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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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You missed the prime time of Face Hunter before Standard was added into the game.

You just aim at one direction.

Every single card goes to one location unless there is a taunt in the way.

Consistently fastest games ever.

The Golden Age of Hearthstone.

That 5+ minute games are the norm is a travesty.


Unconfirmed Member
kindly grandma is amazing. hitting the rattle with huhu/feign is great, with nzoth it's great, from barnes it's fantastic, makes houndmaster much easier to proc, i can't imagine any hunter deck not running two, despite the fact that it loses to a 2/2, it has lots of upside. anything that lives on after it gets hit is huge for animal companion/cotw as well, AND it synergizes with hunter's mark. just too good rn

the fun from this deck is endless i swear

I'm glad your finding success. I think hunter is a fun class to play too.

Just because I agree with you on 1 drops doesn't mean there aren't some things that could use improving though. The 1 ofs thing is certainly a problem. As a general rule, I believe you should be happy enough with your cards to include two of most of them.

You should be making entire decks around Feign Death or Nerubian Egg if you really want to use them. Those are synergy cards, and synergy cards should only be in decks where the synergy is so good that you want at least 2 of them in your deck.

Also, I personally think deadly shot is way better than hunter's mark for the same reason I dislike 1 drops like Fiery Bat. It's very inefficient on card draw resources, because it often requires you to spend two cards to take out 1 card of the opponent's.

As a hunter, you should have enough of the board under control that you can take out whatever minions you don't want to deadly shot instead of relying on RNG.
I'm glad your finding success. I think hunter is a fun class to play too.

Just because I agree with you on 1 drops doesn't mean there aren't some things that could use improving though. The 1 ofs thing is certainly a problem. As a general rule, I believe you should be happy enough with your cards to include two of most of them.

You should be making entire decks around Feign Death or Nerubian Egg if you really want to use them. Those are synergy cards, and synergy cards should only be in decks where the synergy is so good that you want at least 2 of them in your deck.

Also, I personally think deadly shot is way better than hunter's mark for the same reason I dislike 1 drops like Fiery Bat. It's very inefficient on card draw resources, because it often requires you to spend two cards to take out 1 card of the opponent's.

As a hunter, you should have enough of the board under control that you can take out whatever minions you don't want to deadly shot instead of relying on RNG.

in a token deck fill of snakes, spiders, etc etc hunter's mark is def better than DS. DS is probably better in standard overall. But in wild HM is p necessary because of all the deathrattles like shredder where you can't get rid of him to target without killing two minions, since you aren't really spending 2 cards, you're taking the first part of grandma, one of the 3 spiders from the secret or 2 drop, etc etc

tbh i would never double up on UTH in hunter, getting two of those in hand is a death sentence. feign death/nerubian egg have a nice side effect; even if you just hit feign on an egg, you got a 4/4 for 2, it's preeetty good. but since people ignore egg, you almost always can proc off the egg, as well as throw down a 2 drop or more to hit before shit goes off. try it, iz fun. i have some more single digit rank wild feign hunts decks with double egg/feign tho, those are fun, this one is kinda more anti zoo tho, those feign decks are a little slower by nature (better against control tho, yin and yang).

they're really good in wild tho. drop a grandma t2 that gets ignored cos they think leaving a 1/1 out will give them board control, then drop another deathrattle, then t4 go 2 mana deathrattle followed by feign, you fill the board up depending how your opponent plays you, like the image a few posts above. its sick, and honestly seems to be a rare breed, i love making fun decks like this that are powerful yet people don't really expect because they're very against the grain. wild is so much better than standard IMO because you CAN thrive with decks with lots of 1 offs like this. the reason is because you have so many more synergies to play off of; some of these cards would be shit if i didn't run feign death and barnes, but become way better because of them, like that one. i think alot of you guys complaining about 1 offs aren't playing much wild; you can really jack off the power level of 1 offs when you have the entire hearthstone catalog to play off of, versus standard where you're handcuffed soooo much. wild just lets you get creative and throw stuff like this that looks 'hobbled up' to the non playing eye as evidenced here, but can slice through the netdecks people bring to the plate like butter. #wildmetaforlife

in wild, even forlorn stalker can be the backbone of a single digit rank deck. those are fun, getting 5/7 sludge belchers makes people cry. it can routinely power up 4/4+ on really strong minions in wild. in standard? you'd be crazy to play it.


