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I was pretty down on Warden going in, but it's been better than I expected. The conditional aspect of it seemed like it was going to be a huge drag on its power level, but it's been surprisingly easy to get a good target for it in the deck I've been running. Maybe I'm just getting lucky draws and/or good matchups? I don't know. All I know is I went on a 16-1 streak and climbed from rank 7 to rank 4 with the deck. So it seems pretty good.


Turn 2 Fandral. 10 mana on turn 5. How the fuck am I suppose to beat this? So annoying when Druid gets lucky mana cheat draws and cruises to a victory simply because the opponent doesn't have the mana to deal with it.

Those are the easiest losses to accept, you can't do anything about it, it's like a Yogg. When someone plays a Yogg because you're hammering them and they get some insane Yogg... you just have to accept it, they know they won because of Yogg RNG and nothing more.


This is not true in the slightest. Warden is still insane on a Savage Combatant/Druid of the Claw and on a smaller minion buffed by Mark. And Tiger itself is a solid card as well. The Aggro Beast Druid runs like 6 stealth minions, you are very likely to hit a target with the Warden.

Beast Druid is obviously a very strong deck, Warden has carried that deck to at least tier 2 caliber.

It's not really a 1 to 1 comparison with Ancient of War either. For one, Menagerie fits better in an aggressive/midrange style deck because it can produce two bodies which means Savage Roar/Power of the Wild synergy. It also comes out one turn earlier and is less susceptible to hard removal.

Warden is not "insane" on smaller beasts. It becomes a faceless summoner which is borderline playable. In my (short) experience with the deck I never got to duplicate a combatant or druid of the claw. They are simply just removed and if they aren't, I'm already winning without warden anyways.

Yeah no competent opponent is letting you duplicate a Savage Combatant or Druid of the Claw. I've never had a Beast Druid pull that off on me, and I rarely do it myself. Turn 5 Druid of the Claw screams "kill me!". It's been Tiger or Raven. Getting a 2/2 or 3/2 cloned isn't amazing for a 6 for 5/5 by any stretch. If you can buff a stealth minion, sure, but that's at least two cards you need to make that happen, and that's not a play you want to make on turn 5 or having a stealth minion just sit there for multiple turns.

I was pretty down on Warden going in, but it's been better than I expected. The conditional aspect of it seemed like it was going to be a huge drag on its power level, but it's been surprisingly easy to get a good target for it in the deck I've been running. Maybe I'm just getting lucky draws and/or good matchups? I don't know. All I know is I went on a 16-1 streak and climbed from rank 7 to rank 4 with the deck. So it seems pretty good.

I'm like 10-1 with Beast Druid, like I said it's decent for laddering. I'm just not getting wins as confidently and by as large a margin as with Hunter/Shaman.
The only thing keeping Beast druid from being a high level tournament deck is Token druid, which might just be the best overall deck in the game that happens to include the best potential comeback mechanic in the game with Yogg. And Beast will still get some play anyway, just like other druid decks still get brought by some instead of Token.

I don't think Warden was overhyped at all. It's almost single-handedly taken a deck archetype from a sort of fun gimmick you see every once in a while to an actual competitive deck. Don't think it's as difficult to get a Claw or Combatant copied as has been suggested. And when you hit the dream, it's a cheesy uninteractive mess.I think it's pretty much everything reasonable people thought it would be.


I'm like 10-1 with Beast Druid, like I said it's decent for laddering. I'm just not getting wins as confidently and by as large a margin as with Hunter/Shaman.

I've had some blowout wins. Usually depends on my drawing early Fandral with some Innervates. My deck is very aggressive though and absolutely destroys slow Warrior and Druid decks.

You guys should be high legend with those winrates @_@

Ha! Well overall I'm at a 73% win rate with the deck. Good, but not 16-1 good. And that's only with about 30 games played. I just don't play enough to be able to hit legend. My win streak happened over 4 days lol.


