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I think I've lost all my Hunter mirrors. If they drop Fiery Bat turn 1, unless I can answer with my own Bat my curve is dead (any 2 drops get removed, then I'm always behind). Maybe try to get a Houndmaster out to stabilize?

I run 5 one-drops but when they get to play the first one-drop, it doesn't really help even if I can answer. Hunter doesn't want to play reactive all game, and going second in the mirror that's usually the position you're in.

I don't know why I'm thinking about this dumb deck so much, I don't really like playing it. However, since I've decided it's the deck that has the best chance to hit rank 5 I'd like to play it halfway decently.


I'm waiting for those Silence target minions next expansion so blizzard can brag how this was their intention when they introduced Purify.

You'd think that but I'm still waiting for all those awesome rogue weapons they couldn't print until they nerfed blade flurry. Here's their brainstorming..."Hmm what cool weapons can we give rogue? I got it...let's give them a slower, conditional war axe! Great idea print it!"


Lore should've been nerfed but they over nerfed it. Same for Keeper of the Grove.

However, if their reasoning for nerfing Druid cards was mostly "every Druid deck uses two of these because they are so powerful" then a bunch of other cards especially Shaman cards should've been nerfed already.

The problem was so many cards in the basic/classic being seen as necessary in Druid which left little room for experimentation with new decks. You don't see 2 copies of 5+ cards from basic/classic in every shaman deck.


Super Sleuth
I run 5 one-drops but when they get to play the first one-drop, it doesn't really help even if I can answer. Hunter doesn't want to play reactive all game, and going second in the mirror that's usually the position you're in.

I don't know why I'm thinking about this dumb deck so much, I don't really like playing it. However, since I've decided it's the deck that has the best chance to hit rank 5 I'd like to play it halfway decently.

Yeah, hunter is what I've used to get to rank 5. It was easier month when not every opponent was hunter.


As long as we're being experimental with bad card effect ideas, I'd like to suggest the Spell Magnitude effect.

Stick this on a (severely over-costed for the stats) minion and it increases the magnitude of any spell you cast, for all spells with any numerical effect or requirements.

For example, if you have a minion out with Spell Magnitude +1, Shadow Word: Pain hits minions up to 4 attack instead of 3. Rockbiter Weapon increases your attack by 4 instead of 3. Lay On Hands Heals for 9 and draws 4.

Let's just get weird with it.
I feel like this should be a class card (like Priest) because there's probably some interaction with some spells that would be too good.

Like what if it could apply to freeze effects and you could Freeze the opponent for 2 turns versus one.

It's probably better to split this card into multiple different cards.

Like Heal Power (your heals heal for 1 more), buff power (your buffs add +1), draw power (your card that draw or create get one additional draw), ramp power (cards that add crystals add one more) or shadow power (your Priest cards that have a requirement are reduced/increased by one).


I sometimes think this game wants me to stop playing. I get destroyed by extremely gimmicky decks (one with Mad Bombers), priests, can't get out of rank 15 this month and it only gives me 40 gold quests since Friday.


I run 5 one-drops but when they get to play the first one-drop, it doesn't really help even if I can answer. Hunter doesn't want to play reactive all game, and going second in the mirror that's usually the position you're in.

I don't know why I'm thinking about this dumb deck so much, I don't really like playing it. However, since I've decided it's the deck that has the best chance to hit rank 5 I'd like to play it halfway decently.

Yeah the mirror basically turns into an arena match. I would just try to mulligan to hit your drops and hope they miss one of theirs. If you keep reactive stuff and they don't have a drop then you Miss a great opportunity.

Also you can take solace in the fact you can't have the coin three games in a row.


We should be glad that the Blood of the Ancient One isn't some Exodia type card because I have had Rogues pull that twice on me today (both time my Nzoth Paladin answered them).

Barnes is such a stupid card. They have to be careful of printing cards in the next two years because people are going to make cheese decks around a game winning late card using Barnes.


maybe hes learning it.

i just went back into OTK Worgen (everyone is playing resurrect priest now and this thing destroys it) and its tricky getting everything right. I screw up the math all the time when i'm not paying attention.

tip: drop the cruel taskmaster and put in a brawl, its like doubled my winrate. especially helpful agianst more taunty decks.

also reyand's otk giant thing is not a good deck.

