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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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I will say that Rag has started to get a bit overplayed. He's in every damn deck these days, and I get why. We are back to a place where the high cost cards that see play need to have amazing effects and can't simply buy l be big bodies. Ragnaros essentially has 8 charge damage that you can't control. That is a big effect and will keep him relevant probably forever.

Thinking about other big cost cards with immediate impact, there aren't many. Dr. Boom gets a pass due to being a turn earlier and crazy overstatted with the ability to burst tons of damage with boombots. Antonidas's impact is because you can cast a couple spells in the same turn. Tirion & Sylvannas cause the opponent to play suboptimally to get around them. There aren't many others that I can think of that have a huge impact by themselves. So stiff like Rag sees play because it has an impact right away.

And dr. boom was more problematic than ragnaros.

I think big legs like antonidas and tirion are perfectly fine cause they're class legs and can't just be widely used the same way a neutral can. And hypothetically if they were neutral cards and not broken (by prep, innervate etc), they'd still be more acceptable than ragnaros is I think.

Blizzard has been moving away from huge impact NEUTRAL legends like ragnaros with the past couple expansions. They are a lot more specialized or niche. The old gods are the prime examples, especially twin emperors.

Now look at the theme of mean streets, it's got tri-class legends. A very powerful one revealed so far, but it probably won't be egregious because it's limited to 3 classes. It still needs to be balanced, of course, but it's not like you're gonna see kazakus in every control deck possible.

Speaking of the old gods, I wonder if we will see any new c'thun cards. It sorta makes sense for this to be the last expansion to have any c'thun cards added if they want to since both sets rotate out at the same time.


Unconfirmed Member
Blizzard has been moving away from huge impact NEUTRAL legends like ragnaros with the past couple expansions. They are a lot more specialized or niche. The old gods are the prime examples, especially twin emperors.

Now look at the theme of mean streets, it's got tri-class legends. A very powerful one revealed so far, but it probably won't be egregious because it's limited to 3 classes. It still needs to be balanced, of course, but it's not like you're gonna see kazakus in every control deck possible.

Based on the Kazakus restriction being basically Reno, I can't see lots of decks choosing to run him. Despite the crazy powerful effects he can create, the downside of losing so much consistency is probably too much in standard atm. Hard to say though, it's entirely possible we see tons of Reno/Kazakus decks until the next rotation and then he's dead just like Reno was/is.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
We're getting close to OT8. Open tryouts on OT titles!

Hearthstone |OT8| You said you wanted better Priest cards
Hearthstone |OT8| Incoming Renozakus Meta


Unconfirmed Member
Hearthstone |OT8| Ninja Murlocs, Player Crafted Spells, and 0 Mana 7/7s, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Hearthstone |OT8| Who Wants to Cast a Spell? I Want to Cast a Spell.

Hearthstone |OT8| Cops, Robbers, Pirates, and Ninja Murlocs
Playing some more Paladin and the lack of consistent removal is really egregious. Opponent plays rag and I can't do shit because I only have a Pyro but no equality in hand, I play my Rag and get lucky with a 1 in 3 to kill his Rag, Druid Swipes Wrath Wrath to clear it and cycles through his deck in the process (had dragon out)


Rag is one of my favourite Legendaries. It's an incredibly powerful late drop but it's just at the right power level where it can shift in and out of meta unlike cards like Tirion and Grommash which will always see play. That's the kind of card I'd want to see more of in a constant set like classic.
Kazakus is going to be awesome while Reno is in the rotation, because one copy decks will have two super powerful cards to support the value inconsistentcy versus standard decks. After LoE leaves the rotation, it will be played much less.


if those cards don't make priest tier 1, nothing will. they are straight up stupid OP.

Dragon bomb actually kills more mid range minions than light bomb, stuff that priest has issues killing. you can always death those 8/8s.

No one will beat priest in card advantage or fatigue plans unless you're playing violet illusionist warrior. That might actually be the best priest counter lol.

zoo board flood, mid range shaman and things like that are already good match ups for priest with the current builds, they have no shot at beating priest then with new cards.

Dragons should beat druid. With that many good match ups it's tier 1. That new priest dragon is ridiculous, people still haven't realized the implications of how ridiculous exactly that is...
Honestly I hope that the other tri class legendaries are as interesting as Kazakus but I'm not counting on it. I'm thinking the Goons are going to have a 'create a weapon' kind of effect if they want each of these to be very similar (like the other tri-class cards shown so far) and then the lotus having a 'create a minion' effect for its legendary all with different bodys/stats but again I'd prefer to see something really different from each one not just a different variant on the same mechanic like we've seen for the try class cards so far (discover another classes card among your group).


Sounds like new card(s) will be revealed today by Blizzard and then the media will start revealing stuff from tomorrow onwards - like they did with Old Gods.
Hearthstone |OT8| Who Wants to Cast a Spell? I Want to Cast a Spell.
Pavel Sports


How can any definitive claims be made about priest power or anything else in Gadgetzan? We haven't even seen a quarter of the cards yet! Lol

So much more needs to shake out first.


if those cards don't make priest tier 1, nothing will. they are straight up stupid OP.

Dragon bomb actually kills more mid range minions than light bomb, stuff that priest has issues killing. you can always death those 8/8s.

No one will beat priest in card advantage or fatigue plans unless you're playing violet illusionist warrior. That might actually be the best priest counter lol.

zoo board flood, mid range shaman and things like that are already good match ups for priest with the current builds, they have no shot at beating priest then with new cards.

Dragons should beat druid. With that many good match ups it's tier 1. That new priest dragon is ridiculous, people still haven't realized the implications of how ridiculous exactly that is...

