The only time I actually feel bad for someone when I'm Priest is if they're playing N'zoth Pally without a Justicar(which is most of them.)
New flavour text for some of the lesser used cards.
New flavour text for some of the lesser used cards.
I'd love that Loe heroic card back but I can't complete that on Heroic at all
I'd love that Loe heroic card back but I can't complete that on Heroic at all
I tried yesterday... just tried to beat the first boss..
I got so fucking wrecked several times... nope, don't see how that can work for me
I tried yesterday... just tried to beat the first boss..
I got so fucking wrecked several times... nope, don't see how that can work for me
Just search on HearthPwn for a proven deck. There are a bunch for each boss.
That's all they announced at Gamescom? Ayy lmao!New flavour text for some of the lesser used cards.
I still haven't finished a single entire adventure on heroic. Some of them just felt a bit tedious. I liked the intro mission and chess for heroic this time around. I tried the plate one and didn't feel like building a deck for it. I haven't tried the mirror one yet.
It comes down to exploiting the AI, crafting custom and sometimes pricey decks for each boss, and then praying to RNGsus.
Not for me, tbh.
Just search on HearthPwn for a proven deck. There are a bunch for each boss.
New Co-op Nefarian Tavern Brawl Playable at GamesCom - Preview
Winner of the PCGamer competition to save Anduin:
Other notable entries here:
Is that tomorrow's brawl?
Winner of the PCGamer competition to save Anduin:
Pretty cool card but the Warlock one should be "Raised by Warriors" since WW effect is their specialty.This one is dope:
This one is dope:
Pretty cool card but the Warlock one should be "Raised by Warriors" since WW effect is their specialty.
This is a really intelligent design as well.
I thought I saw that card text somewhere, the winner actually stole my float mana idea that I posted here. What a loser.
Well, come next expansion Priest is going to be OP, so whatever.
Some interesting cards there.
I just thought up a new brawl idea:
Advanced portals 101
Instead of just unstable portals, now your deck has all the new portals from karazhan as well.
Interesting, but I'm pretty sure we don't want them getting a 2/6 taunt on turn 3 lol
Yeah, just bring Deathlord back
Interesting, but I'm pretty sure we don't want them getting a 2/6 taunt on turn 3 lol
Well no. I don't want them getting a 2 mana 2/3 dragon that summons a 1/3 dragon with an added effect either, but I appreciate the attempt.
OK I enjoy my Hunter deck a lot
but I am thinking of building one for a another class. Anyone have suggestions for a fun, relatively cheap deck to build? Thinking maybe a Warrior or Shaman.
Well, come next expansion Priest is going to be OP, so whatever.
Some interesting cards there.
Aggro and midrange Shaman are cheap. Midrange is more fun than aggro for me. Harder decisions there.
OTK warrior is cheap, especially if you have BRM already. I like the version that runs patrons as an alternative win condition.
Got a link to the OTK warrior decks? Most Warrior decks I see require Gromash and/or Leeroy and I don't have either. Just mucking about with Murloc Paladin, Midrange Shaman, and Pirate Warrior (lol) to get dust and gold until I can get some of the better legendaries.
The more popular version runs commanding shout but that has really only the one win condition. And you can still squeeze commanding shout into this deck pretty easily.
I like squeezing armorsmith in though. Can get you lots of armor very quickly in later rounds.
They just need to make it so that a non Control Priest archetype is strong. I don't mean a tempo Priest deck but like a combo Priest deck.
I was playing Control Nzoth Paladin today went from rank 15 to rank 10 in one streak. My streak was broken by a Priest. He got a Shifting Shade to steal a Sylvanas from my deck, then Thoughstole my Tirion and played his Nzoth (that summoned two Sylvanas, a Tirion, a Shade and a Cairne) after I played my Nzoth.
I spent the entire game playing around Entomb but he managed to steal my big Deathrattles anyway. Stuff like Thoughsteals and Shade are the worst, can't even play around it.
With Paladin improving, the Priests have come out of the woodworks. I don't play Anyfin though, I don't have the Warleaders (I DE to craft a Legendary, that was always a big mistake). That deck should crush Priests.