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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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Another day, another session of discussion on how to balance Dr Balanced.

I will just say that Boom Bots hitting own targets is a bad idea. It just creates a bigger swing in RNG where Dr Balanced could either win you the game or lose the game... and that is infuriating. The goal is to reduce the RNG range, not increase it. And that nerf is so huge it would take him out of the competitive field completely which should not be the goal of a nerf.


Easiest way to nerf Boom without making him unplayable is making the Boom Bots capable of duds (0 dmg.) Fits in with the motif of Goblin tech, keeps the fun RNG element of exciting will-it-or-won't-it situations. Opposing players still have to respect the bots, but they have a slight chance of reprieve.


Neo Member
Just opened up a gahz'rilla, is it worth keeping or should I just disenchant this thing? seems like such a slow card for hunter.


So I just had something interesting happen on my mobile client.

I closed my phone after a game in Play Mode a couple hours ago, I just re-opened it and it was at the character (deck) select screen, except all deck slots were empty (even the basic ones) and at the top of the screen where it usually says "Play" is said "glue_tournament". Wondering if maybe there's a tournament mode incoming...?


There's more than one tournament at the same time again, but this HyperX one seems like the most haphazardly organised tournament since two days ago, so I'll just keep watching the Korean thing in the background instead.

I wonder why Trump's casting it. Maybe TSM is sponsored by HyperX.

Edit: Seems like Savjz was supposed to cast it but he's stuck playing in the Korean tournament? Oops.
Got so caught up in counting for lethal that I forgot the 3/2 was pyromancer... bye bye FoN/SR.. Ah well lesson learned


Didn't you know, smokey is actually a druid in bear form.
i had a taunted up axe flinger and the enemy warlock killed it with 5 imps and a knife juggler proc

ez 12 damage

still lost thanks to him drawing an owl though


Random idea for Dr. Boom: Get rid of the boom bots completely, and give Boom Deathrattle - deal 4 damage to a random enemy.

The damage could be variable but I thought four was appropriate seeing as how he is a legendary.
Random idea for Dr. Boom: Get rid of the boom bots completely, and give Boom Deathrattle - deal 4 damage to a random enemy.

The damage could be variable but I thought four was appropriate seeing as how he is a legendary.

That would make him pretty weak. The reason he's so good now is that he puts multiple bodies on the field and the possibility of 8 damage and two dead minions from the deathrattles. A single 4 damage deathrattle after getting BGHed wouldn't be worth playing.


Random idea for Dr. Boom: Get rid of the boom bots completely, and give Boom Deathrattle - deal 4 damage to a random enemy.

The damage could be variable but I thought four was appropriate seeing as how he is a legendary.
Nah he would be much weaker and would be removed from competitive play.

That's because you would be able to do stuff like Owl + BGH on him to cleanly remove him off the board. You can't do that shit against the Boom Bots. It would also make him a very weak play on an empty board because then you can remove him with like a Siphon Soul and take the 4 damage to face (which is nothing compared to 8 damage you can take from the Bots).

Plus no Bots mean you remove the Knife Juggler synergy, the Sea Giant synergy, Savage Roar synergy and the Mech synergy. Something like Zoolock would never use that card because Zoo makes great use of the 3 bodies that Dr Balanced produces.


Yeah Boom Bots changed to 1-3 or a flat 2 damage is the best change. It makes him a bit weaker but doesn't remove him from competitive play. Not more losing your Emperor Thaurissan or Loatheb to a single fucking Bot.


1-3 damage on the boom bots is acceptable to me, but Blizz needs to do something also about these other cards being trash to make Dr. Boom less of an auto-include in every deck.
A lot of priest players say that priest needs a good two-drop to be good, but I really have to wonder what exactly qualifies as "good". Priest right now has access to two 1 drops that have the stats of 2 drops, twilight whelp and zombie chow. Of course, twilight whelp requires a deck to run some dragons to activate. In addition to those two 1 drops, Priest has access to 3/2 Shrinkmeister and a 2/3 shadowboxer. Both of their two drops possess synergy with priest spells/hero power. So if all these options are still not good enough for priest, then the two drop they need would probably be completely imbalanced.

Cat Party

A lot of priest players say that priest needs a good two-drop to be good, but I really have to wonder what exactly qualifies as "good". Priest right now has access to two 1 drops that have the stats of 2 drops, twilight whelp and zombie chow. Of course, twilight whelp requires a deck to run some dragons to activate. In addition to those two 1 drops, Priest has access to 3/2 Shrinkmeister and a 2/3 shadowboxer. Both of their two drops possess synergy with priest spells/hero power. So if all these options are still not good enough for priest, then the two drop they need would probably be completely imbalanced.
Shadowboxer is rad so I don't know what more they want. Shrinkmeister is never properly played as a 2 drop.


A lot of priest players say that priest needs a good two-drop to be good, but I really have to wonder what exactly qualifies as "good". Priest right now has access to two 1 drops that have the stats of 2 drops, twilight whelp and zombie chow. Of course, twilight whelp requires a deck to run some dragons to activate. In addition to those two 1 drops, Priest has access to 3/2 Shrinkmeister and a 2/3 shadowboxer. Both of their two drops possess synergy with priest spells/hero power. So if all these options are still not good enough for priest, then the two drop they need would probably be completely imbalanced.