Yeah i was playing warrior to quest on my EU account that has a full set of Grim Patron warrior cards and decided to make the OTK deck.

I went 5-0 and felt dirty as hell after each win. I usually suck ass at these combo decks, but I got some pretty easy match ups (priests, paladin, zoo)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
We should be glad that the Blood of the Ancient One isn't some Exodia type card because I have had Rogues pull that twice on me today (both time my Nzoth Paladin answered them).

Barnes is such a stupid card. They have to be careful of printing cards in the next two years because people are going to make cheese decks around a game winning late card using Barnes.

Barnes is so disgusting already and a lot of these decks aren't even super optimized yet. Not looking forward to 2 years of this shit.


I tried to make Barnes work in my Spell Druid by substituting Elise, which was my old alternate win condition, but it's not that great. Pulling Maly or any spell damage minion (or emperor) is pretty good, but overall only about 50% of the targets in my deck are good pulls. Add many good targets, and the spell damage side of the deck suffers, so might as well make a dedicated deck.

Definitely needs a different kind of deck. NZoth X Class + Barnes seems the easiest to get working atm. Damn you powerful deathrattles.
Barnes is so disgusting already and a lot of these decks aren't even super optimized yet. Not looking forward to 2 years of this shit.
My barnes pulled a sylvanas on an empty board so my opponent, a priest, played his emperor and to not get it stolen used equality he got from my deck.

Another game I was dead on board no healing and no draw in hand so played barnes and he pulled happy Rag. Still lost though.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I tried to make Barnes work in my Spell Druid by substituting Elise, which was my old alternate win condition, but it's not that great. Pulling Maly or any spell damage minion (or emperor) is pretty good, but overall only about 50% of the targets in my deck are good pulls.

Definitely needs a different kind of deck. NZoth X Class + Barnes seems the easiest to get working atm. Damn you powerful deathrattles.

Ramp druid with him can be nasty. Here's the list I'm using (dog was streaming it before).


Mire Keeper and Yogg being the only really bad outcome, the versatility given from innervate makes a few of these much more flexible.

I like how this keeps it more open for a later Barnes as well. Later turn barnes can still be amazing with aviana or fandral based on your hand.


I saw that list before, but I don't have many of those cards so I can't try something like that. I'm more restricted to beast/cycle and DR cards.
Just had my first time being fucked by Barnes, not good man. He pulled a copy of Y'Shaarj who then pulled Deathwing. GG.

Edit - just looked above, seems I'm not the only one, lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Time for your infrequent update about Wild and how batshit insane it is:

I just ran into what seemed like a well tuned N'Zoth Hunter deck that I think might be the best deck I have ever seen in the game. It was running Eater of Secrets (I assume to counter mages and the odd secret pally which is falling out of favor), but I have no secrets in my N'Zoth Pally so it was a dead card. But it didn't matter. Mad Scientist, Shredder, Belcher, Highmane, Dr 7, and Call of the Wild, into CotW, into NZoth. I think that series of plays is unbeatable. He didn't need to do that series to me to win, but the deck has it I'm sure. I don't think ANY deck can survive that. Holy cow. Even 2-3 of those cards in a row is insane.

Priests are rampant and Lightbomb is still an amazingly powerful card. Higher up you tend to see lots of Mages (freeze and otherwise), those hunters I mentioned, and your usual collection of Warriors (Shieldmaiden still good, y'all), and Secret Pallys (though less and less these days, I think the Hunters and Priests are too good vs them).

I think Anyfin Pally has a good shot at beating most of these decks if you can tune it well enough. It will wreck Priest (30 HP lolololol, even double Lightbomb and double Entomb won't save you) and will most likely burst down any paladin that isn't also Anyfin assuming it makes it to 10 mana. You can beat freeze mage if you run Eater of Secrets. But the Hunter matchup is tough. Hard to say if you can legend with it, but if you don't see a lot of the Hunters I bet it can do it relatively quickly.


Barnes is a Tuskar Totemic that might draw a 1/1 and a 12/12.

