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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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I can tell you I have had zero problems with hunters with my list, actually even teched to farm them even harder lol..


I'm a believer of argent horserider in rogue. You need some 3 drops that you can play without combo, they are like extras SI7 on top, can slam it into war axe, kills like everything in opening of hunter and mage, not bad elsewhere either. I like it a lot. If I get it from Barnes, it's just a 3/4 summon a 1/1, deal 1 damage, I'm quite ok with that. Farseer does absolutely nothing these days, it's irrelevant. Horserider is great for dealing with freezing trap too, that could be game losing.

I think Barnes is just a better violet teacher for rogue, you can't really afford to go all in with teacher in post flurry era in gadgetzan decks, it's only useful against zoo and not much else.

How does it fare against aggro shammy and dragon warrior? I used to play a form of this deck minus Barnes and a few others before kara but I would tend to get rolled by any aggressive tempo decks cause health would be too low before you stabilized.


I wouldn't be surprised if Senfglas' arcane/patron warrior is the most played deck at the top of the ladder right now. Only bad matchup seems to be against control warrior.


I wouldn't be surprised if Senfglas' arcane/patron warrior is the most played deck at the top of the ladder right now. Only bad matchup seems to be against control warrior.
Wouldn't Renolock/Handlock also beat this deck? Like outside of 2 Executes what does it have to deal with large threats? And once Patrons are cleared... what does it even do? Just cycle through entire deck and hope to discount Arcane Giants quicker before the deck gets pulverized by the opponent's minions?


Wouldn't Renolock/Handlock also beat this deck? Like outside of 2 Executes what does it have to deal with large threats? And once Patrons are cleared... what does it even do? Just cycle through entire deck and hope to discount Arcane Giants quicker before the deck gets pulverized by the opponent's minions?

Being afraid to tier 3 deck is a joke reason to not run a deck tho. Kappa


Being afraid to tier 3 deck is a joke reason to not run a deck tho. Kappa
I am not saying don't run the deck, I am wondering how the deck functions and what its strengths and weaknesses are.

Like I see how it matches up against aggro, just uses a lot of cheap spells and Grim Patrons to hold off against the aggression/smaller minions. That just naturally feeds into the game plan of this deck.

But what happens when the opponent starts playing larger minions that don't die to Patrons/Executes and they have board clears to deal with Patrons? What if they have large taunts in play and you have run out of Executes/Patrons? This is not just a Handlock exclusive feature either.

Remember that Handlock/Renolock was one of the best decks against the original Grim Patron deck (and also the later version of the deck). As was Control Warrior.


I haven't seen that matchup yet and can't imagine it occurring often at those ranks. Only had time to try it myself for 3 games last night.


I made the deck myself and am going to try it now. Well by now I mean in the recent future, it's like 2 AM now and I want to get some sleep.


Coin + innervate on turn 1 into a 4 drop is pretty good, but with Barnes it can be absolutely disgusting.

Meanwhile my aggro meta is shaman, control warrior, shaman, control warrior, N'zoth Paladin, Miracle rogue.

Hard to really get a groove going.


Alright alright alright....

This Patron Giant deck is legit. Played like 5 games and won against all. Was 5 different classes too.

More testing tomorrow.
Hunter. Hunter. Hunter. Hunter. Hunter. Hunter. Hunter.

Edit: Oh hey cool a Druid. Turn 1 Coin + Innverate + Fandral. Turn 2 Druid of the Saber. Turn 3 Living Roots + Power of the Wild.



patron is back, thats for sure. Giants fit perfectly in that deck, you dont even have to cut much and have a second win condition.
Patrons are a threat in itself and at some point you combo for up to 24 damage. I hope this deck finds a counter or it will be all over the ladder.


I forgot how many of these decks have no answer to Grim Patron itself.

Dragon Warrior, Aggro Shaman (unless they roll spell damage Totem like the scumbags they are), Hunters, Zoo... none of them can do anything about Grim Patron. Druids have always struggled against Patrons anyway.

Against some Control decks you have the OTK Giant option.

Right now this deck feels around tier 2 good at least. You can still get run over by aggressive decks with good draw vs your bad draw though.

Patrons are a threat in itself and at some point you combo for up to 24 damage.
I hit a Rogue for 28 damage.

Arcane Giant, double Inner Rage, Charge, Faceless.

Though Patrons had already softened her up.

The Giants have two massive advantages over Worgen. 1) You actually don't need to run Emperor Thaurissan in this deck. It's nice but not a requirement now. 2) The giants can be played as a late game tempo play to finish the game early if you have the read on the opponent without Charge. It's way harder to do that with Worgens. Two 0 mana giants can end the game against these aggressive/midrange decks once they have been softened up by the Patrons.


