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Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, some people just really like playing priest for some reason.

Don't really understand it. I personally hate playing as Priest, and hate playing against Priest. Really dreading the upcoming Priest buff.


arcane anomaly is pretty dam good in priest decks.

IIIIIii dunno about that.

The two power does very little to contest anything.
You have to buff it with PW:S the next turn to make it worth anything.
It doesn't work well with Pyromancer.
It's terribad with Resurrect.

You'd have to be playing Spell Priest, and even then you'd only be buffing it's toughness and not it's power (unless you want to start running Confuse or Alchemist).

I'm not really seeing it.
IIIIIii dunno about that.

The two power does very little to contest anything.
You have to buff it with PW:S the next turn to make it worth anything.
It doesn't work well with Pyromancer.
It's terribad with Resurrect.

You'd have to be playing Spell Priest, and even then you'd only be buffing it's toughness and not it's power (unless you want to start running Confuse or Alchemist).

I'm not really seeing it.

Running it in this deck atm.



I like what the deck proposes to do, but arcane anomaly... there has to be something better. Like injured blademaster.

That's what I've been doing. Made a resurrect priest this morning with blademaster. It's on 5-0 so far. :)

I've also been thinking of putting Arcane Giant in it, but haven't tried it yet.


I play priest because I get tired of playing decks that can actually win and I like to see all the ridiculous ways priests can lose even when they're ahead. /s

The one game I drew perfectly and had clears for all the token turns against token druid where he has literally nothing left except Yogg....which proceeds to clear my board, do wisps, infest, then whirlwind to give him a hand full of new minions and cast a bunch of secrets to lock me out of the game and then call of the wild as a last FU....it's like blizzard never wants me to play priest again.
Honestly, Priest is a blast in wild. I only ever lose to spell-based burn decks (Freeze Mage or Mages in general, really) or the occasional very fast aggro deck. But, Zombie Chow and Deathlord often hold off the early game while Lightbomb clears things up in the rear. I never touch Priest anywhere except WIld.
I've tried some barnes priest. Finally won against a midrange hunter. Lost to an anyfin paladin and a midrange hunter before that. The first match went really well, I just happened to lose to a very lucky top deck of his. The second match I mean... 2 anyfins in a row such skill. He also had answers for everything, considering it is paladin thats very lucky draw to have both equalities and activators etc..

It's a jank deck but it worked pretty well and could have performed much better. For example, if barnes pulled rag (or malygos, prophet velen, or ysera) I would have gotten a turn 4 rag off ressurect. Instead I got a 2 mana auchenai which wasn't bad either. Actually, of my 2 barnes both times I pulled the worst minions possible.

Maybe I need to cut auchenai for embrace the shadows to change that RNG. Right now I am running 12 minions, 4 aren't great barnes pulls. I can increase that to 10/12 being great barnes pulls if I cut auchenai for embrace the shadows.

Also, wish I had a bit more cycle tools in the priest set to work with. Being limited to north shire cleric or neutrals is pretty limited. kinda like rogue tbh.
Barnes isn't even particularly bad when he pulls a mere 1/1. I love him in NZoth Pally. Heck pulling a 1/1 doomsayer has been great at times but that's one of the reasons not to play him when you're ahead on board.

Honestly, Priest is a blast in wild. I only ever lose to spell-based burn decks (Freeze Mage or Mages in general, really) or the occasional very fast aggro deck. But, Zombie Chow and Deathlord often hold off the early game while Lightbomb clears things up in the rear. I never touch Priest anywhere except WIld.

I concur winning is fun.


Gah - think i missed the grace period for the first week card back by a few hours. Either way, new adventure is as flavourful as ever. Love all the puns for the raid boss guests, and "we're off to find the wizard" was just brilliant.
Play alpha wolf against big bad wolf in adventure for a little easter egg.

Once the giants cost 0 mana, he plays both, injures them, then plays blood warriors which gives you a copy of each injured minion on the field. The new copies also cost 0.

He should have held back the second set of giants of course. Going all in was overkill and a risk that was punished.
Yep, especially against a pally who hasn't played equality yet. Was casual so I had to have some fun. Also, when I was new with few expensive cards at rank 20, mage played echo giant dropping a bunch of molten giants and I wanted to try that.


Experienced misery today against priests by getting my Tirion entombed, my Rag mind controlled (!) while they repeatedly revived their sylvanas

yeah fuck priests they need to stay in the dumpster


Barnes isn't even particularly bad when he pulls a mere 1/1. I love him in NZoth Pally. Heck pulling a 1/1 doomsayer has been great at times but that's one of the reasons not to play him when you're ahead on board.

I concur winning is fun.

Barnes is awesome in N'Zoth Pally. I have gotten really lucky and had him pull Firelord and Lightlord several times. Between Barnes and Ivory Knight I feel like that deck is a lot more viable now.


Reynad was all happy yesterday beating up on people with ridiculous giants otks and then instantly gets salty at a barnes. Clearly his degenerative deck is fine, the second it's stopped he's crying.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Reynad was all happy yesterday beating up on people with ridiculous giants otks and then instantly gets salty at a barnes. Clearly his degenerative deck is fine, the second it's stopped he's crying.

Reynad is a babyraging asshole. News at 11.