Kind of beats Tuskar which can't do better than a 3/4.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I saw that list before, but I don't have many of those cards so I can't try something like that. I'm more restricted to beast/cycle and DR cards.

Ah, makes sense. Deathrattle is definitely the easiest place to fit him in otherwise.

I refuse to believe Barnes is good, why would anyone want a 1/1 Houndmaster

It's more that houndmaster is too good in these type of lists to not run. If that 1/1 instead dies and summons two 2/2 hyenas it's pretty busted. Hunter has one of the easiest autoincludes of barnes, especially with the addition of Kindly Grandmother.


You can't beat Hunters in Wild with Control decks especially if they have N'zoth.

All the Secret Paladins in Wild are at Legend rank.

People would be running Kezan Mystic if they wanted to counter Hunter and Mage secrets.


It's more that houndmaster is too good in these type of lists to not run. If that 1/1 instead dies and summons two 2/2 hyenas it's pretty busted. Hunter has one of the easiest autoincludes of barnes, especially with the addition of Kindly Grandmother.

You can't get Highmane with Barnes

Or at least I can't
You can't beat Hunters in Wild with Control decks especially if they have N'zoth.

All the Secret Paladins in Wild are at Legend rank.

People would be running Kezan Mystic if they wanted to counter Hunter and Mage secrets.

I was just playing OTK against a secret hunter...first four turns all he did was shoot arrows then dropped a couple minions. Turn 6 drops gadgetzan and I wasn't thinking that he was a secret hunter so I just go face with whatever minion or two i had on there and drew a card.

next turn he plays the 0 mana secret guy, lays down 5 secrets and draws 5 cards. next turn, COTW. next turn: lock and load my face and i lose.

so, next time i see gadgetzan i'm destroying that thing.


Oh man just had a game where the hunter opposite my zoolock did nothing for like 5 turns but spam his hero power then went Emperor Thaurissan ( which I soul siphoned because fuck that nonsense) then reno, cotw and a few turns later deathwing dragonlord. I've never seen that strat before but it scared the fuck out of me before I pulled out a win. I'm guessing my auto killing the emperor ruined his plans to get all his big shit out fast and he ran out of secrets to delay my push.

I do have a question though, outside of swapping that owl with silence into my deck what am I supposed to do about dragon priest and dragon warrior? Is zoo just supposed to lose to those or am I missing something. They don't seem unfair or anything just confusingly hard to deal with.

Outside of pestering this thread what hearthstone community forum is best for having decks looked at and advice given for someone who really wants to actively work on improving?


Guys what you would do in this play?

I think I made bad play at this turn

I living root for kill the toad after play drake, I think there's more optimal play here for the turn

the hunter then deadly shot my Drake and I can't recover
Guys what you do in this play?

I think I made bad play at this turn

I living root for kill the toad after play drake, I think there's more optimal play here for

the hunter then deadly shot my Drake and I can't recover

why the toad? With the spell damage could have killed the wolf. The 1/1s would make the the trade with toad easy but just seems like you're generally fucked in that situation. The golems really are clumping up your hand.


Guys what you would do in this play?

I think I made bad play at this turn

I living root for kill the toad after play drake, I think there's more optimal play here for the turn

the hunter then deadly shot my Drake and I can't recover

I probably would have Living Roots the Wolf to setup a Swipe for next turn.
I kinda want to reduce the minion count right there n made swipe play after drake kill infested wolf, but yeah that so greedy and reckless
Upon further thought that wasn't a bad play. Killing the wolf would have given him an easy trade with one of the 1/1s.
I think the play would have been to living roots for 1/1s. That way he'd only have a 1/4 chance to clear the drake with the toad or 1/3 if he clears one of the 1/1 with his wolf.

Very bad hand though. Not sure you want 2 giants in the deck because of matches like that.


haha just watched kolento lose like 5 straight with resurrect priest and then lose to OTK Warrior and just end his stream out of frustration.

A recurring theme from watching priest streams I see (besides the obvious no early game minions) is that even when they stabilize and start pushing damage it's so slow that a lot of times the enemy can recover through some sort of board clear, yogg, otk, etc. Rez Priest just doesn't have a good finisher or enough big threatening minions to close out games they should win when they're ahead on board and have card advantage.