Wouldn't Renolock/Handlock also beat this deck? Like outside of 2 Executes what does it have to deal with large threats? And once Patrons are cleared... what does it even do? Just cycle through entire deck and hope to discount Arcane Giants quicker before the deck gets pulverized by the opponent's minions?

I'm really trying hard to fit blood warriors in there. picking up patrons or additional arcane giants really helps out that situation.


Anyone got a list for the Patron Giants? Even after Nerf, Patron was one of my favorite decks though completely different from OG.


Can do 31 from hand without Emperor.


Anyone got a list for the Patron Giants? Even after Nerf, Patron was one of my favorite decks though completely different from OG.
This is my list:


Other lists have one Blood of Ichor instead of Emperor. I like Emperor as something that makes it easier to string together stuff even though it's not required anymore.


played around freeze mage when it was some bastardized reno bullshit
played around reno lock when it was some fucking handlock bullshit.
Tried out that Arcane Warrior deck before bed and won 2 out of 3. Seems like a pretty solid deck but I got absolutely massacred by a Hunter who ended up with lethal on turn 5. Nothing I could have done I guess.

Edit: Here's a thought. Between Fiery Bat, Huge Toad, Kindly Grandmother, Infested Wolf and Savannah Highmane...is Forlorn Stalker just good enough now?


Finally returned to Hearthstone today as none of my friends are on Overwatch right now. They really need a special brawl only emote to say "HEAL ME YOU FRICKIN IDIOT" or something for the current brawl.



Can do 31 from hand without Emperor.

This is my list:


Other lists have one Blood of Ichor instead of Emperor. I like Emperor as something that makes it easier to string together stuff even though it's not required anymore.

Thanks. Need to do a little refinements since I don't have Commanding Shout. Don't feel like crafting them so replaced them with Gnomish Inventor. Since the Wild Pyro synergy is missing now I cut one for Grom. Only need 200 gold for the next wing now.

Finally returned to Hearthstone today as none of my friends are on Overwatch right now. They really need a special brawl only emote to say "HEAL ME YOU FRICKIN IDIOT" or something for the current brawl.

This brawl needs an emote that says "Don't waste the fucking buffs!".


Tried an Arcane Giant in my C'Thun Mage deck last night. Was decent but I don't think it gives me enough tempo.

Also threw in the Portal for shits and giggles, which produces varying results. I mean I got rid of my only Flamestrike for that so not sure it was the smartest move.


Hate Warrior, but that deck is super cheap. Just pulled a bunch of trash Warlock Epics that are getting dusted so might as well grab a Faceless Manipulator to make it.

e: made it, thank you golden Pit Lords

e2: I keep losing because I need charge and it's been in the bottom 3 cards of my deck the last three games


I'm not convinced Arcane Patrons is actually that great a deck. It's slower at developing the board than the older Midrange Patron list and its combo potential is very restricted.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Just won a tavern brawl game with no gargoyls or that 3/3 for 5 that buffs, literally doing it the hard way with 1 card left each in the deck, chipping 5-6 away in final form for a dozen turns.


lol finally got the Liadrin portrait after stalling at level 15 for months because I didn't feel like playing WoW

now I can delete it and free up hard disk space


What do you earn for beating each of the new solo adventures heroic levels?

Heroic chess is still kicking my ass- wanna decide if it's worth the effort.

Probably not, there's still much better on 3.

I end up just dropping early game minions and houndmasters. Instead I rely on spells to control the board or summon minions and two kindly grandmothers and one Cloaked huntress that I wouldn't mind if Barnes drew. Only vanilla 1/1 Barnes would draw would be Nzoth, but I can't justify the removal of Nzoth.


Put Barnes and kindly grandmother in my midrange hunter. 4-0 so far at rank 10 and 9. Certainly feels strong.


4-1, got high rolled by this fucking Shaman. It was close, I'm wondering if there was a way I could have won.


Here's the replay if anyone is willing to take a look and critique. (I fully admit I'm not good at Hunter, I have fewer than 100 ranked wins with the class)

And here's my deck, I didn't netdeck it so I'm sure it's not optimized. I'm not convinced on UTH--the only times I've drawn it, it's been a dead card. But it would have been really good in that Shaman match, for example, but I didnt draw it. I also think I fucked up in that Shaman match by not keeping my 8-drop in my opening hand, I haven't really figured out mulligans in this deck yet.

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