Those cards are all okay but they all just trade 1-1 most of the time. A card like Shielded Minibot that can often trade 2-1 would be amazing.
Those cards are all okay but they all just trade 1-1 most of the time. A card like Shielded Minibot that can often trade 2-1 would be amazing.

But priest has cards like power word shield and the hero power that lets minions go the extra mile. And now that priest has a Velen's Chosen, a strong 2/3 has the potential to be even more unbalancing by letting Priest have a tanky minion that they can continuously trade with and draw cards off of with Northshire. Hell, we already see in Chinese priest how Gilbins were being run to guarantee Velen's Chosen targets.


But priest has cards like power word shield and the hero power that lets minions go the extra mile. And now that priest has a Velen's Chosen, a strong 2/3 has the potential to be even more unbalancing by letting Priest have a tanky minion that they can continuously trade with and draw cards off of with Northshire. Hell, we already see in Chinese priest how Gilbins were being run to guarantee Velen's Chosen targets.

I'm not arguing that we need some OP Priest 2 drop. I am just saying that the 2 drop cards you listed in your original post are not used often because they often only trade 1-1. Gilbin is a fine card in Velen's Chosen Priest, much better then the 2 you mentioned.
zoo/demon lock with voidcaller/mal ganis, enhance o mechano is just a blast to play. Nerubian egg, power overwhelming, void terrors. The dmg potential with enhance o plus power overwhelming and abusive sergeants is nuts. You can almost always flood the board thanks to implosin or gang boss.


So, if I want a 90% WR against these midrange zoo-fucks, what do I play? Freeze Mage?

Face hunter is probably the best counter to zoo (midrange/standard). Mid range paladin is good vs Zoo, but is weak right now against the field (according to some)

Unfortunately 90% win rate might be pushing it. Zoolock is just too consistent to be anything less that 40%-50% win rate against even the worst match ups.

For instance my paladin decks usually destroy zoo, but the last match with them I lost because the guy had an insane start and by the time I stabilized the had back to back doomguards Exactly when he needed them lol


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If there was a deck that had 90% win rate against mid range, mid range wouldn't even be popular.

Anyway play Patron Warrior because it's the best deck in the game at the moment, or play Midrange Hunter and just outmidrange them to death.


Just ran into three warriors in a row in Arena from wins 3-6. Strange.

Here I have Witcher 3 to play but I don't feel like quitting this arena run lol.
North American server?
Yes IvanANguyen#1675 NA Server

Sounds like you're running bad minions and/or too low of a curve tbh

Probably. Today I ran mostly face hunter with the few cards that I have and I was able to overcome two awesome opponent decks in ranked. One was a deck draw warrior who's armor kept rising while he filled up my hand. When I saw that all his cards were golden I almost wanted to quit right there. My low cost minions allowed me to flood the board and only lost 3 cards to having hand that was too full. The other deck was a mage who had a secret vs the killing blow and reset his health back to 15.

Thanks to both of those wins I am now rank 19!


Is there another card like Gurubashi Berserker?

Super fun to damage your own units than ROFL stomp confused enemies with a 15-2 monster on turn 4

Amani Berserker, Frothing Berserker, Raging Worgen and Grim Patron.

ty, I will experiment with these
Should I keep this Gruul I just pulled from a pack or dust it + a couple other cards + use all the dust I have to craft a Dr Boom or something?

I have a bunch of epics I doubt I'll use

And I just realized I have a golden Earth Elemental that I could dust instead of Gruul.......even though Earth Elemental can be useful

Edit - Dusted the Gruul + some Rogue mech weapon for the rest of the dust to make Dr Boom :D Finally

Edit 2 - Felt awesome to finally be the one winning the match with a boom bot instead of being on the receiving end for a change :D

Edit 3 - Hah, finally was able to use Rend Blackhand's battle cry to take out Ysera
Yes IvanANguyen#1675 NA Server
Now with screen shots!

Today I ran mostly face hunter with the few cards that I have and I was able to overcome two awesome opponent decks in ranked. One was a deck draw warrior who's armor kept rising while he filled up my hand. When I saw that all his cards were golden I almost wanted to quit right there. My low cost minions allowed me to flood the board and only lost 3 cards to having hand that was too full.

The other deck was a mage who had a secret vs the killing blow and reset his health back to 15.

Thanks to both of those wins I am now rank 19!


Currently 5 and 0 in arena. Feels good.

Edited to add:

Ended 5 and 3. How come I never get Mage? And if I got mage, I doubt I would get to have as many flamestrikes, flame cannons, pyroblasts and fireballs as these frickin' lucky assholes. My Druid deck was good, it didn't deserve to get mauled by hack Hearthstone players who get gifted these perfect fucking decks.

Fuck Arena. 100 gold and pack worth 40 dust didn't exactly thrill me either.


Cabal Shadow Priest on a Flamewalker into Pyromancer was a lot of fun.

Wish I could add Flamewalkers in my priest deck.... : /

Flamewakers HATE being confused for Flamewalkers. They just wake up fire, they don’t walk on it. Walking on fire is CRAZY.
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