Me = Tempo Mage, Opponent = Druid
Me Turn 1: Babbling Book -> Arcane Missles
Druid Turn 1: Living Roots, summon two dudes
Me Turn 2: Babbling Book -> Spellbender. Cast Arcane Missles to kill his two dudes. Book goes face
Druid Turn 2: Druid of the Saber in Stealth Mode
Me Turn 3: Cast Spellbender
Druid Turn 3: Mark of Y'Spellbender is a 3/5 now
Druid concedes.
Did he end up drawing a card from Mark? Curious since the original target was a beast.
My finger is hovering over the craft button for Thalnos, but I can never make the decision.
It is either Thalnos/2x Doomsayers, or 2x Twilight Drakes to make a lame-o dragon warrior, or Twin Emps to start building a C'thun warrior (though would still be missing Shield slams, a brawl and Justicar so a ways to go there).
Check out the Cycle Cthun variant, much, much cheaper to craft and most pros consider it superior to the control version in the current meta.
It plays like the otk warrior decks, you aggressively draw cards so you can play C'thun early and then if that doesn't kill them you play an Emperor reduced Brann/Doomcaller turn to put two more C'thuns in your deck.
Worse against control but better vs midrange and tempo.
Yeah, all I need for that one is Twin Emps, but I think I would rather screw around with the blood warriors arcane giants deck than that one. Getting your Cthun transformed or stolen by some damn dirty priest seems like the worst thing in the world with that deck.
My finger is hovering over the craft button for Thalnos, but I can never make the decision.
It is either Thalnos/2x Doomsayers, or 2x Twilight Drakes to make a lame-o dragon warrior, or Twin Emps to start building a C'thun warrior (though would still be missing Shield slams, a brawl and Justicar so a ways to go there).
I was coming here to say that I'm at the crafting button for Call of The Wild... I can tolerate no more of this injustice! so I'm thinking of joining... I'm still so undecided
It's a pretty fun deck and super cheap to basically have the best possible version.
and I'm not wrong about thinking this card alone will be running in the future decks of hunter, right? seems like it is very valuable now
COTW will be auto include in every non face hunter deck until it rotates out. And face decks are anti fun.
COTW will be auto include in every non face hunter deck until it rotates out. And face decks are anti fun.
Well, this was a fun arena run... (was playing as priest)
Every single of those mages that i went 2nd against, had zombie chow in opening hand. Its a miracle I even managed to win a couple of those match ups.
Look at that shit, 8 mages in 10 games... Just ridiculous
OTK combo using Menagerie Warden.
Brann + Warden + Druid of the Saber + double Abusive.
I managed to climb to 5 with Beast and Token druid, so I do think YMMV. My matches against hunter in particular seem to go really well, especially with beast druid. Against Shaman it's trickier, but it depends a lot if you can ramp early (seems to always be that way)
I should clarify that I was using Token Druid. Beast might not be a bad switch.
I am not but people might try it on ladder and there might be some half way point where people play a Beast + combo Druid deck where they have the early game aggression plus draws and then a late game finisher.I hope you aren't trying to say that this is going to be a thing.
I am not but people might try it on ladder and there might be some half way point where people play a Beast + combo Druid deck where they have the early game aggression plus draws and then a late game finisher.
Like you are just adding double Abusive (which aggro Beast Druids already run at least one of), Emperor and a Bran... the rest of the stuff are already in Beast Druid.
I am not but people might try it on ladder and there might be some half way point where people play a Beast + combo Druid deck where they have the early game aggression plus draws and then a late game finisher.
Like you are just adding double Abusive (which aggro Beast Druids already run at least one of), Emperor and a Bran... the rest of the stuff are already in Beast Druid.
I think there might be some merit in adding in Brann to the Beast Curator Druid deck though.
the problem is you invested a ton of mana in a board that A) can just be wrathed and B) doesn't have taunt.
This is not true in the slightest. Warden is still insane on a Savage Combatant/Druid of the Claw and on a smaller minion buffed by Mark. And Tiger itself is a solid card as well. The Aggro Beast Druid runs like 6 stealth minions, you are very likely to hit a target with the Warden.Warden just sucks without Tiger, and Tiger isn't good* without Warden.
This is not true in the slightest. Warden is still insane on a Savage Combatant/Druid of the Claw and on a smaller minion buffed by Mark. And Tiger itself is a solid card as well. The Aggro Beast Druid runs like 6 stealth minions, you are very likely to hit a target with the Warden.
I finally got some stupid shit to work after about a year of trying.
Coldarra Drake, Fallen Hero x 2, and Maiden of the Lake all on the board. Burned my opponent down with just my hero power. Granted he was a beginner, but I feel like I can now delete this worthless deck.
Of course my golden legendary is this
nerf pls