Rotation is going to hurt Rogue, yes. Every class gets shitty cards, yes. My complaint isn't about Rogue, or Mage, or Warlock though. It's about Paladin.
Paladin is in the dumpster and has been most of standard since release, with only brief highlights here and there, such as GvG and the heydey of Midrange with value cards like Minibot, or the Mysterious Challenger nightmare, or the (very) brief episodes of popularity of Anyfin Paladin. The class archetype just does not work: expensive buffs that require controlling the board without cheap powerful AoE or cheap effective removal or extraordinarily high value early game cards is just not a workable concept in a game where other classes have some or even all of those tools.
Too many Paladin deck builds require multiple card combos or extraordinary slow buildups, like equality + consecrate/pyro, or slow (and ridiculous) cards like Bolvar, or the current "buffadin" concept. And too many Paladin decks are built largely on neutral cards, which goes to show how weak their core cards are.
Rotation is going to hurt Paladin just as much as anyone else. Given the already miserable state of the class, that makes something like Dinosize completely uninteresting, at best.
TL;DR: Paladin is shite and Blizzard isn't doing much about it.