Losing a close game really stings when it's a 3 star swing... Losing one star instead of gaining two. Now I have to win 3 to make up for that one loss.
A recurring theme from watching priest streams I see (besides the obvious no early game minions) is that even when they stabilize and start pushing damage it's so slow that a lot of times the enemy can recover through some sort of board clear, yogg, otk, etc. Rez Priest just doesn't have a good finisher or enough big threatening minions to close out games they should win when they're ahead on board and have card advantage.

the worst part about when you stabilize with priest is when they drop something you can't answer, you just straight lose even though you struggle just to even get to that point. I've had games where I've stabilized and felt like I couldve won, then just lost b/c I had no more removal in my hand


Warrior is just fucking unplayable because 50% of ladder is hunter and I still have to read daily reddit threads about how every classic warrior card is OP and calling for nerfs that would dumpster the class forever.

Execute should be 5 mana, Fiery War Axe should be a 1/3, Brawl should be ten mana... Fuck everything.

(yeah I got bored playing hunter and tried to ladder with warrior. RIP stars.)


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Guys what you would do in this play?

I think I made bad play at this turn

I living root for kill the toad after play drake, I think there's more optimal play here for the turn

the hunter then deadly shot my Drake and I can't recover

I would've done the same play tbh. Using roots on the wolf is super obvious for swipe and sets up a juicy trade with the toad + a 1/1, plus it feels greedy. I think he was going to be ahead either way with your hand.


Super Sleuth
I feel like rogue should get a low attack version of gladiator's long bow.

Like 3 mana 1/3 immune while attacking. Buff it with deadly poison and baby you got a stew going.


I would've done the same play tbh. Using roots on the wolf is super obvious for swipe and sets up a juicy trade with the toad + a 1/1, plus it feels greedy. I think he was going to be ahead either way with your hand.

if he throws the toad in are you really unhappy?
Eiither way I would have actually considered wild growth + living roots on the wolf + hero power to kill the wolf. It involves taking additional face damage but you get to punish most of his followup plays with spellpower swipe next turn
bad results are like, 2nd infested wolf, barnes pulling a deathrattle, or a houndmaster.
worst possible result is what? 2x kindly grandmother? its the only thing that leaves him with more than 3 power on board at the end of your next turn I think.

I should say obviously this means not playing the drake that turn.
I will also say that if your plan is azure drake and roots toad you should roots before dropping the drake, don't want to take the 50/50 that he sets your drake to 3 health since its so easy for a hunter to mop up 3 health and you dont need the spellpower
I feel like the Priest resurrect decks are more powerful and consistent than people are giving it credit for. Onyx Bishop is a pretty big tempo swing.


Started today at rank 8, one star. When to rank 8, full stats. Fell to rank 9, 4 stars. Went back to rank 8, fills stars.

Currently rank 8, one star. Played 15 or so games and literally made no progress.


I want to try a wicked witchdoctor deck but my only quest is a 40g win with mage/shaman

Really want to reroll that garbage rather than complete it


I feel like the Priest resurrect decks are more powerful and consistent than people are giving it credit for. Onyx Bishop is a pretty big tempo swing.

He should say, "Marvelous."

Perfect against Khadgar opponents.

I think Resurrect decks are terrible against all forms of aggro (Zoolock, Shaman). Also weak to Midrange Hunter + Miracle Rogue because most versions don't have taunts.

Strong against Freeze Mage + Tempo Mage + Priest matchups. OK against Fatigue Warrior + N'zoth Paladin + most Midrange decks although highly reliant on Thoughtsteal RNG.

the worst part about when you stabilize with priest is when they drop something you can't answer, you just straight lose even though you struggle just to even get to that point. I've had games where I've stabilized and felt like I couldve won, then just lost b/c I had no more removal in my hand

In those games, you just wish you had a Reno Jackson type card, but then you will then have a very bad control/ramp deck.


Arcane Giant, Kindly Grandmother, Ivory Knight (mostly in Murloc OTK), Firelands Portal, Enchanted Raven, Cloaked Huntress, Maelstrom Portal, the two Priest cards and Barnes are good to great cards. The rest not so much.

A bit better than expected to be honest.

Thanks I'll check these out!
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