I played a few games, my opponents had the most stupid curves every game, like even the effing priests every game had 2 blademaster opening into quad ressurrect, it was a joke. how you even beat that.

Resurrect effect is really dumb when it works and I can't believe they are pushing this trash as the priest deck, like it can't possibly be more annoying to play against than 2 mana 4/7s. I hope priest never is good and remains as unplayable as before, I've no idea why people are asking for this shit. If they power it up next set, the game is screwed.
This deck seems alright.


6-2 so far.

Evolved kobold will likely be cut for thalnos. Although kobold honestly does seem good for rogue, I'm just not sure how good. Last match I had a drake on board and rogue kept sapping my arcane giant (which cost 0 mana anyway but bought him time), so I played kobold and had 3 spell power for double eviscerate on face. That's 14 damage from 4 mana lol. Almost makes me want to drop double sinister strike in the deck and that might even be better than malygos against all but control decks because it doesn't require emperor thaurisan to drop it on turn 10.

I played a few games, my opponents had the most stupid curves every game, like even the effing priests every game had 2 blademaster opening into quad ressurrect, it was a joke. how you even beat that.

Resurrect effect is really dumb when it works and I can't believe they are pushing this trash as the priest deck, like it can't possibly be more annoying to play against than 2 mana 4/7s. I hope priest never is good and remains as unplayable as before, I've no idea why people are asking for this shit. If they power it up next set, the game is screwed.

Resurrect is just the new priest fad imo. If they curve perfectly into it, it's no better than many other great curve decks. Meanwhile, if they curve poorly, they just lose and can't even go toe to toe. And resurrect is just inconsistent past the early game anyway, since it's not like you can run ONLY resurrect-able minions. Even if you do, you'll still run into RNG issues.


Got on Skype with a friend, we built competing Spiteful Smith Weapon Paladin decks and took them on ladder to see whose was better. Then we played stupid decks against each other and we're laughing every turn. "Why did you put that card in!"

I highly recommend having a friend you can play bad decks against, very fun.

Highlight of the whole night was when i used Rend Blackhand to destroy Lorewalker Cho.
Yep, playing each others decks against each other or on ladder is fun too, even when they do better than you with your deck cuz they ladder for you.


at rank 10 and dragon paladin is still pulling 66% win rate

EDIT: I would replace one of the ivory knights with Chillmaw if I had it.

I really hope Dragon Paladin becomes at least a tier 2 competitive deck, I love Dragon Consort and it is such an underplayed deck right now.


Casually made it to rank 3! I kind of want to try to get to legend but the incentive is pretty meh. I wish there was more dust or some free packs.

Seems like all the Dragon Warriors disappeared and moved to this secret Hunter deck....which might be even more frustrating to play against than Dragon Warrior. Did Hunter really need another auto-include sticky minion? Especially with Barnes being added to the game?

I played a few games, my opponents had the most stupid curves every game, like even the effing priests every game had 2 blademaster opening into quad ressurrect, it was a joke. how you even beat that.

Resurrect effect is really dumb when it works and I can't believe they are pushing this trash as the priest deck, like it can't possibly be more annoying to play against than 2 mana 4/7s. I hope priest never is good and remains as unplayable as before, I've no idea why people are asking for this shit. If they power it up next set, the game is screwed.

Dragon Warrior and Aggro Shaman with a decent curve is far worse than the dream resurrect Priest scenario. Yogg Druid constantly putting you into "remove this in the next turn or lose" situations and the new bullshit hunter deck is far worse than that as well. People were asking for early game Priest minions so they could actually be proactive, not this resurrect non-sense.


Got tired of playing new decks with ~60% win rates and swapped over to old dragon warrior with no new cards. 8-0 so far through ranks 3 and 2. That's kind of disappointing to see during an expansion.


That's not really surprising. People are playing unoptimized decks while trying out all the new cards. Usually takes a few weeks before the meta settles down and the stronger (new) decks emerges.


Shaman -> Evolve
Priest -> Resurrect
Warlock -> Discard
Rogue -> Steal
Hunter -> Lock n Load

I see a pattern here boys.

And the pattern is ...


Unconfirmed Member
Shaman -> Evolve
Priest -> Resurrect
Warlock -> Discard
Rogue -> Steal
Hunter -> Lock n Load

I see a pattern here boys.

And the pattern is ...

Beast Druid will save us.

0% RNG, 100% skill.


Sounds about right but it's very difficult to make a game that is both easy/accessible but also has a lot of depth and complex micro/macro decisions to it.