I've had some blowout wins. Usually depends on my drawing early Fandral with some Innervates. My deck is very aggressive though and absolutely destroys slow Warrior and Druid decks.

Ha! Well overall I'm at a 73% win rate with the deck. Good, but not 16-1 good. And that's only with about 30 games played. I just don't play enough to be able to hit legend. My win streak happened over 4 days lol.

73% winrate? What deck? Beast Druid?


I was at 5 hp, no way I could win, my opponent had a 6/6 on board among other things. Top decked call of the wild twice, won the game....

like holy shit. my opponent was at 18 hp before I play the first one too lol.


You guys should be high legend with those winrates @_@

I don't bother to play for anything other than quests, and when I do it's usually in casual. So me win streaking with a deck is over the course of multiple days if not weeks. I've had a Paladin arena run going for two weeks now because I haven't had a Paladin related quest.

I hit rank 5 with Aggro Shaman easily, that's all I can be bothered with. If even that.

I play Yogg and Load and Reno Mage for fun, rack up plenty of losses with those.

I've had some blowout wins. Usually depends on my drawing early Fandral with some Innervates. My deck is very aggressive though and absolutely destroys slow Warrior and Druid decks.

Fandral is the one thing I haven't bothered to craft, I'm using the +4 health card instead.

Innervate is busted, but I never draw it. I also only get Houndmaster with Barnes.
You shouldn't be losing with Reno Mage.

Unless you don't get your survival spells / Reno in time, but yeah. Tempo mage, especially with Reno is a great way to play against many decks apart from OTK / Combo decks.

I mean, it's basically bide your time until they've dumped their hand, then board clear / Reno and watch them fall apart.

That's the whole reason you don't want to go too crazy against Mage unless you know they're off curve, etc.


I don't have Doomsayer, Alex or Ice Block. It's a terrible deck without em. No Archmage either. Don't care for the deck enough to craft them, it's just something fun to slowly get quests with.

That's fair enough. Seems a bit risky to play it without Ice Block though.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.

Playing ramp druid. I had 20 hp, board presence, and double swipe in my hand to kill this druid even if he did some yogg bullshit to wipe the board.

Yogg bullshit does happen, and my board does get wiped.

Then it used firelands portal on my face, summons tundra rhino, and the last spell is call of the fucking wild.

I think I'm just gonna play aggro from now on since any of my slow decks deal with this garbage now.


So I'm on a winstreak, and I'm currently rank 7 with two stars.

So if I win my next five in a row I'll be rank 5.

Easy, right?


I'm going to get on tonight and play until I lose two. If I make it, I make it. If not, there's always next season.

Rank 6 isn't the worst result in the world. Disappointing, sure, but I'm not going to feel bad about it anymore.


So I'm on a winstreak, and I'm currently rank 7 with two stars.

So if I win my next five in a row I'll be rank 5.

Easy, right?


I'm going to get on tonight and play until I lose two. If I make it, I make it. If not, there's always next season.

Rank 6 isn't the worst result in the world. Disappointing, sure, but I'm not going to feel bad about it anymore.

just play Hunter and see your ranks go up by themselves


I think people are underestimating Warden too. Warden is good with pretty much every beast you have in the deck, albeit conditionally. Even the 2 drop (in stealth) is acceptable, and mounted raptor isn't a bad target either. Having hard to remove minions on the board allows you to blow out the game with savage roar, and both of those drops qualifies as hard to remove. Are they the best targets? Not really. But they are acceptable and allow you to continue the aggression.
So I'm on a winstreak, and I'm currently rank 7 with two stars.

So if I win my next five in a row I'll be rank 5.

Easy, right?


I'm going to get on tonight and play until I lose two. If I make it, I make it. If not, there's always next season.

Rank 6 isn't the worst result in the world. Disappointing, sure, but I'm not going to feel bad about it anymore.

I literally did that with Midrange/Totem Shaman last night. It's definitely feasible.


73% winrate? What deck? Beast Druid?

