freeze Mage but doesn't give stupid tempo to aggro decks anymore.
It's sort of funny how Grim Patron was the one card that actually made the entire enrage mechanic work like it was imagined. Despite being perhaps too strong I think it might be the one new card design I find especially clever.


Should just be same stats, but with "Battlecry: Add a random secret from your deck to your hand" instead of the bs deathrattle. Curves into Kirin Tor so Tempo/Secret Mages can keep doing their shenanigans and still provides the fetch for Freeze Mage but doesn't give stupid tempo to aggro decks anymore.

I've considered that change, but I feel like that would turn it into Sense Demons-tier. I don't think Freeze Mages would play it if it merely drew the card. They have plenty of draw as is.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
There's nothing wrong with the effect on Mad Scientist. It's just too damn cheap. A card should not do that much for just 2 mana.


I so want Lifecoach to lose this match just to see him actually go mad having to play another one with Dank Warrior

I've considered that change, but I feel like that would turn it into Sense Demons-tier. I don't think Freeze Mages would play it if it merely drew the card. They have plenty of draw as is.

Unlike Sense Demons it puts an alright body on the board though. I think your suggestion makes it much less playable since you still need to draw these discounted secrets. Also the battlecry version would still be auto-include in Freeze Mage as its secrets are what hold the deck together, drawing them as early as possible is absolutely clutch.


It's sort of funny how Grim Patron was the one card that actually made the entire enrage mechanic work like it was imagined. Despite being perhaps too strong I think it might be the one new card design I find especially clever.
I don't think it should be capable of spawning Grim Patrons until your side is full. Make them cost 4 and spawn a "Merry Patron" upon survival - same stats but no card text.

edit: I might be a bit annoyed because the repetition of the GET IN HERE soundbite is really grating.


Finally a playable combo deck emerges and there's already talk about nerfs. Fuck that noise. Let the established decks tech against something other than hyper-aggro for a change and see how the meta shifts long-term.


"Lifecoach is gonna race"

*attacks 3/1 Leper Gnome with War Axe*

Twisting nether casters

Guys help this is like my sixth legendary and 2nd golden legendary this week from like only 12 packs, it was an 8 win arena

Am I gonna die when the luck turns bad

I don't even know what to craft anymore. Best legendary I don't got is prob Sneed's or Ysera.


Just completed the spectator quest again. Here are the cards I got.

PS: Wonder how many times I'll get that quest. Free cards vs gold works for me.
If you go by pure gold value, it's by far the easiest and most rewarding. 100 gold for two minutes and a couple clicks.

But if you want gold for the adventures or GvG packs, it's actually ok to reroll it.


I'm in a bind.

I have 3200 dust, which two should I craft?


Pretty much all other high tier legendaries I already have.


Damn Kolento's Priest got destroyed by a single double Innervated Drake!

That 4 attack dead zone for Priest is so fucking punishing...

I kinda like Grommash and Alexstraza right now. Grommash is being used in both Control and Grim Patron Warrior decks. Alex gets used in Freeze Mage and Control Warrior. Antonidas gets used in the Flamewaker Mage aggro deck (not yet refined but has potential) and Mech Mage (getting phased out thanks to Zoolcock)... both of which are kinda iffy currently.
im sad, i just blew a play by dropping my moltens too fast after i revenged.... zombie chow healed me and i chewed through all the mana i was going to use on rag

Permanently A

Junior Member
Is there a list of friends to add or something? I need a friend for a quest. My tag is Scorched#1198 on NA if you want to add me. Thanks!

I'm in a bind.

I have 3200 dust, which two should I craft?


Pretty much all other high tier legendaries I already have.

Cairne doesn't see play anymore, Sylvanas and Thaurissan are too good.

Grommash and Alexstrasza if you want to play Control Warrior, Archmage and Alex if you want to play Freeze Mage.


not complaining, just finding it odd that of 12 games I played tonight 6 of them were against mage (mostly tempo/mech types)
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if battle rage gets some sort of nerf (it was an unplayed card not that long ago lol). There's buzzard levels of absurd draw from that sometimes, though it's not necessarily a comeback mechanic.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Battle rage is a really well designed card as-is. It can be a dead card until it's set up right, and I like the additional interplay it has with actually wanting to get atleast 1hp of damage on Garrosh which can be hard later if you armor up.
I don't think it's necessarily unfair just judging by the numbers, but the fact that battle rage has a low enough cost to let you dig for the missing pieces of your combo is a bit extreme, and sort of reminds me of hunters digging for kill command and hunter's mark with buzzard + unleash. It's not crazy OP, but I think it would be a bit more fair if it cost 3 mana instead of 2, especially with emperor being in the game.

Grim Patron warrior is extremely fun to play and really really strong, but after analyzing my games it's obvious that while warsong commander and grim patron technically won the games, armorsmith and battle rage were the real MVPs. Right now Grim Patron Warrior feels like miracle rogue but without the limitations derived from needing gadgetzan to draw.

It's such a fun deck, though. It's basically a more reliable version of the mana addict/wild pyromancer rogue deck I loved to play from almost a year ago.


There's a lot of set up required to get a few draws from Battle Rage. To get good value you need to cut some armor gaining cards and you have to not armor up like crazy at the start. It can lead into survivability issues later on.

The card is fine. It actually makes the combo viable and even then you need to run a bunch of other draws to ensure you draw the Berserkers/Commanders/Patrons like Acolyte, Slam, Loat Hoarders EVEN Gnomish Inventors. This is no where close to Miracle Rogue where you played one Gadgetan and then just spammed whatever spells you had... you are specifically putting in cards that just draw for the Grim Patron deck.

