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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


So I've had a second Dr Boom waiting for what I thought was an inevitable nerf somewhere down the line for over 4 months now and still nothing. Safe to dust now or is there still hope?
So I've had a second Dr Boom waiting for what I thought was an inevitable nerf somewhere down the line for over 4 months now and still nothing. Safe to dust now or is there still hope?
Is there a reason to keep more than one copy of a legendary? Unless you're talking about a golden one.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Is there a reason to keep more than one copy of a legendary? Unless you're talking about a golden one.

If they nerf a card you can dust it for full value for a limited time. Basically a dupe boom if he's nerfed would give 1600 dust instead of 400 you would get doing it now.

I'd still hold onto it either way since that would feel really shitty to lose out on unless you really need the dust right now.


If they nerf a card you can dust it for full value for a limited time. Basically a dupe boom if he's nerfed would give 1600 dust instead of 400 you would get doing it now.

I'd still hold onto it either way since that would feel really shitty to lose out on unless you really need the dust right now.

Yeah, that's been my reasoning as well. Might as well wait because I don't need the dust that bad. Damn Sylvanas still evading me though
If they nerf a card you can dust it for full value for a limited time. Basically a dupe boom if he's nerfed would give 1600 dust instead of 400 you would get doing it now.

I'd still hold onto it either way since that would feel really shitty to lose out on unless you really need the dust right now.
Son of a bitch. I would've held on to mine if I knew that.


Thinking Blizzard will nerf non-basic cards


Thinking Blizzard will nerf non-basic cards
Whenever players give us a ton of feedback about a card they’re frustrated by, it basically goes onto the watchlist. Undertaker is a card I get a lot of feedback about. We did put a bunch of cards into Goblins vs Gnomes that are quite good against decks that feature a lot of Deathrattle, so if undertaker continues to be a big part of what you see on the ladder I think people will start including Lil’ Exorcist and maybe even the Paladin card that damages Deathrattle minions. And if those become very popular, it’s definitely possible we will see less Undertaker and then the meta will shift again.

So I think it’s too early to say whether or not we’d be making any changes to that stuff. We did add hopefully enough tools to for players to feel empowered to deal with it themselves, but we’re always paying attention to things and watching things and making sure things feel fun.
Next expansion will probably have some anti-secret tech that doesn't do anything. Secret Paladin will dominate for a few months after that until Blizzard finally breaks and nerfs it.


There's already lots of anti secret tech, the problem is tech of any kind is inefficient because you wont always be up against decks that it counters, making it a dead card in other matchups


There's already lots of anti secret tech, the problem is tech of any kind is inefficient because you wont always be up against decks that it counters, making it a dead card in other matchups
They need yugioh level tech.

2 mana 2/2
Secrets cannot activate or enter the field.


Flare is better than that (the 2/2 body is irrelevant mostly) and sees little to no play. Tech cards must come with a nice body or have a really swingy effect to see play. Even cards like Harrison Jones are obscure with all the secret paladins around.


Flare is better than that (the 2/2 body is irrelevant mostly) and sees little to no play. Tech cards must come with a nice body or have a really swingy effect to see play. Even cards like Harrison Jones are obscure with all the secret paladins around.

That's 2 mana you could be spending on your hero power. Flare is too slow for the current Hunter decks.

A neutral seafaring minion (next expansion will have more pirates) with a flare-like battlecry could work.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Flare is better than that (the 2/2 body is irrelevant mostly) and sees little to no play. Tech cards must come with a nice body or have a really swingy effect to see play. Even cards like Harrison Jones are obscure with all the secret paladins around.

Face Hunter is favored against Secret Pally anyway, and nobody plays Midrange right now.


Erggghh I need to stop playing, I said I'd cut down this season and just grab rank 5 at the end but I'm already almost there.


"Lots of anti-secret tech"

One terrible 4 drop that doesn't do anything against the class that plays the most secrets, one class card.



