I think the best thing they can do to arena to shake it up a bit, is to change the appearance rate of the rarities.
Also, LOL @ kripp trying to use 45 games total to show a disparity between winrates going first or second.

I think the best thing they can do to arena to shake it up a bit, is to change the appearance rate of the rarities.
Also, LOL @ kripp trying to use 45 games total to show a disparity between winrates going first or second.
Brawl is pretty easy because Nef starts at 0 attack so you don't have to trade early, and his attacks aren't particularly devastating.
It's annoying though when you swap hands and your partner plays all the good stuff you've been saving up. Ended up with a super buff Fiola but he would do things like Banana before attacking. Would've won a lot easier had he not wasted Windfury on another minion.
Another 20 dust, but at least I got Defender of Argus.
Brawl is pretty easy because Nef starts at 0 attack so you don't have to trade early, and his attacks aren't particularly devastating.
It's annoying though when you swap hands and your partner plays all the good stuff you've been saving up. Ended up with a super buff Fiola but he would do things like Banana before attacking. Would've won a lot easier had he not wasted Windfury on another minion.
Another 20 dust, but at least I got Defender of Argus.
But Kripp was saying how crazy it was that mage had like a 30% differential.
But Kripp was saying how crazy it was that mage had like a 30% differential.
Ive had two people mill themselves with coldlights
Cola pls. You need to move to 'murica and stop playing with those plebs.
Barnes into moat lurker could be really disgusting.
Just remembered that tomorrow is new Wing day.
We got the Hunter 2 drop, Onyx Bishop for resurrect Priest and Arcane Giant for the potential spell decks.
Oh and Barnes. Yeah... stuff is about to change. Maybe some nonsense combo with Moat Lurker.
you're not getting the barnes battlecry twice.
Barnes into moat lurker could be really disgusting.
Moat lurker to kill the summoned Sylv.
only going to work specifically with deathrattles and that's a turn 10 combo. so uhhh, good luck.
And just to clarify, the only ones who have exact data are Blizzard. I realize there's a margin of error and a bunch of factors that aren't apparent, but we've got to use what we do have because they aren't sharing that stuff.
I think that for anyone who plays Arena, it's obvious there are considerable improvements to be made, and Blizzard seem receptive to this kind of opinions.
Could be a two turn thing. Moat lurker is mostly probably going to be used as a deathrattle trigger anyway. So if the opponent kills off the 1/1 with deathrattle that Barnes summoned you'll probably have another target soon enough.
It would, the 1/1 is a modifier that can be silenced so it wouldn't survive being resummoned.I wonder if Moat Lurker kills a 1/1 generated from Barnes, if it then comes back at full stats?
Moat lurker is a weird card. So it's hard to judge how good or bad it'll be.
I wonder how it works with unearthed raptor though. If you copy moat lurker's deathrattle, will it give unearthed raptor the same summon. I think it might. If you bring moat lurker back with n'zoth, I doubt it brings the same summon on death though.
Moat lurker is a weird card. So it's hard to judge how good or bad it'll be.
I wonder how it works with unearthed raptor though. If you copy moat lurker's deathrattle, will it give unearthed raptor the same summon. I think it might. If you bring moat lurker back with n'zoth, I doubt it brings the same summon on death though.
Moat Lurker into Anuburak boys.
Or Moat Lurker into Anomalus.
Or Moat Lurker into Chillmaw/Dragonlord.
Exactly, dat synergy.isn't moat lurker chillmaw a 6 mana 3 damage symmetric aoe?
wish we had a coop mode always on as an option aside from casual and ranked. would be awesome
I just found out the hard way that there's a limit on how many cards you can hold. I was playing priest with double Northshire Cleric and healed four minions...
I just found out the hard way that there's a limit on how many cards you can hold. I was playing priest with double Northshire Cleric and healed four minions...
fuck this brawl
lol my partner used shrinkmeister on my characters instead of nef when he had 5