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A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Good brawl pack



having a dragonslayer at like the 30 damage/health wise and my partner refusing to buff/heal it and instead using buffs on shitty minions, he pushes nef over to 60 while i'm desperately trying to keep it over 30 health by not attacking and buffing it as best as i can as a shaman.

It lived with 3 health after the 30 damage burst nef does and my partner finally realizes that he should have been buffing it all along. I drew the perfect heal got it over 10 and was able to swing twice to kill nef. Felt like I was 1v2 ing the fight

The one thing this brawl has taught me is that people either don't read card text or have zero idea about how validated doomsayer works
Lucky ass friend got Deathwing in his brawl pack, then bought another pack in happiness and got Alex and Malygos in that one. Praise be to Nefarian, the dragons come.


Tavern Brawl partner did turn 1 coin Cleric into Inner Fire...

I instantly conceded that game.

Yup, easier than wasting a crap load of time.

I dont know why people see a generally big (see: under 30 health minion but almost there) and rather than keep buffing it they rather buff the minion they just played. like wtf


when you find a partner that knows the benefits of buffing one minion and keeping it over 30 health it's great, when you get the opposite it's a 2v1


when you find a partner that knows the benefits of buffing one minion and keeping it over 30 health it's great, when you get the opposite it's a 2v1


also, Stoneskin Gargoyle or Fjola Lightbane are the best options, most of the time if I don't get to play those, we are in deep trouble


I have a bunch of 29/30 decks ready waiting for Barnes to be inserted. I think he has a lot of potential in malyrogue.

I think you can build a spell heavy hunter deck with him too, even with cloaked huntress he works. I'm excited for the meta this week, dumb things will happen.


i had been buffing the shit out of my partners minion, over 30, well over it (it was like at 80) nothing could go wrong, oh but what did he do, he filled his board, 10 minutes of work wasted

can i get the coop but do both sides please


They made the taunt that comes from Arcanosmith a 2 mana minion...

Seems like Blizzard is careful about mana costs on token generated minions to avoid some broken Evolve shenanigans.


They made the taunt that comes from Arcanosmith a 2 mana minion...

Seems like Blizzard is careful about mana costs on token generated minions to avoid some broken Evolve shenanigans.
Seems like the normal valuation when you consider Shieldbearer is 1 mana 0/4.


OK since Kripp stole my thunder by posting a video of the N'zoth, Yogg, Anyfin, Ivory Knight paladin deck I made right after the expansion came out, I'd like to post a deck I'm having a ton of fun with and i think might be competitive against all but C'thun Warrior.

This is Maelstrom Malygos Shaman. I took the Malygos shell that has been around for awhile and added, Alexstrasza, Ragnaros and Maelstrom Portals, of course.

My gameplan is to outlast the initial rush down, set up a crazy board clear and heal and start dropping threats (Rag, Alex, Emperor). The win condition is to either out value your opponent or get a good emperor proc on your malygos and win with burn. Most of my wins are due to outvalue and outheal, but occasionally I get a 30+ damage face burn.



You can just throw Barnes in a regular Midrange Hunter deck and it will work.

Fiery Bat, Grandmother, Infested Wolf and Highmane at least, most Midrange Hunter decks are probably looking at 50% or more chance of hitting a Deathrattle.

Barnes getting things like Highmane, Tirion, Sylvanas etc is going to be infuriating.

Crazy how many yogg and load there are now. Really makes me not want to play the deck anymore, hah.

Casual is full of bad Yogg and Load and Secrets Hunter right now.


I think it's probably higher than 50%. I think the worst possible thing you can get from a Midrange Hunter deck is a Houndmaster and you can run one of that if you want.

Getting Cloaked Huntress could net you a free secret.

Highmane, Kindly Grandmother, Spider Wolf give upgraded bodies on death. Hell even Knife Jugger is threatening as a 1/1.

Fiery Bat on the low end if you even plan to run a 1 drop.

Stuff like Animal Companion and Call of the Wild are spells so Barnes wouldn't be pulling that out. If the rest of the stuff is burn/removal, secrets and Eaglehorn... that's quite high chance to get something really good off of Barnes.

And that's just slapping Barnes on to an existing deck. People are going to be trying to make decks that maximize Barnes potential value although I feel like that's a trap and you just want to slap Barnes into an existing good deck that can use it (sort of like Yogg where you basically just slap it into a Token Druid or Tempo Mage deck).


