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I genuinely believe resurrect priest is bad, I got both my cairne and tirion entombed, had to kill the tirion when he drew it and he even Nzoth'd it and it wasn't even a close game. I had all the answers in hand as well I had to play out some cards so not to overdraw.


Nothing is more "fun" than losing to a scrubby hunter slapping minions on curve, getting Highmane from Barnes, and playing back to back call of the wild. I CLEARLY got outplayed by this amazing player. What the fuck was Blizzard thinking when they decided to give Hunter another sticky minion and add this auto-include bullshit card knew as Barnes? Who the hell designed Call of the Wild and thought "Yeah, this is great for the game. Let's add it!".
Nothing is more "fun" than losing to a scrubby hunter slapping minions on curve, getting Highmane from Barnes, and playing back to back call of the wild. I CLEARLY got outplayed by this amazing player. What the fuck was Blizzard thinking when they decided to give Hunter another sticky minion and add this auto-include bullshit card knew as Barnes? Who the hell designed Call of the Wild and thought "Yeah, this is great for the game. Let's add it!".

Next expansion we're going to get Wild Call, 5 mana, "Summon two random Animal Companions."



So I got killed on turn 6 by a real face deck.

So far I'm getting high rolled every game today. Feelsbadman.


I laugh at all of these resurrect priests as I aldor their injured blademasters so they can't kill anything and then ignore them. The priest has to spend 2+ turns kill it off before getting a combo in.
I genuinely believe resurrect priest is bad, I got both my cairne and tirion entombed, had to kill the tirion when he drew it and he even Nzoth'd it and it wasn't even a close game. I had all the answers in hand as well I had to play out some cards so not to overdraw.

The problem I've found with resurrect priest is that I just end up resurrecting complete garbage over and over again.
Ysera is a pretty cool card. Especially cool when Barnes summons it. Still having fun playing Hunter. Got to rank 14 with my variation and then tried Resurrect priest and a Arcane Giants Warrior and feel to 18, now back to 14 again. It's less face centric and more half spells and half mid to high end minions. I only have 4 minions under 5 cost, Barnes, Infested wolf, Cloaked Huntress, and Kindly Grandmother. However, I really have 9 because of Bear Trap, Unleash the hounds and two Animal companions which is great because non of them dilute Barnes.
Has anyone tried, or know about, the Aggro Moroes Paladin deck by Thijs? I was playing it last night and it was doing decent. (73% / 11 - 4)

I ask because I wasn't sure if it's a ladder or tournament deck. While it does work alright, it doesn't feel like it's made to work on the ladder as best as it could. I'm not good at refining decks to make them better though.

That being said, Arcane Anomaly with Divine Strength is a god opener combo, haha.
Managed to hit rank 5 quite easily with yogg token druid today, kinda nice to see a 'bad' card in Wisps of the Old Gods consistently secure me wins.


yeah, wisp of the old gods was universally mocked when it was revealed but it's seeing quite a bit of play. We didn't know about Fandral then though, that made the card worth including. It's just a game winning combo.


Managed to hit rank 5 quite easily with yogg token druid today, kinda nice to see a 'bad' card in Wisps of the Old Gods consistently secure me wins.

I've never understood why people called that a bad card, especially when Druid has so many game-winning ways to followup with that card. Warrior and Mage (although you need to still have Flamewaker or Missiles after turn 7...which probably isn't going to happen) are the only classes that can casually remove a full board of 1/1's.


So in the midrange hunter mirror the player going second is at a huge disadvantage, right? I wonder how I'm supposed to mulligan for that match up. I prioritize early game minions over removal but perhaps I should be looking for quickshot / KC to help me take the board.

My experiences going second in the mirror is I'm playing from behind from turn one and then they get to play Call of the Wild from a stronger position than I can. Both mirrors today where I went second I lost one turn before I would have had lethal.


I've never understood why people called that a bad card, especially when Druid has so many game-winning ways to followup with that card. Warrior and Mage (although you need to still have Flamewaker or Missiles after turn 7...which probably isn't going to happen) are the only classes that can casually remove a full board of 1/1's.

I always save a consecrate for the wisps.
So in the midrange hunter mirror the player going second is at a huge disadvantage, right? I wonder how I'm supposed to mulligan for that match up. I prioritize early game minions over removal but perhaps I should be looking for quickshot / KC to help me take the board.

My experiences going second in the mirror is I'm playing from behind from turn one and then they get to play Call of the Wild from a stronger position than I can. Both mirrors today where I went second I lost one turn before I would have had lethal.

Well, you can drop highmane first. That is something at least.
I've never understood why people called that a bad card, especially when Druid has so many game-winning ways to followup with that card. Warrior and Mage (although you need to still have Flamewaker or Missiles after turn 7...which probably isn't going to happen) are the only classes that can casually remove a full board of 1/1's.