If you really want to win against Secret Paladin, the way isn't to think about putting singular tech cards in your deck but to actually play a deck that's good against them. Face Hunter, Aggro Shaman, Aggro Druid, Freeze Mage, Control Priest. The real reason why Secret Paladin is good is because they win at board control, so if Blizzard wants to have a deck that completely wins at that aspect of the game, then fuck the board.


If you really want to win against Secret Paladin, the way isn't to think about putting singular tech cards in your deck but to actually play a deck that's good against them. Face Hunter, Aggro Shaman, Aggro Druid, Freeze Mage, Control Priest. The real reason why Secret Paladin is good is because they win at board control, so if Blizzard wants to have a deck that completely wins at that aspect of the game, then fuck the board.

Of course. That's why the claims of "anti-secret tech" are laughable just how anti deathrattle tech to stop Undertaker did nothing before that.


Had Reno played against me successfully in every fucking game this morning. 5 in a fucking row! Where's my luck when I try to play Reno decks? Who do I have to blow to win 3 games as Warrior?
I'm a kind of infrequent player and the highest I've ever gotten in a ranked season is 16, so I don't play against the popular meta decks nearly as much, but yesterday I faced my first Anyfin Paladin deck. I just thought he was playing a shitty deck until he ran two Bluegill warriors into my minions (having already played Murloc Warleader), and then I realized that short of an esportal miracle I wouldn't be able to kill the paladin before he played Anyfin. I beat a secret paladin with my rattle rogue later on, though, so it all evened out.


I had the most horrible match making today, it was almost parody lol. Played secret paladin. it was just face hunter, freeze mage and priest if not mirror. Druid? tempo mage ayy. I said f it I play patron again, I wanted to try that monkey patron anyways, it's renolock and reno warrior and a whole bunch of priests. Actually I won every single priest but the other tow just never works. Next time against reno I guess I keep Grommash... Every it's like that they're super greedy and I would have lethal with Gromm but of course never draw it in time... in the end I didn't climb much.

It looks like there is a new? face hunter deck is going around now. They run flamejuggler, double arcane AND Leeroy. So monkey patron overall worked the best today, if you're lucky it looks like cancer is majority rather than reno on rank 5-6 still.

I feel zoo is good too, the fast one without demons.


I had the most horrible match making today, it was almost parody lol. Played secret paladin. it was just face hunter, freeze mage and priest if not mirror. Druid? tempo mage ayy. I said f it I play patron again, I wanted to try that monkey patron anyways, it's renolock and reno warrior and a whole bunch of priests. Actually I won every single priest but the other tow just never works. Next time against reno I guess I keep Grommash... Every it's like that they're super greedy and I would have lethal with Gromm but of course never draw it in time... in the end I didn't climb much.

It looks like there is a new? face hunter deck is going around now. They run flamejuggler, double arcane AND Leeroy. So monkey patron overall worked the best today, if you're lucky it looks like cancer is majority rather than reno on rank 5-6 still.

I feel zoo is good too, the fast one without demons.

Holy shit dude, that was hard to read.
Played against an awful Mage deck last night. It was just slow and he had every heal in the book except Reno. It was a 20 minute match. I was playing mid-range hunter and slowly whittled him down to lethal next turn. he had 2 health and I had 5. He had nothing on the board. The dude then plays a Blingtron 3000 and gets a weapon for exactly 5 and kills me. I almost threw my ipad against the wall.


Oil is for finishing the game, not trading. The best Rogue you can draft is aggro-control, where you use Rogue's plethora of tempo options to take the board early, spread spread spread while having the tools to easily deal with a few big drops. Face damage is rarely an issje because by turn 6 you're already pushing for lethal.

Kripp actually has Warrior at 3/4 now and I tend to agree. It plays similar to Rogue except that a low curve is insanely important, on the other hand you get more burn on average mostly through weapons. I've been wrecking Paladins left and right too, sometimes you get outvalued of course but the matchup is not even close to constructed levels of awful. Kripp even said Warrior counters Paladin, I don't think it's a hard counter but on average he could be right.
You should go back and watch that Kripp video again because he clearly says that Paladins hard counter Warrior.

