I can tell you I have had zero problems with hunters with my list, actually even teched to farm them even harder lol..
I'm a believer of argent horserider in rogue. You need some 3 drops that you can play without combo, they are like extras SI7 on top, can slam it into war axe, kills like everything in opening of hunter and mage, not bad elsewhere either. I like it a lot. If I get it from Barnes, it's just a 3/4 summon a 1/1, deal 1 damage, I'm quite ok with that. Farseer does absolutely nothing these days, it's irrelevant. Horserider is great for dealing with freezing trap too, that could be game losing.
I think Barnes is just a better violet teacher for rogue, you can't really afford to go all in with teacher in post flurry era in gadgetzan decks, it's only useful against zoo and not much else.
How does it fare against aggro shammy and dragon warrior? I used to play a form of this deck minus Barnes and a few others before kara but I would tend to get rolled by any aggressive tempo decks cause health would be too low before you stabilized.