Grim Patron is way more balanced than the Combo Druid. Grim Patron shines when the board is full, Combo Druid can 20+ HP off of no board with about the same or less amount of cards. That's why Combo Druid gets away with running far less draws than Grim Patron.

People just aren't used to Grim Patron. Soon they will realize that Handlock crushes Patron and so does Ramp Druid IMO. With only two Executes as your removal and no mid game/late game minion to challenge big taunt walls your combos will be rendered useless.

As odd as it sounds, meta will slow down with the existence of Grim Patron and Zoolock. You will see more Handlocks, Ramp Druids and Lightbomb Priests and less of Mech Mage, Face Hunter and Midranged decks. Hell people will even realize that Control Warrior is good again due to Grim Patron.

Of course this is at high level tournament play, on Ladders you will still see Face Hunters, Midrange Hunters, Mech Mage etc Because they are cheap and fast which results in quicker rank ups.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Oh shit, drafted Chromaggus in Arena. I feel like he's going to be really solid here.

Great. Lost the first game to someone having Dr. GG.
Grim Patron is way more balanced than the Combo Druid. Grim Patron shines when the board is full, Combo Druid can 20+ HP off of no board with about the same or less amount of cards. That's why Combo Druid gets away with running far less draws than Grim Patron.

Are you saying combo druid is not balanced? The combo you speak of takes 4 cards. Grim patron merely takes 2 cards to get their combo going and actually impacts board a lot better. It also scales better with more cards being invested into the combo.

I haven't an opinion on whether grim patron warrior is OP or not since it is a fairly new deck, although I lean towards it not being OP.

As for card draw, druid has ancient of lore. Enough said. They don't need more card draw between that and wrath. They also require more stronger minions rather than card draw due to a lack of hard removal to run outside of mill. Just a lack of strong removal in general tbh.


Two cards with Grim Patron never just wins you the match.

You usually need Warsong Commander + Grim Patron + Whirlwind/Inner Rage + Death's Bite deathrattle or you need Warsong + Frothing + Whirlwind/Death's Bite and a bunch of minions on the board.

It's never as simple as "wait until turn 8 for Warsong + Grim Patron" with that deck and that's why so many people fail so hard with the deck online. You need a proper board state comprising of both your minions and theirs to set up the big combos.

And even then to make sure you have all the tools you need to set up the combos you need a crap ton of draws in the deck. Basically a 3rd of your deck comprises of draws:

Gnomish Inventors
Loot Hoarders
Battle Rages

Compared to Druid which really only needs two Lores and two Drakes (with the occasional Wrath). Not to mention all the various "enablers" you need in the deck like Whirlwinds, Unstable Ghouls, Inner Rages, Cruel Taskmasters, Death's Bite etc. There's almost no room to place any high value minions in so if your Berserkers/Patrons are at the bottom of the deck then you are shit out of luck because the rest of your deck can't do shit.

Basically the Druid combo does not need an entire deck built around it nor is it tricky to set up.

Also I am not talking about the 4 card double Savage Roar combo but just the regular 2 card combo with 1 minion on board for 20+ damage which in many cases finishes the game because you have cheat cards like Innervate and Wild Growth to get out big creatures early to rack up the damage.


Just stole a Chromaggus playing as a Priest with Shrinkmeister (Chromagg now 4/8) + Shrinkmeister (Chromagg now 2/8) + Cabal Shadowpriest. I was hoping I would get that particular combo at some point.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
You also need to be really cautious of how you play patron warrior. There are cases where it can be really solid to use whirlwind early but you lose a big piece that snowballs the grim train out of control. Based off the minions on the board you can't always trade away and make it happen yourself either. It's the type of combo deck I really like to see as it does take a lot of skill to manage throughout the game.

With Druid it basically hits a point in the game where you look at your HP, keep the board clear at all times, and die if you don't have a taunt.

Just stole a Chromaggus playing as a Priest with Shrinkmeister (Chromagg now 4/8) + Shrinkmeister (Chromagg now 2/8) + Cabal Shadowpriest. I was hoping I would get that particular combo at some point.

Doing that to Tirion is the nastiest swing ever.


For the record I am not saying either Grim Patron or Combo Druid decks are OP but rather that Combo Druid is a bigger issue than Grim Patron. People have been complaining about combo Druid for over a year now. Grim Patron is just the hot topic at the moment when in reality stuff like that already exists. In addition, many people don't play that well against Grim Patron because they try to put Grim Patron on a clock and flood.the board then they get Berserker'd for 25 damage off of your 6 minions.

Kinda reminds me of the Oil Rogue stuff as well.


Been screwing around with grim patron and have had some very interesting games, but have only won 35% of the games using a deck that is recommended by on of the top players.

So far I've been getting completely dominated by face hunter and mech mage, which oddly enough are supposed to be good match ups.

The games I do win so far are complete blow outs or insane come from behind victories where I feel I'm stealing the win.

Again this is my first 15 games or so.


Doing that to Tirion is the nastiest swing ever.

I had actually already used my MC on the Tirion earlier in the game, so apparently the Paladin thought he was safe (if you're wondering why it went on that long given those moves, he had an extremely strong turns 4-8 and I was way behind and had to very gradually work my way back in).

My favorite thing about priest is stealing the opponents cards. I'd really like to try a deck that has 2x mind vision, 2x thought steal, 2x shadow madness, 2x cabal shadowpriest, and 2x mind control. I'm sure it wouldn't be particularly good, but it would be fun to steal half an opponent's deck.
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