In any case the thing is that with the LoE buff Warriors are temporarily inflated in power level. If they don't get great cards again for next expansion then they will be the worst Arena class again because they still got Warsong Commander and Bolster in their arsenal shitting up their drafts. And that hero power is still the worst hero power in Arena.
I think a 4 Mana 1/4 where all secrets played while on board will trigger for both players. It keeps the secret paladin viable but it makes the player think twice about when to pop MC on the board.


You should go back and watch that Kripp video again because he clearly says that Paladins hard counter Warrior.

In any case the thing is that with the LoE buff Warriors are temporarily inflated in power level. If they don't get great cards again for next expansion then they will be the worst Arena class again because they still got Warsong Commander and Bolster in their arsenal shitting up their drafts. And that hero power is still the worst hero power in Arena.
You get rekt by Paladin if you try to play a control game, but they often can't do much when you drafted a good curve and are bashing their face in with weapons by turn 6. You don't ever want to use your hero power. If Warrior got hard countered by Paladin it would be shit tier because half of the goddamn arena is Paladin. I'll check the video again after work.

As for the second part, I mean that's a given. Since arena is about consistency the latest set always defines a class. Paladin, Rogue, Mage and Druid get good to busted commons with every set while the other classes are shuffling.
I think a 4 Mana 1/4 where all secrets played while on board will trigger for both players. It keeps the secret paladin viable but it makes the player think twice about when to pop MC on the board.

That would be unplayable. 4 mana for those stats is terrible. All Secret Pally has to do to go back to business as usual is kill a 4 health minion that doesn't even trade well. In every other match, it's a completely dead draw.


I think a 4 Mana 1/4 where all secrets played while on board will trigger for both players. It keeps the secret paladin viable but it makes the player think twice about when to pop MC on the board.

4 mana 1/4? secret paly will laugh at you playing that. 4 HP dies like to everything paladin has, it's the magic number for the class.


Been thinking of what new (overpowered) cards Blizzard can/is going to introduce with future expansions along the lines of Mysterious Challenger and Mad Scientist. They seem to be going for the whole "play a minion, battlecry play a random card(s) from your deck, so imagine a Warrior minion 3 mana 3/4 battlecry: equip a random weapon from your deck. Probably awesome for Face Warrior.
Was looking at Hogger and it got me thinking about what it would take for Blizzard to maybe go back and rework/rebalance some old legendaries that never see play. I know people have always wanted that for Illidan but Hogger is one I'd like to see too. It's such a cool card that sees no play because the stats are shit.
Was looking at Hogger and it got me thinking about what it would take for Blizzard to maybe go back and rework/rebalance some old legendaries that never see play. I know people have always wanted that for Illidan but Hogger is one I'd like to see too. It's such a cool card that sees no play because the stats are shit.

Hogger hard-counters Deathwing.


They'll just make Shogger: 6 mana 4/5, "At the end of your turn summon a 2/3 Sgnoll with Taunt" and people will hail it as the learning tool for new players the game so badly needed.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Don't introduce counters to overpowered cards. They don't work. Fix the core problem.
That would be unplayable. 4 mana for those stats is terrible. All Secret Pally has to do to go back to business as usual is kill a 4 health minion that doesn't even trade well. In every other match, it's a completely dead draw.
I kept the stats low because of the fortune it would bring along with it. I think if you up it too much the card would be just as OP as MC and you would see the archetype die. I mean, the best turn 4 minions out there right now are Shredder (4/3 plus RNG), Argus (2/3 (buff), Elise (3/5), Tomb Spider (3/3) Discover a beast (I like it anyway) so I thought it would fit.

Maybe bump it to a 5 as a 3/6 and All Secrets effects occur for both players.

This card would be useful not just for playing against secret pally but it would also make the asshole mages have to think twice about all the stupid asshole secrets they play as well.
The only problem with that are things like Misdirection, Freezing Trap, and Spellbender(to a lesser extent). Do they just get destroyed? I guess Spellbender could just give the Mage a 1/3.
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