I'm glad your finding success. I think hunter is a fun class to play too.
Just because I agree with you on 1 drops doesn't mean there aren't some things that could use improving though. The 1 ofs thing is certainly a problem. As a general rule, I believe you should be happy enough with your cards to include two of most of them.
You should be making entire decks around Feign Death or Nerubian Egg if you really want to use them. Those are synergy cards, and synergy cards should only be in decks where the synergy is so good that you want at least 2 of them in your deck.
Also, I personally think deadly shot is way better than hunter's mark for the same reason I dislike 1 drops like Fiery Bat. It's very inefficient on card draw resources, because it often requires you to spend two cards to take out 1 card of the opponent's.
As a hunter, you should have enough of the board under control that you can take out whatever minions you don't want to deadly shot instead of relying on RNG.
in a token deck fill of snakes, spiders, etc etc hunter's mark is def better than DS. DS is probably better in standard overall. But in wild HM is p necessary because of all the deathrattles like shredder where you can't get rid of him to target without killing two minions, since you aren't really spending 2 cards, you're taking the first part of grandma, one of the 3 spiders from the secret or 2 drop, etc etc
tbh i would never double up on UTH in hunter, getting two of those in hand is a death sentence. feign death/nerubian egg have a nice side effect; even if you just hit feign on an egg, you got a 4/4 for 2, it's preeetty good. but since people ignore egg, you almost always can proc off the egg, as well as throw down a 2 drop or more to hit before shit goes off. try it, iz fun. i have some more single digit rank wild feign hunts decks with double egg/feign tho, those are fun, this one is kinda more anti zoo tho, those feign decks are a little slower by nature (better against control tho, yin and yang).
they're really good in wild tho. drop a grandma t2 that gets ignored cos they think leaving a 1/1 out will give them board control, then drop another deathrattle, then t4 go 2 mana deathrattle followed by feign, you fill the board up depending how your opponent plays you, like the image a few posts above. its sick, and honestly seems to be a rare breed, i love making fun decks like this that are powerful yet people don't really expect because they're very against the grain. wild is so much better than standard IMO because you CAN thrive with decks with lots of 1 offs like this. the reason is because you have so many more synergies to play off of; some of these cards would be shit if i didn't run feign death and barnes, but become way better because of them, like that one. i think alot of you guys complaining about 1 offs aren't playing much wild; you can really jack off the power level of 1 offs when you have the entire hearthstone catalog to play off of, versus standard where you're handcuffed soooo much. wild just lets you get creative and throw stuff like this that looks 'hobbled up' to the non playing eye as evidenced here, but can slice through the netdecks people bring to the plate like butter. #wildmetaforlife
in wild, even forlorn stalker can be the backbone of a single digit rank deck. those are fun, getting 5/7 sludge belchers makes people cry. it can routinely power up 4/4+ on really strong minions in wild. in standard? you'd be crazy to play it.