Just a guess, but for your silent Priest deck, you might want to fit in more burn damage. Other decks that have run GEL Reaver before, like Mages and Shaman, have spells like Fireball and Lavaburst to finish off opponents. If that sounds like fun to you, I'd say drop your high end cards for Fel Reaver and Mind Blasts and cards like it. Granted both of those classes have way more burn spells than Priest foes so it might still not work out so well. Sadly, Priests need Auchenai Soulpriest to really put the pressure out and you'd be screwed if one got burned by the Reaver.
However, if you're having fun with a more control style deck, I'd say check out Kibbler's Golden Monkey Priest. Not to just play that but because you can look over cards he uses and it might give you some cool ideas. Keep up the good work!