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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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Finally crafted malygos after putting it off for the longest time. Maly rogue is probably the most fun I've had playing this stale game since LoE. It actually has a different style of playing. I suppose I've run out of deck types to hold any interest in the game anymore, and nothing in Kara looks like it'll shake that up. Just remixes of the same mechanics we've had before in new cards. Heres to another four months of GET RANDOM OUTCOME for doing ABC.
Get into Eternal tbh


Geez, up to rank 3 in two days using midrange hunter after not bothering trying to rank for months. At this rate legend is an inevitability, I'm almost annoyed that there isn't a better reward for getting there monthly.

If anyone still needs the card back, now is the time. This is the easiest legend rank has been since Secret Paladin.


Geez, up to rank 3 in two days using midrange hunter after not bothering trying to rank for months. At this rate legend is an inevitability, I'm almost annoyed that there isn't a better reward for getting there monthly.

If anyone still needs the card back, now is the time. This is the easiest legend rank has been since Secret Paladin.

Its easier said than done, a little tilt is hard freefall at rank 5 above lol


I'm playing that ramp druid dog was playing minus aviana that I don't have, it's pretty strong. I'm yet to lose lol and it is fun. Good deck to play if you want to troll people. how many of these big boys you can remove?

is the one thjis playing right now?

Geez, up to rank 3 in two days using midrange hunter after not bothering trying to rank for months. At this rate legend is an inevitability, I'm almost annoyed that there isn't a better reward for getting there monthly.

If anyone still needs the card back, now is the time. This is the easiest legend rank has been since Secret Paladin.

what list are you using?
250 wins on Hunter and I went on a nice streak and got up to rank 10. It's a pretty good improvement since last season I only managed 14. Still a few days left, so hopefully I can climb some more.


I'm playing that ramp druid dog was playing minus aviana that I don't have, it's pretty strong. I'm yet to lose lol and it is fun. Good deck to play if you want to troll people. how many of these big boys you can remove?

Yeah that's the one I mentioned last night. I gave it a go and in the first two games I won one lost one, nothing spectacular...then 3rd game I got the turn 1 - coin, innervate barnes into ysaarj into the real ysaarj. The opponent roped while emoting the whole turn then conceded. I laughed so hard I decided to just stop for the night on that good note.


Spectating a friend for the quest.. his opponent is at 20, has 3 1 health minions on board. He has win axe equipped, draws his last card which is a 21/21 cthun... and concedes.




If this bullshit Druid "Y'Sharaj on turn 4" deck gets popular I'm going to quit this fucking game.

It's the cheesy bullshit of Astral Communion taken to 11.

Motherfucker played two Y'Sharaj against me on turn 4 or 5, I don't know, he ramped a lot.

I had to force myself not to add him after so I could tell him what I think of his cheap bullshit.

If this bullshit Druid "Y'Sharaj on turn 4" deck gets popular I'm going to quit this fucking game.

It's the cheesy bullshit of Astral Communion taken to 11.

Motherfucker played two Y'Sharaj against me on turn 4 or 5, I don't know, he ramped a lot.

I had to force myself not to add him after so I could tell him what I think of his cheap bullshit.

But you're playing face hunter and still almost got him after he pulled a Ysharj Ysharj.


Super Sleuth

If this bullshit Druid "Y'Sharaj on turn 4" deck gets popular I'm going to quit this fucking game.

It's the cheesy bullshit of Astral Communion taken to 11.

Motherfucker played two Y'Sharaj against me on turn 4 or 5, I don't know, he ramped a lot.

I had to force myself not to add him after so I could tell him what I think of his cheap bullshit.

When someone draws the nuts they are usually going to win.

The priest version of this is way worse. Just imagine after Barnes summons yshaarj a couple of resurrects coming down.
I can't see getting too worked up over that Y'shaarj deck. Yeah it sucks when it works out perfectly but most of the time he's not pulling Y'shaarj out with Barnes.


But you're playing face hunter and still almost got him after he pulled a Ysharj Ysharj.

Excuse me, it's midrange hunter. I have two 6 drops and two 8 cost cards.