Any AOE spell will remove them for way less mana than what you spent to summon them. Rogues have Fan of Knives and Skulker, Shamans have Lightning Storm (and now Maelstrom Portal, which didn't exist at the time), Paladins have Consecration and some run Wild Pyro, Priests have Wild Pyro, Holy Nova, and Excavated Evil, Warlocks have Shadowflame and Hellfire, and Druids have Swipe. Hunter is probably the weakest against a board of 1/1s, but they just might finish you off with an Unleash + Leok or they might even be running Explosive Trap. The only reason that card really works in Token Druid is because of Fandral.


Apparently I'm just going to have to live in the 19-20 range like the rest of the scrubs :( My main zoo deck is supposed to be better now but I'm obviously playing worse these days since in my first month with mostly just the default cards you get I at least managed to drag myself to 17.

The game is still fun but it sucks to feel; like I've not only made no progress but instead regressed.
I hate that Blizzard is so closed off from the community.

Like, I'd love to actually know why they didn't nerf Doomhammer because surely they can't be that clueless.


Res Priest is just the shitty flavor of the week that probably wont be mentioned after the meta settled ( although I think Spell priest is solid Bottom T2 deck ).

Aggro Beast druid is probably going to be the flavor of the month when they release warden this Thursday mainly because its very cheap and have a really good early game curve that snowball out of control if you have warden at turn 6.


Druid nerfs were pretty dumb. Ancient of Lore in particular, which is a card that will never be played again instead of somewhat played as it was.

But they would just rather print on curve crap and keep pushing beasts so whatchagonnado... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You think it's a joke? See how Shaman got like 5-6 great cards in a single set and they don't even use them all.

Blizz seems to have an issue with balance though. They either overbuff or overnerf, which defeats the purpose. Everything seems to be about a gimmick until the meta settles, then they change it up again. It's frustrating, yet we all go running back so are they actually doing it on purpose then?


I just had an idea for a card that would solve rogues lack of healing (or at least it would help a bit) and also looks like something blizzard would make.

Apothecary Thief.
3 mana 3/3
Battlecry: add a random healing potion to your hand

The healing potions would be coppies of existing healing spells (flash heal,holy light and healing touch, mabye even healing wave)

Discover a random healing spell (any spell with healing)

There are few bad healing spells, but with discover that should never be a problem
Druid nerfs were pretty dumb. Ancient of Lore in particular, which is a card that will never be played again instead of somewhat played as it was.

But they would just rather print on curve crap and keep pushing beasts so whatchagonnado... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ancient of Lore was run because it helped find the combo while putting something out on board to occupy the other player. Without the combo to finish you off from hand, Ancient of Lore's value goes down significantly. It didn't need to get nerfed. Keeper of the Grove didn't need it either. As a silence, it actually had less overall stats than Spell Breaker. It had more flexibility with the 2 damage option, but it wasn't a busted card. Nerfing the combo was enough, they should've left the other cards in tact. If Druid was still too strong, they could get those cards next year.


Oh its definitely with a purpose.

When Blizzard nerfs a card super hard, they are basically saying "we are tired of seeing everyone use this card so now stop using it and use other cards instead".

They haven't actually buffed cards, they just buff classes/archetypes by giving them more cards. Only even in that regard they do it in the most brute force manner possible when they want to push something.

Some of their nerfs are fine though. I am fine with their Undertaker and BGH nerfs. Cards are still playable without being busted.
I hate that Blizzard is so closed off from the community.

Like, I'd love to actually know why they didn't nerf Doomhammer because surely they can't be that clueless.

Makes you wonder why Blizzard isnt making them take queues from the Overwatch devs.

Oh yeah the heaping loads of cash they're getting despite poor arena/constructed balance and a lack of communication, so fuck it!

And yet I still get on for a few games all the fucking time. I hope I can resist purchasing the expansion if they dont make any strides in the right direction. Also Legends is a really fun game right now.
Ancient of Lore was run because it helped find the combo while putting something out on board to occupy the other player. Without the combo to finish you off from hand, Ancient of Lore's value goes down significantly. It didn't need to get nerfed. Keeper of the Grove didn't need it either. As a silence, it actually had less overall stats than Spell Breaker. It had more flexibility with the 2 damage option, but it wasn't a busted card. Nerfing the combo was enough, they should've left the other cards in tact. If Druid was still too strong, they could get those cards next year.

but they already knew about fandral and that puts it in a bit of a different light.


Fandral Made Nourish an playable 2 in any Druid Deck, if they don't nerf Lore, oh boy.. I think this one nothing to complain about and when you look Druid still in very good spot, they made correct decision


but they already knew about fandral and that puts it in a bit of a different light.

Whatever. Comboing AoL with Fandral in this meta would be miraculous, and the heal (which almost no one used the AoL for) probably irrelevant.