Honestly I'm convinced he does it more for the attention than anything.


yeah, just had tempo mages frost bolt my face turn 2-3, it's not like people even play deadly posion anymore, maybe one at most, is that even worth it to protect a cult sorcerer 3/2 that dies to half of rogue deck, lol.

Reynad was all happy yesterday beating up on people with ridiculous giants otks and then instantly gets salty at a barnes. Clearly his degenerative deck is fine, the second it's stopped he's crying.

One is a combo of dozen of cards, requiring you to draw your deck. The other one you slam on board on curve and can do something stupid at random. You can't tell the difference?
Shadow strike works on face too.

Yeah at full hp. In the end it would have been only maybe 1-2 points difference. If I didn't shadowstrike the taunt I couldn't push 3 damage from barnes. And when I did shiv face i had no idea I was going to prep shadowstrike anything. At the start of that turn my goal was just to cycle several cards and maybe draw into something really great. The goal of the deck is to set up for a malygos finish, but near the end of the turn I saw well damn, I have 2 mana left, a 4 mana arcane giant... so prep + something makes arcane giant playable and shadowstrike is the least desirable card to carry into the end game.

edit:It was something like that. I think I realized I could get arcane giant out if I used both preps and thats how it went.


Super Sleuth
Yeah at full hp. In the end it would have been only maybe 1-2 points difference. If I didn't shadowstrike the taunt I couldn't push 3 damage from barnes. And when I did shiv face i had no idea I was going to prep shadowstrike anything. At the start of that turn my goal was just to cycle several cards and maybe draw into something really great. The goal of the deck is to set up for a malygos finish, but near the end of the turn I saw well damn, I have 2 mana left, a 4 mana arcane giant... so prep + something makes arcane giant playable and shadowstrike is the least desirable card to carry into the end game.

Rogue is hard.


yeah, just had tempo mages frost bolt my face turn 2-3, it's not like people even play deadly posion anymore, maybe one at most, is that even worth it to protect a cult sorcerer 3/2 that dies to half of rogue deck, lol.

One is a combo of dozen of cards, requiring you to draw your deck. The other one you slam on board on curve and can do something stupid at random. You can't tell the difference?

one being a combo i destroy your face from 30 and i can constantly do it because i am a warrior does not change the fact it's degenerative. with how much draw a warrior has it's not hard to pull off. Let's not preted you need to be a rocket scientist to pilot any otk warrior deck. One might sometimes get you what you need a small percentage of the time


Please go play it and report back your results, see how easy it is... compared with slamming a 4 drop. like are you for real? lol


in a properly built deck, every time you get something at least good. There is no downside to playing it. Just because OTK hurts your emotions doesn't mean it's "degenerate" or "easy".

You have best players in this game like Thijs, playing the OTK deck, making tons of mistakes still and saying how hard it is again and again, yet you think it's easy? Sure.


one being a combo i destroy your face from 30 and i can constantly do it because i am a warrior does not change the fact it's degenerative. with how much draw a warrior has it's not hard to pull off. Let's not preted you need to be a rocket scientist to pilot any otk warrior deck. One might sometimes get you what you need a small percentage of the time

Sorry, you not making any sense now bro.


in a properly built deck, every time you get something at least good. There is no downside to playing it. Just because OTK hurts your emotions doesn't mean it's "degenerate" or "easy".

You have best players in this game like Thijs, playing the OTK deck, making tons of mistakes still and saying how hard it is again and again, yet you think it's easy? Sure.

If you're talking about what hes playing right now, hes playing rogue giant and not warrior giant


That giant combo deck and setting it up is 100x times harder than just playing some deck where you play Barnes on curve.

How is this even a discussion lol


So Barnes is a midrange Hunter and Miracoli Rogue card?


It can be played in any deck that doesn't rely too much on battlecry effects to avoid vanilla 1/1s getting pulled but even that happening isn't a disaster exactly, the high side of the card makes it worth including. It can be played in many decks.
It can be played in any deck that doesn't rely too much on battlecry effects to avoid vanilla 1/1s getting pulled but even that happening isn't a disaster exactly, the high side of the card makes it worth including. It can be played in many decks.

It's real good in midrange hunter though. I am running it with Nzoth and it is the only minion that could be a vanilla summon, but there are too many death rattles not to include it as a late game finisher. Thinking about thinning out one fiery bat for a greedy ragnaros. Early game would still be strong with 1 x fiery bat 2 x grandmothers, and of course the plethora of hunter spells and the bow.


It can be played in any deck that doesn't rely too much on battlecry effects to avoid vanilla 1/1s getting pulled but even that happening isn't a disaster exactly, the high side of the card makes it worth including. It can be played in many decks.

Oh, I know. Just so far seems he's performing best in those two decks, neither of which I find enjoyable to pilot.

This weekend I'm going to try Barnes out in Wild NZoth Warrior, although I feel like all I'm going to get is Deathlords >.<


yep, as I thought Arcane Giant is a really good card, insane even for some decks.

honestly I'm kind of tired of playing zoolock and losing to warriors, kind of tired of playing shaman too. might as well burn some dust and craft a cheap dragon warrior with no legendaries.
[tfw I only have 2-3 legendaries not counting the ones from the adventures]


Dunno if people have discussed it yet but Stoneskin Gargoyle is the key to winning the brawl co-op. If both players buff the shit out of him it's an easy win. Dude regenned 40/40 health w/ windfury so he survived when the boss tosses out 30 damage on every minion.
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