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That Amaz video actually makes me want to try Resurrect Priest.

I can't be temped though. I don't want to drop half a dozen ranks.

It's really good and it's really fun. I thought I would tank ranks at first too, but I'm 6-3 with it so it's doing alright. Resurrect and Onyx Bishop are surprisingly super powerful, and I often find myself resurrecting Blademaster and Priest of the Feasts more often than not. Granted I'm just at Rank 8 right now so I can't really say if it's super viable, and I've only played 9 games with it.

If you want to play priest, there really is no better time than now. The meta is still in flux, and a lot of people are experimenting with decks. Once the meta stabilizes and it becomes a tempo game again with Aggro Shamans, Zoos, and Dragon Warriors, then I think priest will struggle again.


Super Sleuth
With these resurrect decks, are you supposed to play any crappy minions early like loot hoarder? That seems like it would screw up your entire early game. Seems like one of those decks that can theoretically curve out really disgustingly, and when it happens to you pisses you off, but in reality happens really rarely.


No. Best "low" mana minion is the Injured Blademaster. Also Loot Hoader is not really crappy. One of the better two mana minions.

I've been trying not to add early game minions, but more signs keep pointing to adding Wild Pyromancer despite its negative synergy when used with Resurrect in most cases. Why add? Aggro.

Holy Nova/ Excavated Evil puts a state on the board already flooded and perhaps already buffed (usually by a Thing from Below or Defender of Argus). You usually lose within 1-2 turns. You could count on Auchenai + Circle of Healing, but that requires the two card combo.

I've seen people trying to add Northshire Cleric, but spending 2 mana extra for that to revive usually is not worth it. Also gets destroyed by most 2 mana spells/minions/weapons.

Priest constantly has problems with card draw in this setup (so maybe we can see Purify's value /s). RNG draw. RNG revival. Combos or high mana spells to clear.

Also shouldn't run Doomsayer.


Feast has stats that allow it to be played on curve for tempo. Bishop is a situational card (at least in the currect lists), where you wait until you get guaranteed value from it. If you have to play it without rezzing or rezzing something bad, it's just a panic play by then.

I guess Dragon Priest was the most "proactive" priest we've seen yet.

I play tons of priest (my favorite control class, reached legend with it during the secret paladin era) and i agree with you.

right now the only 2 mana drop worth having in non dragon priest is wild pyro and even that card is extremely reactive ( you need to combo it with 2 cards to get value from and its most likely going to die the turn after that ).

Priest need a card like DOOM! but instead of drawing cards it heals you for every minion destroyed (would be a nice lightbomb replacement).

Doesn't help that priest seems to have the worst class legendaries (voljin was the closest thing that comes to a decent legendary).


Had 3 Shaman quests so I made a face Shaman and got back to back to back resurrect Priests.

Oh wait, you want me to kill that 4/3 so you can resurrect it as a 4/7 next turn?. Here, have two 2/3 taunts, you kill it. Oh, you only have 8 HP left by turn 5 because I ignored your minions and now I've drawn Doomhammer? Better luck next time I guess, :lol

Can't fault them for trying.


That Yogg
I tried resurrect priest. Felt it either got wrecked by aggro or sometimes survived through midrange but ultimately lost with no real closer and a lack of card draw.

Still fun though.


That was god damn disgusting....

Even though he made a really good play of not playing Feral Spirits anticipating the Doomhammer top deck. Good play but the deck and class is just BS.


I'm actually amazed how great I'm currently performing with Non-Dragon Tempo Warrior. Still the one I netdecked at WotG launch. Given that most of my match-ups were Zoo but also beat other decks and apart from a few decks that are trying some new cards, everything was the same as before Karazhan.


I'm actually amazed how great I'm currently performing with Non-Dragon Tempo Warrior. Still the one I netdecked at WotG launch. Given that most of my match-ups were Zoo but also beat other decks and apart from a few decks that are trying some new cards, everything was the same as before Karazhan.

At what rank?
Even maining pally I can't root for anyfin pally
I dunno. I put it in because I was running out resources midgame but it's not like I'm winning with it. I'm on a 9 game losing streak in the double-digit dumpster ranks.
Are you running the new portal? Lost the 5 games straight with my control pally as well.


Gosh, seeing the Kara cards makes me wish they had squeezed in slightly more bosses/references. Attumen or Maiden of Virtue for instance.


This guy played that match up really wrong. You don't do the Worgen combo until the Freeze Mage is in Fatigue. And you don't start drawing a million cards, just keep armoring every turn and remove their board.


Jebus, that so wrong

its very big bad play for ramping up for yogg too, massanto have few other safer play, lmao

but dude had cool line up tho, so its fine /kappa
Jebus, that so wrong

its very big bad play for ramping up for yogg too, massanto have few other safer play, lmao

but dude had cool line up tho, so its fine /kappa

He was pretty much dead. Swiping to remove darkshire councilman would only slightly slow down his death. He saw that from early on and chose the path that could actually win the game and it worked out. I disagree with you saying he had other safer plays.


Did they change Yogg to not kill itself and mill you to death for the prelims?

#It'saBlizzardconspiracy #TinfoilHat


Rooftrellen is a women right?
He was pretty much dead. Swiping to remove darkshire councilman would only slightly slow down his death. He saw that from early on and chose the path that could actually win the game and it worked out. I disagree with you saying he had other safer plays.

I kinda like nourish for draw, he had innervate there if he draw wrath . Yogging after just 4 spell is very worrisome , I guess if its not worked out its jump to Dragon Warrior that more favorable than zoo
This whole tournament would've been so uninteresting without yogg shenanigans

Blizzard, don't listen to the haters, add more RNG into the game
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