I understood the reason for killing Keeper of the Grove at least, because Silence was becoming premium across the board (even if they did overnerf it), but what they did to AoL was absolutely the wrong way to go about it and so far it hasn't been justified by any new cards.

Funny that I spent a lot of time arguing about this here where some people assured me Blizzard was going to justify it, and those people don't even play anymore.


Well, you can drop highmane first. That is something at least.

You mean with coin? Highmane into a strong opposing board isn't really that great. Opponent can trade (or not) and I'm not any better off.

And if I used my coin to try and get the board early (which I generally have) then I can't play Highmane or call first.


Lore should've been nerfed but they over nerfed it. Same for Keeper of the Grove.

However, if their reasoning for nerfing Druid cards was mostly "every Druid deck uses two of these because they are so powerful" then a bunch of other cards especially Shaman cards should've been nerfed already.


Whatever. Comboing AoL with Fandral in this meta would be miraculous, and the heal (which almost no one used the AoL for) probably irrelevant.

I understood the reason for killing Keeper of the Grove at least, because Silence was becoming premium across the board (even if they did overnerf it), but what they did to AoL was absolutely the wrong way to go about it and so far it hasn't been justified by any new cards.

Funny that I spent a lot of time arguing about this here where some people assured me Blizzard was going to justify it, and those people don't even play anymore.

Fandral justifies AoL nerf

I'm very excited if they not nerf Lore tho, considering Token Drruid is the most fun deck that I can play nowadays

but yeah, I don't think Raven Idol ever see play if Lore un-nerfed
Lore should've been nerfed but they over nerfed it. Same for Keeper of the Grove.

However, if their reasoning for nerfing Druid cards was mostly "every Druid deck uses two of these because they are so powerful" then a bunch of other cards especially Shaman cards should've been nerfed already.

you can kinda argue there's Shaman variant that not run their aggro/tempo carrd


11 Mana, 8/10 stats, Draw 2 cards and Heal for 5 that you actually need 3 cards to pull off in the same turn (or an Emperor tick) and does not immediately affect the board absolutely does not justify nerfing AoL. That's ridiculous.

What's the best case scenario? Coin Fandral on turn 3, have it survive, Double Innervate AoL on turn 4? You think you could pull that off consistently? Raven Idol would not be played if we still had the old AoL? What the fuck are you talking about, of course it would be played. Raven Idol is a great card on its own, AoL or not.

But whatever. The card was nerfed, it will never see play again, Blizzard wins. Let's move on.


What are peoples thoughts on them bringing in something that reverses the silence effect? Would that just complicate things even more?


What are peoples thoughts on them bringing in something that reverses the silence effect? Would that just complicate things even more?
HS isn't complicated.

Having a reverse silence effect is so niche that I doubt it would see much play unless it's attached to a body or has some additional effect (like draw a card). So adding it in the game wouldn't break the game.


I'm waiting for those Silence target minions next expansion so blizzard can brag how this was their intention when they introduced Purify.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
This ramp druid deck I saw dog streaming the other day is one of the dumbest decks I have ever seen.


I actually played a yogg that astral communioned my hand away and still won because of barnes.


Ancient of War combo still quite consistent to pull despite its 11 mana and require Fandral to survive to pull it off

I don't know about comment i Old Ancient of lore isn't great card, 5/5 body is standard 5 drop body, so the rest is 2 mana to draw 2

and with Druid Gameplan with ramping, they may had it on turn 4-5, so its 5/5 draw 2 that contest enemy 4-5 drop well, its gonna be the most efficient 7 drop in game today if its unnerfed.. man I'm sad now, eff you blizz.. OP draw effect is better for game than vomit everything and in top deck grom and deathwing gameplan
So in the midrange hunter mirror the player going second is at a huge disadvantage, right? I wonder how I'm supposed to mulligan for that match up. I prioritize early game minions over removal but perhaps I should be looking for quickshot / KC to help me take the board.

My experiences going second in the mirror is I'm playing from behind from turn one and then they get to play Call of the Wild from a stronger position than I can. Both mirrors today where I went second I lost one turn before I would have had lethal.

I think I've lost all my Hunter mirrors. If they drop Fiery Bat turn 1, unless I can answer with my own Bat my curve is dead (any 2 drops get removed, then I'm always behind). Maybe try to get a Houndmaster out to stabilize?


As long as we're being experimental with bad card effect ideas, I'd like to suggest the Spell Magnitude effect.

Stick this on a (severely over-costed for the stats) minion and it increases the magnitude of any spell you cast, for all spells with any numerical effect or requirements.

For example, if you have a minion out with Spell Magnitude +1, Shadow Word: Pain hits minions up to 4 attack instead of 3. Rockbiter Weapon increases your attack by 4 instead of 3. Lay On Hands Heals for 9 and draws 4.

Let's just get weird with it.
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