I think a card that is very simple on the surface but is actually one of the hardest cards to use properly is Raven Idol. Especially in Token Druid where you don't even want to use it on turn 1 (or when you have a free crystal) because you want the flexibility of the card later on depending on the situation or if you want to combo it.

In fact Token Druid overall is the type of deck the game needs more of.


Corporate Apologist
The New Priest Cards actually are pretty damn good. I'm not too surprised Blizard felt they gave Priest enough tools when they decided on the Expansion's cards months back. Priest of the Feast can really help heal you back up fast, and Barns with Onyx Bishop and Resurrection make Reso Priest pretty powerful.

Trying a minor variation of Amaz's Resurrection Priest deck, I have only lost a single game tonight. Though since I went from rank 21 to rank 15, that isn't too impressive. Still, being able to shrug off Alex thanks to Priest of the Feast is a pretty nice feeling.


The New Priest Cards actually are pretty damn good. I'm not too surprised Blizard felt they gave Priest enough tools when they decided on the Expansion's cards months back. Priest of the Feast can really help heal you back up fast, and Barns with Onyx Bishop and Resurrection make Reso Priest pretty powerful.

Trying a minor variation of Amaz's Resurrection Priest deck, I have only lost a single game tonight. Though since I went from rank 21 to rank 15, that isn't too impressive. Still, being able to shrug off Alex thanks to Priest of the Feast is a pretty nice feeling.

Throw the list pls for those priest quests :3


If someone has a Priest list that can get 3 wins for a quest in less than an hour, I'll take it. I always reroll that nightmare.


I dunno about yshaarj, sure its great when you get a yshaarj token off barnes or you res a yshaarj but actually playing that card from your hand seems absolutely terrible


Corporate Apologist
I dunno about yshaarj, sure its great when you get a yshaarj token off barnes or you res a yshaarj but actually playing that card from your hand seems absolutely terrible

Its really not that bad to play it outright. A 10/10 is a huge stat stick, that can bring out another sizable body. What really sucks is he draws the real card from your deck. If he pulled a copy from your deck, he would be much more playable.

The few games I played it directly, I just waited until I was sure they used most/all their removal.


Priest has a huge problem with Excavated evil and Holy Nova. They need to play 2 of them both and they clutter your hand in every fucking match. Blizz pls.


just dusted all my golden cards which are not in a deck i currently use because I realized that I will never have a perfect golden collection. should have done that much earlier. now i have exactly 3k dust. got to think about the legendary i am to craft.


Priest will rise as soon as people try to be more proactive with the class again. Everyone's so focused on trying to get its many reactive cards to work that they can't see the new (old) archetype lurking in there.



I don't understand why Y'sharj sommoning not invoke battlecry anyway, made it so will differ him to oťher card summon card like Varian and made Y'sharj had strong unique effect like other old gods.


Priest will rise as soon as people try to be more proactive with the class again. Everyone's so focused on trying to get its many reactive cards to work that they can't see the new (old) archetype lurking in there.


What proactive cards?


I don't understand why Y'sharj sommoning not invoke battlecry anyway, made it so will differ him to oťher card summon card like Varian and made Y'sharj had strong unique effect like other old gods.
First of all you can't use battlecries after your turn has ended and secondly it would be a mechanical mess with all the targetted battlecries in the game.


Sure in the 1/5 times when you have something worthwhile to rez. Injured Blademaster is proactive indeed (and it's a neutral card lol).
By definition putting minion is always proactive bro.

How you play reactive with the bishop?
You can do that with Feast for example, that bishop card sole reason is for value battle on the board.


By definition putting minion is always proactive bro.

How you play reactive with the bishop?
You can do that with Feast for example, that bishop card sole reason is for value battle on the board.

Feast has stats that allow it to be played on curve for tempo. Bishop is a situational card (at least in the currect lists), where you wait until you get guaranteed value from it. If you have to play it without rezzing or rezzing something bad, it's just a panic play by then.

I guess Dragon Priest was the most "proactive" priest we've seen yet.
Anyone having connection issues playing outside their region over the last couple weeks? I used to be able to play all 3 regions without an issue. Now outside regions disconnect a lot.
Got my first legendary card the other day, super disappointed it was Harrison Jones. On the other hand I really am loving this week's tavern brawl, it's finally dragged me back into playing regularly.

My first was a golden Milhouse manastorm, I wanted to keep him because it was gold, but eventually dusted it for Dr.Boom
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