heh all you plebs trying to downplay the GOAT
Legend card back is great, no denying, but tespa edges it out in aesthetic.
gold is just a little too much.
heh all you plebs trying to downplay the GOAT
Has Eater of Secrets suddenly become very popular?
Heroic LoE is the best.
Oh man Kripp might be on to something with Ivory Knight in Anyfin Paladin. If you get a third Anyfin that's a 10 heal and basically another OTK that can kill even Control Warriors.
Oh man Kripp might be on to something with Ivory Knight in Anyfin Paladin. If you get a third Anyfin that's a 10 heal and basically another OTK that can kill even Control Warriors.
Oh I thought your deck was just a standard Control Paladin deck.
Ranked is going pretty good for me so far. I went from 25 to 20 mostly just using druid. I feel like I have the beginner strategy down pretty well. Should I expect to plateau till I get better cards?
Ranked is going pretty good for me so far. I went from 25 to 20 mostly just using druid. I feel like I have the beginner strategy down pretty well. Should I expect to plateau till I get better cards?
You can get pretty far with very few, you only have to have enough skill and time to do it. In my personal opinion, biggest "walls" in ranked are at 20, 15 and 5.
Yeah, I keep running out of cards in tempo rogue. Enjoy the deck though. What other fun decks do you play?Not quite sure, was popular on the asian server a while ago. Here is the list:
I called it zoo because you control board at first with tempo plays then you have to know when to switch to face. You gotta anticipate your opponents cards otherwise you get stomped. There's a lot of cards that give you more cards so you don't run out of steam.
TeSPA cannot be acquired through competition. You get it through association with Texas Esports Association or by purchasing it on Ebay (~$200).As far aesthetics go, Medivh card back is the best.
Skill wise I guess it's something like golden celeb > tespa > powecore > legend
Single player heroic BRM > Heroic Naxx > Heroic LoE. BRM heroic is HARD even with cheese tactics (that no longer work btw).
I've been running this deck since the first wing came out. Almost impossible to lose if you find a third copy of Anyfin.
TeSPA cannot be acquired through competition. You get it through association with Texas Esports Association or by purchasing it on Ebay (~$200).
It is as consistent as it is bland. Most interesting Paladin deck I've tried so far, but like CoolOff I find that the class is a bit underwhelming.Might have to try a variation of this deck. I crafted a Lightlord a few weeks ago and so far it has felt like a waste of dust in the recent Meta.
I've tried N'Zoth, Anyfin, Bubble-zoo, Secret, and they all bore me. I need the new Dragon-synergy card to be released so I can try Dragon Pally only to reject it as well.
Yeah, I keep running out of cards in tempo rogue. Enjoy the deck though. What other fun decks do you play?
It is as consistent as it is bland. Most interesting Paladin deck I've tried so far, but like CoolOff I find that the class is a bit underwhelming.
Never drop Dark Peddler. Power Overwhelming is too good.
Don't play well enough or simply enough to get to rank 5. Curvestone decks bore me to play or play against. Ive gotten to rank 10 before but id say my biggest achievement is getting to rank 15 with only patron otk warrior. Still enjoying Timmy shenanigans with variations on Concede Shaman like copying opponents Ragnaros, hexing theirs then playing two ancestral spirit on it. Will probably try Blood Warrior deck when Arcane Giant comes out.Once upon a time there was an OTK pally. Leeroy+faceless + a combination of might,abusive Sgt,seal with a emperor discount. Could sub those for the murloc cards in anyfin deck. Not as consistent as anyfin (requires so many cards in hand) but I can guarantee no one will see it coming lol.
I'm a combo guy myself (even though blizz tries to kill us) so I'll play any maly deck (rogue,druid,shammy) and OTK priest and warrior decks. I also like doing unexpected cthun decks like rogue, shammy, mage. Like I said though don't expect to get above rank 5.
All these paladins around and I'm just destroying them with Priest lol
Being trying Arcane Anomaly out tho and that card is just not very good from my experience so far.
I think it needs to be comboed with a buff to really make it worth running. 2 attack just doesn't do enough. But turning it into 3 or 4 attack minion that gains health every time you cast a spell could be powerful. If Velen's Chosen was still in Standard, it would have worked really well with that.
Seems Arcane Giant might be the dark horse of this expansion that will show up in a bunch of decks.
Never call a Knight "Horse", chess players will hate you.And Ivory Knight might be the light horse. 😏
I think it needs to be comboed with a buff to really make it worth running. 2 attack just doesn't do enough. But turning it into 3 or 4 attack minion that gains health every time you cast a spell could be powerful. If Velen's Chosen was still in Standard, it would have worked really well with that.
Never call a Knight "Horse", chess players will hate you.
Then why is the piece shaped like an animal instead of a humanoid?
^Never call a Knight "Horse", chess players will hate you.
All chess pieces have symbolic designs.Then why is the piece shaped like an animal instead of a humanoid?
Then why is the piece shaped like an animal instead of a humanoid?
Never call a Knight "Horse", chess players will hate you.
Then why is the piece shaped like an animal instead of a humanoid?