When someone draws the nuts they are usually going to win.

The priest version of this is way worse. Just imagine after Barnes summons yshaarj a couple of resurrects coming down.

Even if I won id still be upset. I hate Astral Druid and this is just basically the same fucking coin flip, no skill bullshit. Oh I drew the right cards in my mulligan so I automatically win?

I can't see getting too worked up over that Y'shaarj deck. Yeah it sucks when it works out perfectly but most of the time he's not pulling Y'shaarj out with Barnes.

Uh, watch the game. So far 100% of my opponents playing this garbage meme deck have pulled Y shaarj into y'shaarj.

Stars in ranked ain't fucking easy to collect, so getting one stolen by this crap is super tilting.


If there are bots I standard they'd be playing Dragon warrior, it has the fewest meaningful decisions of all the tier one decks.
I don't think bots can play OTK Worgen deck properly.

It just seemed strange to run into multiple decks making similarly odd moves. In one of the games he milled himself for no reason ruining his own chance at the combo but kept on playing as if nothing had changed. Beyond that they all had at least a few of the characteristics of a bot but I guess I could've just been playing against weirdos.
It just seemed strange to run into multiple decks making similarly odd moves. In one of the games he milled himself for no reason ruining his own chance at the combo but kept on playing as if nothing had changed. Beyond that they all had at least a few of the characteristics of a bot but I guess I could've just been playing against weirdos.

maybe hes learning it.

i just went back into OTK Worgen (everyone is playing resurrect priest now and this thing destroys it) and its tricky getting everything right. I screw up the math all the time when i'm not paying attention.

tip: drop the cruel taskmaster and put in a brawl, its like doubled my winrate. especially helpful agianst more taunty decks.

also reyand's otk giant thing is not a good deck.


What's the point of bots? Getting 530 dust once a month? 100 gold a day? Hardly seems worth the risk.

I was checking eBay prices on the TESPA cardback and while I was there I noticed there's a cottage industry on eBay of "power leveling". People guaranteeing quick level 60 heroes, Gold Heroes, even Morgl and the Galaxy cardback promo are something you can pay someone on eBay to do for you. I imagine all these power leveling services use bots.

If people are willing to give their credentials to a stranger who is going to bot,it makes sense they'd also be willing to just buy their own damn bot to do the same or similar things.


It just seemed strange to run into multiple decks making similarly odd moves. In one of the games he milled himself for no reason ruining his own chance at the combo but kept on playing as if nothing had changed. Beyond that they all had at least a few of the characteristics of a bot but I guess I could've just been playing against weirdos.
Bad players trying to net deck and play a deck that is not auto pilot to play.

I don't think you can expect a competent Worgen/Giants/Patron player at anything except rank 5 or better.


I've been out of hearthstone mode for a few weeks. How are the new cards? I'll going to pay for the adventure later today.
Arcane Giant, Kindly Grandmother, Ivory Knight (mostly in Murloc OTK), Firelands Portal, Enchanted Raven, Cloaked Huntress, Maelstrom Portal, the two Priest cards and Barnes are good to great cards. The rest not so much.

A bit better than expected to be honest.


Arcane Giant, Kindly Grandmother, Ivory Knight (mostly in Murloc OTK), Firelands Portal, Enchanted Raven, Cloaked Huntress, Maelstrom Portal, the two Priest cards and Barnes are good to great cards. The rest not so much.

A bit better than expected to be honest.

Firelands Portal is also making a lot of tempo mage lists.


Isn't Firelands Portal a straight up upgrade from the 6/3 that gives you a spell in most situations?

5 more face damage when the Mage goes YOLO and there's nothing you can do about it!

Eh, I don't think so. Sometimes you want AOE or even a Secret and Conjurer can get it for you. Plus there are a surprising number of 3/3 or 4/4 5-drops out there.


Eh, I don't think so. Sometimes you want AOE or even a Secret and Conjurer can get it for you. Plus there are a surprising number of 3/3 or 4/4 5-drops out there.

And even a few 4/2s. However, even getting a 3/3 where the battlecry is doing 5 targetable damage is pretty decent.

