It's actually hilarious that even if you hit two minions with that Battlecry, it's still not as powerful as Dr Balanced stats wise lol. Card is overall fine though.
I think it would actually compete with Dr. Boom if it hit two minions. You and I have agreed that Divine Shield is worth 2.5 health, basically. So, a 6/6 divine shield taunt is slightly better than a 6/8 taunt but not as good as a 6/9 taunt. So by itself, I would say it is a pretty good card that is slightly better than Bog Creeper. That might not be enough to see play in constructed, so that's where the battlecry comes in. We know this battlecry can be good because argent protector is a pretty good card. I think you could probably evaluate the effect as being worth 1 mana for each target it hits. So if it hits 2 targets, that is 9 mana. Dr. Boom has a pretty similar value proposition if you consider a 7/7 to be worth 6 mana and the Boom Bots to be worth 3 mana.
So yeah. He's pretty good. He's Sunwalker at its cost plus an extra stat plus a double argent protector battlecry. And he might prompt hard removal like entomb which opens the door for Tirion.
It doesn't have divine shield.
Been there done that many times already lol.Edit: I cannot read.
Yep. Warrior card is just wow, so bad. 4/3 stats and buffs hand minions in a class that probably doesn't care about that.
It's kind of crazy that we've seen all but one Paladin card and not a single card for Shaman or Warlock.
It's kind of crazy that we've seen all but one Paladin card and not a single card for Shaman or Warlock.
they can't be serious with this. Not even a good deathrattle, not a single cost efficient control spell, nothing. This set is already a miss unless the neutrals come through.
they can't be serious with this. Not even a good deathrattle, not a single cost efficient control spell, nothing. This set is already a miss unless the neutrals come through.
Peléo;224027328 said:The Legendary has some potential in control lists. Finja can maybe work as an option to pull the Murlocs from the deck. There is also the (1) 2/2 Deathrattle: Restore 4 Health to both heroes.
But I agree there is not much within the Paladin cards for control achetypes. They went almost all-in on the Buff-Hand style, which makes sense considering the theme of the expansion.
Its seems they think they only give pally control stuff at last 2 xpac, so they just want new pally deck instead supporting the old ones, its like reverse warlock situation, I really hope its slow warlock turn to getting card
Pally never gonna had efficient removal btw.
Wait only one Paladin card remains?
If that new Paladin card isn't something different AND this new Paladin archetype isn't good... Paladins are screwed in the new meta.
I feel like it's going to run into the same issue as Onyxia in Evolve decks.Dopplegangster is so ridiculous with Evolve that I can't imagine it doesn't become staple either immediately or after the next rotation. 6 mana, two cards to summon three random 6 drops is just nuts. You don't even need to commit to an Evolve deck for that to be a busted combo.
I feel like it's going to run into the same issue as Onyxia in Evolve decks.
A decent enough chance that you get Baron Geddon and/or Acidmaw that just crushes your own board.
I feel like it's going to run into the same issue as Onyxia in Evolve decks.
A decent enough chance that you get Baron Geddon and/or Acidmaw that just crushes your own board.
6 mana slot is actually very stable so it's safe to Evolve.
I wonder if they'll finally get around to fixing the Mistcaller interaction with all the focus on hand buffing.
What's busted about Mistcaller?
What's busted about Mistcaller?
Grimy Goons mechanic sucks tho, not gonna surprised if this faction archetype not played at all
Even reading this already not looked impresiveI dunno, I'm not looking forward in meeting 6/6 Azure drakes or 7/7 Emperors on curve.
Or a 4/9 taunt give millions of armor by warriors.