Yup, the priest cards are crazy.

Though it does seem that Blizzard knows it and gives Miracle Rogue 2 coins to provide the counter.


While I'm happy my main class seems to be getting good cards, let's not jump the gun too much. I'm not sure the cards will make that much of a difference. Upgrade priest to relevance? I sure hope so. Upgrade to dominance? I don't think so.

I agree. So far, Priest gets:

- An AoE that is certainly great, but also literally blank against some not-uncommon decks and minions, including the mirror
- A 3-mana 3/7 in a world of 4-mana 7/7s, 0-mana 5/5s, and 0-mana 8/8s
- A card that looks okay on paper if you can stomach playing Shadow Word Horror
- A better Shadow Madness, but it's even less impactful late-game
- A Pit Fighter + a card, which is great, but it might as well rotate out with BRM
- The Kabal legendary, which looks hilarious but might as well rotate out with Reno

I mean, I love each and every one of the new Priest cards and am glad Blizzard is giving me half a chance now, but we're not talking top-tier stuff, especially post-rotation once most of the Dragon tools are gone. (Except Dragonbomb, which gets better post-rotation for the inverse reason, as it will then kill everything not named Azure Drake.)


Unconfirmed Member
I miss the constant drip feed they did of card reveals they did for WotOG. Was nice to have something new every day to talk about.


if those cards don't make priest tier 1, nothing will. they are straight up stupid OP.

Dragon bomb actually kills more mid range minions than light bomb, stuff that priest has issues killing. you can always death those 8/8s.

No one will beat priest in card advantage or fatigue plans unless you're playing violet illusionist warrior. That might actually be the best priest counter lol.

zoo board flood, mid range shaman and things like that are already good match ups for priest with the current builds, they have no shot at beating priest then with new cards.

Dragons should beat druid. With that many good match ups it's tier 1. That new priest dragon is ridiculous, people still haven't realized the implications of how ridiculous exactly that is...
There's no doubt that those Priest cards are above the power curve.

However, Priest still has a myriad of bad match ups that are not entirely rectified by these new cards.

Still bad against Renolock/Handlock because of Jaraxxus.

Still bad against Rogues and Miracoli.

Bad against Freeze Mage. Not that great against Tempo Mage either.

Bad against against Anyfin Paladin.

I feel like Dragon Priest is going to be the dominant Priest deck not Control Priest and that can be targetted far better than Midrange Shaman. Priest still does not have the burst to pressure the combo decks. Of course we haven't seen all the Priest cards yet but it's unlikely that Priest will get a burst finisher.


That's when the new dragon comes into play, that guy can win a lot of bad match ups by itself. Oh you just discovered iceblock against freeze mage? gg well played.

Renolock is not good against midrange threats, you take so much damage, it's far from handlock. Can you even get to Jaraxxus without dying against those high hp minions that you have no good way to clear? like twisting nether is all you have, shadow flame is unreliable. There is no dark bomb anymore to help kill things with hellfire.

yeah, dragon is obviously going to be better. Dragon priest is still a controlling deck, you can build in different ways really. Some card choices can make it a completely different deck. Like we used to have the combo one with divine spirit last year even! It's a very good deck at board control and slowing things down, then you can follow through to what your game plan or win condition is.

Priest still has no way to deal with aggro but lets give him more 5 mana cards that force certain deck types

I don't know what game you're playing. dragon priest always rolled any face deck, it's like what the deck is designed to do. The only proper face deck we have right now is pirate warrior that folds to taunts... secret hunter is a board based deck, they can't burn you down like warrior can. There is not enough damage without board, it's not like what shaman used to do. Priest has tempo heals, priest of the feast is crazy good against aggro, they have to kill it and that gives you a huge advantage.


Depending on how you build the dragon deck (Midrange or Control) would make it susceptible to different things. Renolock would still crush the control variant but do worse against the Midrange variant for example. I think Midrange Dragon Priest will be the go to because playing on curve is good.


Depending on how you build the dragon deck (Midrange or Control) would make it susceptible to different things. Renolock would still crush the control variant but do worse against the Midrange variant for example. I think Midrange Dragon Priest will be the go to because playing on curve is good.

Could dragon priest be a good counterpick to midrange shaman? at least that way the deck will be a success for me, even if has some terrible MU


Unconfirmed Member
Auctioneer Beardo inspired me to build a Mage Finley Inspire deck, and it's doing a little better than I expected, going 6-3 at rank 17. Turns out infinite 0/2 Taunts can be pretty good.

Still not sure what Auctioneer Beardo is for though. I find for the midrangy decks that Inspire works best in, the only hero power that you'd usually love to repeatedly hit is Paladin, Mage, or Shaman. Everything else either doesn't benefit much from double hero power in one turn, or doesn't impact the board.

It's certainly not going to work in non-inspire decks like Totem Shaman, or else you'd see Garrison Commander used a lot more.
How are you supposed to beat Freeze Mage? I'm using Dragon Priest and every time I get out a couple big threats (not filling the board for fear of Flamestrike) he just uses Cone of Cold or Blizzard. Then again he got really lucky by getting freeze spells from Cabalist's Tome, and his Medivh gave him Curator and Antonidas. I'm at 20 HP and he just burns me to win.



Fun and interactive.


Unconfirmed Member
I think it might be web only through battle.net :/

I think everyone hopes that it doesn't stay that way. But you are right, as of now there is no way to pre-order except though Battle.net... EXCUSE ME.. Blizzard Tech.net or whatever.


there is no in client preorder this time, only on their online shop.

That's not changing, it is mentioned very clearly in their press release that it's only available there. there is no card back this time.
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