Ethereal Conjurer doesn't affect the board state the turn you play it, where Firelands Portal does. Both have merits and I think in faster tempo mage/burn decks Portal is better.
Pulled Prophet Velen from my pack today. Worth keeping? Haven't really played any priest decks.

I've gotten some good use out of him, kept me alive or pull off a finisher with Mind Blast. That was back when Priest could play a more zoo like style deck though.

If you never play priest and there's another card you want more, no need in keeping him.


Unconfirmed Member
Arcane Giant, Kindly Grandmother, Ivory Knight (mostly in Murloc OTK), Firelands Portal, Enchanted Raven, Cloaked Huntress, Maelstrom Portal, the two Priest cards and Barnes are good to great cards. The rest not so much.

A bit better than expected to be honest.

Arcane Giant espeically I think is surprisingly easy to fit into decks that already rely on lots of spells. Like you can basically just put 2x Arcane Giant into any Yogg deck and be good to go. Even without Yogg, there is often enough spells in lots of decks to play them without too much effort. Tempo Mage can run them easily, as can most priest decks and Warrior decks. Whenter you WANT to run them is a different matter, but it at least the choice is there.

Enchanted Raven and Cloaked Huntress, and Kindly Grandmother similarly slide into existing decks very easily.

I had high hopes for Barnes, but he looks to be best in decks that are already pretty strong and rely on powerful tempo minions. I hoped the card would help push combo decks somewhat, but instead it seems to be mostly used in already powerful decks even stronger.


I had high hopes for Barnes, but he looks to be best in decks that are already pretty strong and rely on powerful tempo minions. I hoped the card would help push combo decks somewhat, but instead it seems to be mostly used in already powerful decks even stronger.

I don't think we've seen the full potential of Barnes just yet. I wouldn't rule out someone figuring out more new decks based around Barnes. I don't think it's unexpected that the first thing people do with new cards is test them in existing archetypes.


I don't think we've seen the full potential of Barnes just yet. I wouldn't rule out someone figuring out more new decks based around Barnes. I don't think it's unexpected that the first thing people do with new cards is test them in existing archetypes.

I like Barnes in my miracle rogue with Anub.


Yeah I got Firelands Portal in there as good/great card.

Isn't Firelands Portal a straight up upgrade from the 6/3 that gives you a spell in most situations?
No they are hardly comparable. Ethereal Conjurer is used for the utility, it can give you a board clear or a board stall when you need it the most. Firelands is a very specific tempo removal or burn.

It's like comparing Stormpike Commando to Dark Peddler. I am not saying one is better than the other but they serve different purposes. Ethereal Conjuror is more comparable to Azure Drake, Firelands Portal does not really have a Mage equivalent but it's similar to a Fire Elemental.


Currently have a 72% win rate with my Midrange Barnes Token Hunter deck. If this isn't a tier 1 deck, I don't know what is.



I was being sarcastic, but in Hearthstone these days every aggressive deck is usually called something else. Shaman runs Flame Juggler, Flamewreathed, Doomhammer? Midrange.

Mage runs a bunch of burn spells they almost always point at your face? Tempo.

Hunter runs Argent Horseriders and Abusive Sergeants and other low cost aggressive minions? Midrange. (Or sometimes "Hybrid").

Even the very aggressive Dragon Warrior lists are considered midrange lists.

Also, regardless of that, I actually play Hunter kind of like zoo--I try to maintain board control throughout the early game so I can get in repetitive minion damage and finish off the opponent with my burst from hand. In Hunter, the amount of damage your burst does scales based on how many minions are already on the board, so board control is very important.
Varian straight into malkorok and grommash, casual 17 power for 10 and I had neither piece of my equality clear and drew shit.
The deck was otherwise a tempo deck with bolster and protect the king. If he played actual cards in their stead I never would have been able to stabilize.
Everyone's playing Priest now with the new cards out.

One opponent steals all of my best cards (3 Truesilver, Emperor) and his Barnes summons Rag.

I did beat one N'zoth Priest in fatigue though because he milled himself with double Cleric.
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