Turn 3. Full health Injured BM on board. 2 Onyx Bishop and a resurrect in hand.
Shaman uses Hex.
Fuck priest.
I think I discovered a bug.
Stole a taunt minion with Cabal on Turn 6.
Played Barnes who summoned a Sylvanas 1/1.
Opponent played C'thun which was stolen and then given Taunt.
Was that taunt minion Twilight Geomancer? That card gives C'Thun taunt.
That taunt minion was dead though.
I guess "wherever it is" applied even though I don't have C'Thun in the deck list.
Weird though since that's a battlecry, and I thought battlecry doesn't activate when stolen.
Would like to do some cool things with Barnes, but everyone I queue into is playing aggro decks with no Karazhan cards.
Hearthstone, more than any other game, proves that people are fucking boring.
Just had a pretty good game with barnes pulling emperor thaurisan on turn 4 with maly rogue. https://hsreplay.net/uploads/upload/r879XDAWsgEgDS52rscSUX/
Also, 0 mana arcane giant.
Would like to do some cool things with Barnes, but everyone I queue into is playing aggro decks with no Karazhan cards.
Hearthstone, more than any other game, proves that people are fucking boring.
Would like to do some cool things with Barnes, but everyone I queue into is playing aggro decks with no Karazhan cards.
Hearthstone, more than any other game, proves that people are fucking boring.
I haven't ran into any aggro decks. The fastest deck was dragon warrior or midrange hunter.
Hearthstone perpetuates aggro decks by having laddering be a total grind. An aggro deck finishes a game in a fraction of a time controls deck do meaning you'll simply climb faster. Even midrange is considerably faster than the absolute waste of time control vs control is.
Watching now.. I'm pretty shocked at how early he used his first brawl.
Your play against his Sylvanas was very bold, but it worked out well. Nicely done!.
Both of those are actually aggro decks lol.
If you're playing the same old decks, especially aggro, the DAY new cards release: You are a boring motherfucker.
Would like to do some cool things with Barnes, but everyone I queue into is playing aggro decks with no Karazhan cards.
Hearthstone, more than any other game, proves that people are fucking boring.
This is kinda nuts. https://hsreplay.net/replay/uB3KVdqMVLHVaxhibJyfoa
Just skip to turn 8.
My arcane giant starts at 9 mana and I end up playing it for 3. The guy's deck was pretty weak (rank 5 lol) but that miracle dream turn was an absolute miracle nightmare for my opponent.
So, thought I would try it to see if Moat Lurker destroys a minion twice with Brann, it doesn't.
Were you just bming him at the end? Why not sap and get it over with?
Just had a pretty good game with barnes pulling emperor thaurisan on turn 4 with maly rogue. https://hsreplay.net/uploads/upload/r879XDAWsgEgDS52rscSUX/
Also, 0 mana arcane giant.
Is your turn 3 play here normal? Using shiv on face to cycle versus just curving out SI?
I think he just want cycleIs your turn 3 play here normal? Using shiv on face to cycle versus just curving out SI?
I have basically zero experience with rogue. Watching trump play a malygos rogue makes me want to try it out, but i can't justify crafting such a niche card like Malygos. Maybe i will try a normal miracle rogue since i already have Edwin and could use Thalnos in my mage deck.
I have basically zero experience with rogue. Watching trump play a malygos rogue makes me want to try it out, but i can't justify crafting such a niche card like Malygos. Maybe i will try a normal miracle rogue since i already have Edwin and could use Thalnos in my mage deck.
What are you guys dropping for kindly grandmother in hunter?