all of those poisonous cards in arena are going to be very annoying but I guess they make the games more back and forth.
Hydra in arena is definitely very scary, you don't care about hp much in arena, removal is rare and if they use on it they don't have something for more expensive ones and they can't develop. You're unlikely to get rekt on board by playing it. I don't know how offer rate of neutral epics works out, hopefully not very high.
In constructed, I think people will certainly try beast druid and I expect this to be double innervated out on turn 1 and win games like Fel Reaver was. There is no bgh, it's even better when you do that. I don't see anyone else playing this though as talked the other day, specially burn decks like pirate warrior. That could be the best druid deck actually. If meta is all zoo like decks every other druid deck will be bad so might as well try aggro yourself, not that beast druid would be that good against zoo decks but it can high roll anything hard and win. I don't think anyone else will play hydra and it can be clunky if you're playing it on 5 it's no where nearly as much potential as it does have in druid. So maybe it sees more play if beast druid becomes popular, I think on first weeks it will be for sure as it's one of the easiest decks to build well. I've doubt if it's going to stick around like every time. Fel Reaver decks came and go too as meta adjusted, one month you had mech mage and aggro druid with it in great numbers, the next month it completely went away when meta adjusts. So calling the card 'trash' is too much, I admit that, it's potential. I can agree with 3. It's a card that its presence can shape how other decks are built, that's powerful.