I wonder if Barnes and a big swing toward Deathrattle is enough to bring Princess Huhuran out. Maybe it's still asking too much to have someone ready on 5 or whenever you drop her. Be a nice turn 7 to drop Grandmother + Princess before the Call.


Unconfirmed Member
Luckily you don't exactly have to play perfectly in order to win the brawl. The shaman used my Justicar, and our entire board was completely cleared every time he surprised us with a phase shift, but just building up 3 different decently stated minions was all we needed.


I have noticed that minions that gain value with on target effects as opposed to providing on board buff are generally worse in the game.

Abusive Sergeants, Houndmasters, Uldaman and Dark Iron Dwarfs are a lot better than Huhuran, Unearthed Raptor and Shadowcaster (in current meta practice at least).

I guess exception is Faceless Void because it can copy Charge lol.


I have noticed that minions that gain value with on target effects as opposed to providing on board buff are generally worse in the game.

Abusive Sergeants, Houndmasters, Uldaman and Dark Iron Dwarfs are a lot better than Huhuran, Unearthed Raptor and Shadowcaster (in current meta practice at least).

I guess exception is Faceless Void because it can copy Charge lol.

Buffs are versatile, and the good cards tend to skewer lower cost so they can have an impact before there's too much mass removal. And because they're cheaper you can drop them on a single turn like a Sergeant and Horserider.

Specifically targeting a friendly deathrattle, especially at 5 cost is just too much of an ask. Also big deathrattle effects are costlier. The combo gets too hard to set up.

Feign Death is/was a thing, but even at only 2 mana it's tough to guarantee a big combo.


I have noticed that minions that gain value with on target effects as opposed to providing on board buff are generally worse in the game.

Abusive Sergeants, Houndmasters, Uldaman and Dark Iron Dwarfs are a lot better than Huhuran, Unearthed Raptor and Shadowcaster (in current meta practice at least).

I guess exception is Faceless Void because it can copy Charge lol.
So there is chance Managerie Warden is super shit?


So there is chance Managerie Warden is super shit?

Stranglethorn makes that card because it's far harder to remove than most Deathrattle minions, and Druid can pretty reliably hit a bulky beast curve. But it certainly has some of the same problems.


So there is chance Managerie Warden is super shit?

I doubt it. You can target pretty much anything and it balances out. Not just from a pure stat perspective, but in that it also gives you another body on the board that can be buffed with Savage Roar / Call of the WIld / MoY. Even if you just hit a Mounted Raptor or a Druid of the Saber, it's pretty good.

You can even play it on an empty board for the body alone, though it's clearly not the most optimal use for it.
I won the brawl on my first try, as shaman. We didn't do any special tricks like buffing gargoyle or buffing that "+1/+1 every time any player plays a card" above 30 (didn't know the last board clear was incoming). We won anyway, just by not wasting the minions we have. I was shaman and priest player ran out of cards, but I copied his 4-heal hero power and helped keep him alive during fatigue.

Fun brawl, I might play this more than once.


Played the brawl this morning, actaully really enjoyed it, I had a card (forget it's name), that buffed +1/+1 every card draw, my partner refused to heal it for some reason, it's a game winning card.

Got it to 37/28, with windfury, the boss was down to (I think it was) 70, though I was going to kill it, and the boss did it's immune thing with 30 damage to all, killed that card.......

Luckily it had deathrattle redraw, so just had to spend a bit of time buffing it up again, and my partner realised that healing that card was the ticket!.

Really enjoyed that Brawl!
I like Aggro Shaman and after playing it clearing the spell damage totem is pretty far up on importance against it.
Not sold on the mrglton in the list.

Just lost against OTK Warrior 1 turn away from lethal and I'm not even mad that was a sick af turn.
So I haven't been able to make that OTK Worgen / Patron deck work at all, lol.

I mean it's fun to play but I always end up with one of the 3-4 combo cards I need in the bottom of the deck and by then I usually don't have board control.

I think I'm like 3-10 with it? Pretty rough.

But, it's taught me about the game some more since I typically play aggro decks.

Next I need to work on a solid priest deck, as hard as that will be. I'm thinking C'Thun based w/ Priest of the Feast.
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