Even reading this already not looked impresive
Against classes that don't have cheap hard removal, those buff cards can be insane.
That said I wonder if the buff is permanent, as in does it persist after getting sapped?
Even reading this already not looked impresive
The warrior card is just another handbuff card and I have nothing new to say about these cards.
If that mechanic falls flaton it's face than mostof the goes to waste. I'm really getting more and more TGT vibes from this set, also because they are revealing this many shitty filler cards this early.
new card
we made this weapon so you buff it then it buffs your guys. works every time.
really bad... 2 attack weapons are so bad.
Indeed they are. That alone should be reason enoguh why this weapon won't see any play.new card
we made this weapon so you buff it then it buffs your guys. works every time.
really bad... 2 attack weapons are so bad.
new card
we made this weapon so you buff it then it buffs your guys. works every time.
really bad... 2 attack weapons are so bad.
The goons theme seems really forced in warrior, guess they'll be stuck playing largely classic cards yet again.
You know what I stand corrected, most of my experience with warrior comes as playing against the control variant but looking at the deck lists they have actually gotten some really nice stuff in past expansions.c'thun warrior?
dragon warrior?
pirate warrior?
removal warrior?
classic control warrior hasn't been a thing for a long time
That priest card "6-mana 5 damage to all non-dragons" makes more sense now, if they are expecting minions with higher than average HP pool. But if nobody ends up using those "buff minions in hands" -cards then the new priest aoe clear will be insane.
If people do end up using those "buff minions in hands" then the clear will have less effect. But still be very, very good compared to holy nova or excavated evil.
If that's true then:
If that's true then:
Overall I'd say, warrior and hunter are not touching any of these buffs released so far. Hunter 2 drop is ok though and it could be played as a filler 2 drop in future. The Kodo is just good by itself, it doesn't need buffs. That's what a good card is. If you are playing a mediocre card to go along with another mediocre card to make something good, your deck is mediocre at best. It doesn't work in Hearthstone, you need cards to be good by themselves, more so in a hunter or midrange warrior deck. If you're playing a bad card it needs to be a game ending combo or similar which none of these are. The weapon buff only makes sense in a face deck, no other warrior deck wants to play a 3/3 do nothing card, even if it's good with fool's bane, it's not a good game plan for a deck.
Now paladin cards are better because they impact your entire hand and not a single card you have no control over. Even then the effect isn't worth paying too much for. The 1 mana spell and the 2 drop are the only ones worth considering imo. The rest are junk.
I figured that out when I saw the name, but I wouldn't be supried of we get something like this.It's not the real card.
If that's true then:
I have seen worse names for real cards:It is literally called "the original idea" and people thought it was real still![]()
Grimy Goons mechanic sucks tho, not gonna surprised if this faction archetype not played at all
SHOCKING: ATLC 2 kickstarter wasn't a hit, been cancelled.
Weapon does not look playable, its only decent if you play it on curve with Pawnbroker.
it should be out in 3 weeks.
They cover Jade Lotus next week, then another week for the rest of the cards ending with a stream, then you have one week until patch and release. I'm going with Dec 1.
Is there an actual release date for the expansion already or is it still early december?
Analyzing this mathematically, 2/3 weapon is roughly equivalent to 2 mana in value. Getting a minion in hand buffed by +1/+1 I am going to say is worth a bit less than 1 mana.new card
we made this weapon so you buff it then it buffs your guys. works every time.
really bad... 2 attack weapons are so bad.
If you look at a buff deck in general I think it holds up better. We need to see the rest of the cards but if there are cards that buff weapons in hand and weapons that buff minions then it stands to reason you will always have something in hand to buff something up. Combine that with cards that discover outside of classes and the concept is interesting to say the least.Analyzing this mathematically, 2/3 weapon is roughly equivalent to 2 mana in value. Getting a minion in hand buffed by +1/+1 I am going to say is worth a bit less than 1 mana.
If you get two attacks on this weapon then it's still below its cost but at 3 it's a bit above. And just like Piranha Launcher, this accrues value over time not in one turn which means that it's worth less.
So this card accrues value over 3 turns and even then it comes out worse than Piranha Launcher. Granted this comes out one turn earlier but also has less board impact.
If you don't buff this card then it's not good. Any weapon that you need to buff to be good is overall not that good. You can make the case for this in Pirate Warrior but you aren't going to cut War Axe or Arcanite Reaper for it so it becomes an awkward 5th-6th weapon in the deck.