Wonder if we'll see a Sea Giant nerf.
Molten Giant was nerfed.
Un-nerf Molten Giant IMO.
Wonder if we'll see a Sea Giant nerf.
Molten Giant was nerfed.
Un-nerf Molten Giant IMO.
Un-nerf Molten Giant IMO.
I started out this wing playing Yogg-Giant mage and Barnes-Nzoth hunter, and while they were pretty good overall I had some bad losses against Druid. Switching over to a Yogg-Giant-Fandral druid and it's just been disgusting. I can only imagine what stupid decks they'll have with the new 6 drop.
Also, I never really played Yogg before this expansion. I always thought I was getting unlucky in the past when opponents played it, but it actually comes out with quite a good result a lot of the time. I don't think it's cost me a game yet that wasn't a desperation play, while it's come up with a good number of miracles.
Un-nerf Molten Giant IMO.
Kinda stupid how Mage lost both Duplicate and Echo of Medivh. Could have been pretty fun to play Echo Mage with the new Arcane Giants.
Kinda stupid how Mage lost both Duplicate and Echo of Medivh. Could have been pretty fun to play Echo Mage with the new Arcane Giants.
Kinda stupid how Mage lost both Duplicate and Echo of Medivh. Could have been pretty fun to play Echo Mage with the new Arcane Giants.
BTW, looking for someone to play on my friendslist
NA Squidyj#1124
yo decklist pls, I don't have Yogg yet but already had the token druid pieces assembled
crafting Yogg will the first thing that I do this month
5 hunters in a row. Nice bullshit deck you got there. Enjoy the rope, just like the good old days.
All the bs decks in this game and the only one that makes me so angry I can barely see straight is Astral Communion Druid
Just beat this asshole who thought his turn 5 Ragnaros was hot shit and I'm still shaking.
Got another 80g play a friend quest on eu if anyones interested
Got my first legendary card the other day, super disappointed it was Harrison Jones. On the other hand I really am loving this week's tavern brawl, it's finally dragged me back into playing regularly.
Got my first legendary card the other day, super disappointed it was Harrison Jones. On the other hand I really am loving this week's tavern brawl, it's finally dragged me back into playing regularly.
Harrison was also my first legendary way back in January, 2015. You shouldn't be disappointed, it's a very good one. There are a Lot of worse legendaries you could have pulled.
That's a great tech card that can go into tons of decks and is very good with all the weapons around with warriors, hunters and shamans everywhere and the medivh staff being released soon.
I know it's not the worst I could have gotten but it's also not a legendary I was really hoping for either. I mostly play zoolock and am attempting to build a freeze mage and a hunter deck based around beasts. I mostly just use acidic swamp ooze if the opponent has a weapon but I'll see if I can fit harrison in as well.
Hunter is so fucking broken now lol.
Can't say I'm surprised though. Saw it coming a mile away.
Time for ladder to be nothing but Hunter vs. Hunter to see who draws better.
What deck are you running?
Everyone's running the same Hunter deck.What deck are you running?
Everyone's running the same Hunter deck.
Regular Midrange Hunter with double Kindly Grandmothers and a Barnes.
Hunter is so fucking broken now lol.
Can't say I'm surprised though. Saw it coming a mile away.
Time for ladder to be nothing but Hunter vs. Hunter to see who draws better.
So basically the hallmark of every tier 1 deck except Token Druid.While they are probably on the way to Tier 1 during this meta, I haven't had any major issues against them. That said when they curve out, all you have to do is miss one mana of efficiency and you are pretty screwed.
I can tell you I have had zero problems with hunters with my list, actually even teched to farm them even harder lol..
I'm a believer of argent horserider in rogue. You need some 3 drops that you can play without combo, they are like extras SI7 on top, can slam it into war axe, kills like everything in opening of hunter and mage, not bad elsewhere either. I like it a lot. If I get it from Barnes, it's just a 3/4 summon a 1/1, deal 1 damage, I'm quite ok with that. Farseer does absolutely nothing these days, it's irrelevant. Horserider is great for dealing with freezing trap too, that could be game losing.
I think Barnes is just a better violet teacher for rogue, you can't really afford to go all in with teacher in post flurry era in gadgetzan decks, it's only useful against zoo and not much else.