Yeah. Here is my list:


Thinking of swapping out my Raptors for Druid of the Flames. They synergize better with Fandral and the token that pops out of Raptor is sort of useless in my current build. The 3 attack is nice though as it allows me to contest more stuff. It's tough to say which is the better 3 drop.


Yeah. Here is my list:


Thinking of swapping out my Raptors for Druid of the Flames. They synergize better with Fandral and the token that pops out of Raptor is sort of useless in my current build. The 3 attack is nice though as it allows me to contest more stuff. It's tough to say which is the better 3 drop.

I personally think Flame, just because of the flexibility.


I went 5-1 in casual with a janky tempo mage doing a quest in casual, doesn't mean it's a good deck.

I took the same deck on ranked ladder and had a 20% win rate.


I went 5-1 in casual with a janky tempo mage doing a quest in casual, doesn't mean it's a good deck.

I took the same deck on ranked ladder and had a 20% win rate.

Yeah, that's why I never even bother with testing a deck in Casual. Beating random, off-meta decks just doesn't really tell you much about the quality of a deck.


Unconfirmed Member
Thinking of swapping out my Raptors for Druid of the Flames. They synergize better with Fandral and the token that pops out of Raptor is sort of useless in my current build. The 3 attack is nice though as it allows me to contest more stuff. It's tough to say which is the better 3 drop.

I have a very similar Beasy druid list. It runs both Raptors and Flames. I constantly feel like having the deathrattle from the Raptor to almost guarantee something on the board is better than having the 2/5 or 5/2 which never ever survives the turn. Obviously with Fandral you sometimes (very rarely from my experience) get a 5/5 out of it, but over all the times I'd draw a 3 cost card and wish it was a sticky 3/2 was more than a beefy 2/5 or hyper fragile 5/2. Maybe if your deck was a bit slower and less aggressive you could afford it, but in general playing the sticky minion always feels better to me.

Then again, I still love playing Wild where Haunted Creeper, Shredder and Sludge Belcher are the norm.


I went 5-1 in casual with a janky tempo mage doing a quest in casual, doesn't mean it's a good deck.

I took the same deck on ranked ladder and had a 20% win rate.

the same happened with my zoo deck.. I went 6-0 in casual play and when I went to ranked play I didn't win any match... I don't want to go risk my rank to try decks, tho

although my rank plummeted
I'm the type of person that practices things in ranked 100% of the time.

If there's no points on the line, I'm not gonna do my best.

Excited to have a solid Druid deck w/ beast though. Don't have the will to spend cash on an Astral / Yogg deck.


Yeah, that's why I never even bother with testing a deck in Casual. Beating random, off-meta decks just doesn't really tell you much about the quality of a deck.

Even people playing tier one meta decks aren't generally making the best plays. They're in casual because they're trying to learn the deck. I was in casual because my tempo mage deck was doing really, really poorly on ladder and I had a 5-win Mage quest I didn't want to reroll.


I think people are underestimating Warden too. Warden is good with pretty much every beast you have in the deck, albeit conditionally. Even the 2 drop (in stealth) is acceptable, and mounted raptor isn't a bad target either. Having hard to remove minions on the board allows you to blow out the game with savage roar, and both of those drops qualifies as hard to remove. Are they the best targets? Not really. But they are acceptable and allow you to continue the aggression.

The stealth minion isn't guaranteed to survive. Even if you drop it on turn 5 before the Warden, plenty of decks have AOE to kill it. The Tiger is fat enough that he can avoid it, but Consecration, Lightning Storm, Wild Pyromancer and a bunch of other cards are all over the place. You can play a Raven or a 2-drop on the same turn as Warden, but that's turn 7+. Innervate lets you cheat, so that'll happen now and then and if you can copy a 4/4 Raven on turn 3 go for it. But cloning a 2/2 or 3/2 isn't that great when you look at Warden's conditional value versus the main man:

Six drops need to deliver the goods. Basically every one that's played is nuts, and most are Legendary as a result. Without Tiger and Innervate, Warden wouldn't see play. Your opponent has too much control over what you can and can't clone.

