Tried to make a inner fire priest deck for standard....lol.
That was my go-to deck back when the game was new.
Won a surprisingly large number of games.
Tried to make a inner fire priest deck for standard....lol.
Moat Lurker joins the party today.
Moat Lurker joins the party today.
So I haven't been able to make that OTK Worgen / Patron deck work at all, lol.
I mean it's fun to play but I always end up with one of the 3-4 combo cards I need in the bottom of the deck and by then I usually don't have board control.
I think I'm like 3-10 with it? Pretty rough.
But, it's taught me about the game some more since I typically play aggro decks.
Next I need to work on a solid priest deck, as hard as that will be. I'm thinking C'Thun based w/ Priest of the Feast.
700 gold for the second wing, $10 in Amazon Credit for the remaining two wings. Then to blow the rest of my gold on useless Arena runs.
I wanna know what happens if you kill your opponent's Sylvanas with Moat Lurker and Sylvanas steals the Moat Lurker. Who gets the Sylvanas when the Moat Lurker dies? I think your opponent should still get it, but the fact that the Moat Lurker switched sides since it killed the Sylvanas might change that. I guess it depends on how it's coded.
I know right? He's a really cool card because he lurks moats.
Seriously though, are people really excited about this card? It looks like an awkward toy to me.
Bolster + protect the king against a zoo deck is pure love.
Deathrattle is an upside if you use it on your own minions since it works with N'Zoth. Can bring back 2 x Sylvanas + a 3/3 body.I'm trying to see how moat lurker could be used effectively as a removal tool but the deathrattle downside needs to be mitigated heavily. Since it's already an incredibly slow card, it's hard to imagine using it with silence consistently or whether that would be worth it. I guess having a sylvanas activator that technically gives you another sylvanas is attractive.
I am betting it doesn't matter who controls moat lurker when it dies. The deathrattle will summon the minion on the same side of the board.
Well, I'm glad I got the brawl out of my system yesterday. 5 wins in a row and pretty good partners. Seems it quickly devolved into griefers or people who pay no attention to the strategies.
And, I understand buffing the Gargoyle is the easiest method, but you can win without it. I think it only happened in 3 out of my 5 games yesterday. As long as you have a minion with 30+ HP by the last trigger, and don't waste Inner Fire on turn 2 or something like that, the brawl is still winnable with all the other small crap. I had one game where Inner Fire was the last card and we still won handily.
If moat lurker is revived with N'zoth, his deathrattle will not apply right?
I assume u already watch lokshadow.
Strong Pyro and battle rage turns are key to surviving and drawing your combo but small plays like getting 2 cards from acolyte are important too.
Also knowing your opponents deck is very important here so I don't suggest playing this deck below rank 16.
Correct. It's considered a new minion after being resurrected and the "it" in the deathrattle has no valid target.
But if you Moat Lurker N'Zoth...
Most lurker is a strong card but I'm not going to bite for one reason: 6 mana.
All these people talking about lurking Sylv are either doing it after she has been coined of in turn 7. Playing a 3/6 on turn 7 is not a thing when Shaman can play a 7/7 on 4.
Most lurker is good for killing taunts (which might make the black knight a thing) and maybe some rank 20 shenanigans but that's it
Wouldn't work, battlecries won't retrigger.
Yeah, my problem is I always tend to get my acolytes later on, after I've had to use my whirlwinds / etc. to maintain some level of board tempo.
I know it's meant to be a late game deck / 10 mana combo, but at the same time when the worgen, faceless, and my two patrons are in the last 10 cards of my deck I just concede and smh.
Mostly it's just bad card draws messing me up. Like I'll have all spells and no pyromancer or acolytes, or have all minions and no control / board clear spells.
I'll probably play another deck to get back up, cause I went from 16 to 20 last night lol.
But if you Moat Lurker N'Zoth...
Two EU Coop Shamans in a row decided to mill me for multiple cards for no apparent reason.
One more chance and I'm rerolling the Brawl quest.
This third guy is buffing the wrong minions and my gargoyle isn't going to survive the second wipe.
EU dumber than NA? Fuck my life.
barnes out sylvanas, followed by coin + moat lurker the sylvanas. thieving bastard decks incoming.
America Prelim decks are out:
It is what it is.
Everyone is banning out Warriors so Freeze Mage is playable. Both of these decks are decks that players have been playing for years and they are sort of married to them.It'll take me another week to get enough gold for this next wing. I don't feel like I'm missing out on much, though.
Also, I'm surprised to see so many Freeze Mage decks AND a Handlock at the prelims.
I don't think u need to play beast druid and just drop in tiger and warden.Good article from CompetitiveHS about some of the fallacies players and pros tend to fall into when reviewing cards.
His assessment of Menagerie Warden and the Beast Druid deck overall pretty much mirrors mine as well. I just don't think it will be good enough since it will be generally out tempoed by the tempo decks in the meta currently.
I don't think u need to play beast druid and just drop in tiger and warden.
15 mins to Kara and none of the big streamers are on, apart from Savjz, who doesnt even try for Heroics![]()
The card draw thing isn't too much of a big deal for Beast Druid.
It plays like Midrange Hunter and wants to end the game by turn 7/8. Midrange Hunter doesn't use much card draw, some cycle at the most. With two Wraths and two Marks, that's enough to get you by.
Sometimes looking at ceiling is still important. Tuskar Totemic is one such card. On average your results are just ok but the blow out potential is insane which is why people play it. Menagerie Warden is worth running just for that.
I don't think Menagerie Warden is in same tier as Dr Balanced, Call of the Wild or Mysterious Challenger.. but it's still a very good card.
Maybe it's your mull not keeping you alive in the early turns. See the common mulls Lok does. http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/529774-legend-lokshadow-aggressive-otk-warrior