Yeah. Here is my list:

Thinking of swapping out my Raptors for Druid of the Flames. They synergize better with Fandral and the token that pops out of Raptor is sort of useless in my current build. The 3 attack is nice though as it allows me to contest more stuff. It's tough to say which is the better 3 drop.

That's almost my deck, -2 Wrath and +2 Druid of the Flame and -1 Fandral and +1 Wildwalker. I'll drop Wildwaker for a Wrath, that was just a random filler as I don't have Fandral.

Like I said, good win rate, but I have not been happy about the quality of wins.
Even people playing tier one meta decks aren't generally making the best plays. They're in casual because they're trying to learn the deck. I was in casual because my tempo mage deck was doing really, really poorly on ladder and I had a 5-win Mage quest I didn't want to reroll.

I prefer to play on the Wild ladder when I'm testing decks or completing quests. It counts towards golden hero portraits. I haven't climbed high enough to actually run across good competition in Wild, though, so it doesn't tell me much about how good my decks are or how well I'm piloting them.


Also Warden has both the strength and drawback of copying a minion's exact state.

Buffed it? Great. But I just played a match where my opponent couldn't kill my Druid of the Claw, so they dealt five to it anyway just so all I'd copy was a 4/1. You don't even need to kill minions to drastically reduce Warden's effectiveness.


I prefer to play on the Wild ladder when I'm testing decks or completing quests. It counts towards golden hero portraits. I haven't climbed high enough to actually run across good competition in Wild, though, so it doesn't tell me much about how good my decks are or how well I'm piloting them.

btw.. how is wild ladder? too brutal? as brutal as standard ladder?
btw.. how is wild ladders? too brutal? as brutal as standard ladder?

If you have cards it's kina like a different meta. Not super tough.

If you don't have cards, it's rough.

Too many good cards to keep up with using just standard cards.

Like, Mech Mage exists in the Wild.
btw.. how is wild ladders? too brutal? as brutal as standard ladder?

Every time I play on Wild, it's nothing but scrubs. I don't play enough to get high ranked on it, but with relatively few games played, I'm at around rank 11 right now. The last 2 quests I played on the Wild ladder I went 3-0 with Mech Mage and 5-0 with Midrange Paladin.

Like, Mech Mage exists in the Wild.

Yes it does. And it's still good.


If you have cards it's kina like a different meta. Not super tough.

If you don't have cards, it's rough.

Too many good cards to keep up with using just standard cards.

Like, Mech Mage exists in the Wild.

Every time I play on Wild, it's nothing but scrubs. I don't play enough to get high ranked on it, but with relatively few games played, I'm at around rank 11 right now. The last 2 quests I played on the Wild ladder I went 3-0 with Mech Mage and 5-0 with Midrange Paladin.

Yes it does. And it's still good.

yeah I've been thinking if I could somehow play there comparatively good or even better than on standard ladder.

Specially considering i don't have any cards from wild
yeah I've been thinking if I could somehow play there comparatively good or even better than on standard ladder.

Specially considering i don't have any cards from wild

If you don't have GVG and Naxx cards, stay the fuck out of Wild. You just can't compete with Shredder and Dr. Boom.
I now regret struggling through five wins with my garbage ass mage yesterday. I have the Tavern Brawl quest to finish, too.

I should know better at this point since mage is pretty much always amazing in Tavern Brawl.


yeah I've been thinking if I could somehow play there comparatively good or even better than on standard ladder.

Specially considering i don't have any cards from wild

Dr. Boom is usually an auto-include, but since you don't have any wild cards, I wouldn't bother.

You can always play Arena if you want something different.
My opponent got a tirion, got greedy and tried going face too much. He buffed tirion. I got BGH from unstable, and flipped the game with 2 portals that gained health. lol

He even let dust devil survive and I had another silverymoon portal.
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